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Locution anglaise du jour

turning point


anglais > français
turning point
     1. n. Tournant.
anglais > anglais
turning point
     1. n. A decisive point at which a significant change or historical event occurs, or at which a decision must be made.
     2. n. (calculus) A maximum or minimum on a graph.
     3. n. A crossroads.
     4. n. A T-junction.
     1. v. Participe présent du verbe to turn.
     2. n. (Usinage) Copeau.
          1. v. (Turn (in place)) Tourner, retourner.
                Turn so I can see your profile.
          2. v. (Turn around) Renverser.
                Turn around. I want to go home.
          3. v. (Turn (around something)) Virer.
     1. n. Point.
     2. n. Pointe.
     3. n. Virgule (d'un décimal). (note) En anglais, on utilise un point comme séparateur décimal.
     4. n. But, intérêt, utilité, point.
           What is the point of this conversation?

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