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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Bahnhof, Station
     3. [2] Militär: Position, Stellung
     4. [3] (sozialer) Rang, Stellung
     5. [4] Radiostation, Radiosender
     6. [5] Haltung, Körperhaltung
     7. [6] Australien: große Farm
     8. [7] Referenzpunkt, Bezugspunkt, Richtpunkt
           [1] The train left the station 10 minutes late.
             Der Zug verließ den Bahnhof mit 10 Minuten Verspätung.
           [2] The soldiers reached their station minutes after the attack.
             Die Soldaten erreichten ihre Stellung wenige Minuten nachdem sie angegriffen wurden.
           [3] In the 18th century Women were of lower social station than man.
             Im 18. Jahrhundert waren Frauen von niedrigerer sozialer Stellung als Männer.
           [4] I loved that station! It played my favourite music all the time!
             Ich habe diesen Radiosender geliebt! Er hat immer meine Lieblingsmusik gespielt!
           [5] The soldiers were not allowed to easy their station.
             Den Soldaten wurde nicht erlaubt eine bequeme Haltung einzunehmen.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. (obsolete) The fact of standing still; motionlessness, stasis.
     2. subst. (astronomy) The apparent standing still of a superior planet just before it begins or ends its retrograde motion.
     3. subst. A stopping place.
     4. subst.          A regular stopping place for ground transportation.
                   The next station is Esperanza.
     5. subst.          A ground transportation depot.
                   It's right across from the bus station.
     6. subst.          A place where one stands or stays or is assigned to stand or stay.
                   From my station at the front door, I greeted every visitor.
                   All ships are on station, Admiral.
     7. subst.          (US) A gas station, service station.
     8. subst. A place where workers are stationed.
     9. subst.          An official building from which police or firefighters operate.
                   The police station is opposite the fire station.
     10. subst.          A place where one performs a task or where one is on call to perform a task.
                   The waitress was at her station preparing three checks.
                   The station is part of a group of stations run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
     11. subst.          A military base.
                   She had a boyfriend at the station.
     12. subst.          A place used for broadcasting radio or television.
                   I used to work at a radio station.
     13. subst.          (Australia, New Zealand) A very large sheep or cattle farm.
     14. subst. One of the Stations of the Cross.
     15. subst. The Roman Catholic fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion.
     16. subst. A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers.
     17. subst. Standing; rank; position.
           She had ambitions beyond her station.
     18. subst. A broadcasting entity.
           I used to listen to that radio station.
     19. subst. (Newfoundland) A harbour or cove with a foreshore suitable for a facility to support nearby fishing.
     20. subst. (surveying) Any of a sequence of equally spaced points along a path.
     21. subst. The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs; a habitat.
     22. subst. (mining) An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accommodation of a pump, tank, etc.
     23. subst. Post assigned; office; the part or department of public duty which a person is appointed to perform; sphere of duty or occupation; employment.
     24. subst. (medicine) The position of the foetal head in relation to the distance from the ischial spines, measured in centimetres.
     25. v. To put in place to perform a task.
           The host stationed me at the front door to greet visitors.
     26. v. To put in place to perform military duty.
           They stationed me overseas just as fighting broke out.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. subst. railway depot, railroad station, railway station, train station


From which station does the train leave? 
    An welchem Bahnhof fährt der Zug ab?
I think she's probably waiting at the station now. 
    Ich vermute, dass sie wohl gerade am Bahnhof wartet.
My house is located at a distance from the station. 
    Mein Haus ist ein Stück vom Bahnhof entfernt.
On my way home I fell asleep in the train, and rode past my station. 
    Auf meinem Weg nach Hause schlief ich ein und fuhr an meiner Station vorbei.
The restaurant was far from the train station. 
    Das Restaurant war weit vom Bahnhof entfernt.

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