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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Déranger.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. to confuse a quiet, constant state or a calm, continuous flow, in particular: thoughts, actions or liquids.
           The noisy ventilation disturbed me during the exam.
           The performance was disturbed twice by a ringing mobile phone.
           A school of fish disturbed the water.
     2. v. to divert, redirect, or alter by disturbing.
           A mudslide disturbed the course of the river.
           The trauma disturbed his mind.
     3. v. (intransitive) to have a negative emotional impact; to cause emotional distress or confusion.
           A disturbing film that tries to explore the mind of a serial killer.
           His behaviour is very disturbing.
     4. n. (obsolete) disturbance

Exemples de phrases

Don't disturb me while I'm studying. 
    Ne me dérangez pas quand j'étudie.
I cannot disturb the doctor at this time. 
    Je ne peux pas déranger le médecin pour le moment.
He keeps quiet so that he won't disturb his father. 
    Il reste tranquille pour ne pas déranger son père.
"Don't disturb her. She is at work right now" he whispered. 
    "Ne la dérange pas. Elle travaille, là", murmura-t-il.

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