Lexis Rex - Accueil

Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. (Anatomie) Genou, articulation de la jambe.
     2. v. Frapper avec le genou.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. In humans, the joint or the region of the joint in the middle part of the leg between the thigh and the shank.
           Penny was wearing a miniskirt, so she skinned her exposed knees when she fell.
     2. n. In the horse and allied animals, the carpal joint, corresponding to the wrist in humans.
     3. n. The part of a garment that covers the knee.
     4. n. (shipbuilding) A piece of timber or metal formed with an angle somewhat in the shape of the human knee when bent.
     5. n. (archaic) An act of kneeling, especially to show respect or courtesy.
           To make a knee.
     6. n. Any knee-shaped item or sharp angle in a line, "the knee of a graph", an inflection point.
     7. n. A blow made with the knee; a kneeing.
     8. v. (transitive, archaic) To kneel to.
     9. v. To poke or strike with the knee.
français > anglais
     1. n-m. knee
     2. n-m. lap



Exemples de phrases

I played with the baby on my knee. 
    J'ai joué avec le bébé sur mon genou.
He saw a small Band-Aid on her left knee. 
    Il vit un pansement sur son genou gauche.
His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. 
    Sa voiture était immobilisée dans une neige profonde.
I fell down really hard and got a black bruise on my knee. 
    Je suis méchamment tombé, et j'ai écopé d'un hématome noir au genou.
He hurt his knee when he fell. 
    Il se blessa le genou en tombant.

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