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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. Brosse.
           Soldier! Get down on your hands and knees, and scrub the floor with this brush.
     2. n. Pinceau.
           paint brush
     3. n. La queue de quelques animaux, en particulier du renard.
           a fox's brush
     4. n. Brousse, broussailles, broussaille.
           The brush was so thick that it was difficult to travel more than a mile per day.
     5. v. Brosser.
     6. v. Appliquer (avec une brosse), passer (avec une brosse).
           He brushed out the stray marks.
     7. v. Effleurer.
           The stranger brushed by him in the crowd.
     8. v. Apprendre de nouveau.
           You'll have to brush up on your skills if you want to pass the exam and get your license.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. An implement consisting of multiple more or less flexible bristles or other filaments attached to a handle, used for any of various purposes including cleaning, painting, and arranging hair.
     2. n. The act of brushing something.
           She gave her hair a quick brush.
     3. n. A piece of conductive material, usually carbon, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine.
     4. n. A brush-like electrical discharge of sparks.
           Synonyms: corposant
     5. n. Wild vegetation, generally larger than grass but smaller than trees (Wikipedia).
     6. n. A short and sometimes occasional encounter or experience.
           He has had brushes with communism from time to time.
     7. n. The furry tail of an animal, especially of a fox.
     8. n. (zoology) A tuft of hair on the mandibles.
     9. n. (archaic) A short contest, or trial, of speed.
     10. n. (music) An instrument, resembling a brush, used to produce a soft sound from drums or cymbals.
     11. n. (computer graphics) An on-screen tool for "painting" a particular colour or texture.
     12. n. (video games) In 3D video games, a convex polyhedron, especially one that defines structure of the play area.
     13. n. (poker, slang) The floorperson of a poker room, usually in a casino.
     14. n. (North Wisconsin, un) Evergreen boughs, especially balsam, locally cut and baled for export, usually for use in wreathmaking.
     15. v. To clean with a brush.
           Brush your teeth.
     16. v. To untangle or arrange with a brush.
           Brush your hair.
     17. v. To apply with a brush.
           Brush the paint onto the walls.
     18. v. To remove with a sweeping motion.
           Brush the flour off your clothes.
     19. v. To touch with a sweeping motion, or lightly in passing.
           Her scarf brushed his skin.
     20. v. (intransitive) To clean one's teeth by brushing them.
français > anglais
     1. n-f. brush (the implement)
     2. n-f. crew cut
           Haha! Tu t'es fait une brosse, tu t'es cru en 1982 ou quoi ?



Exemples de phrases

Where's my brush? 
    Où est ma brosse ?
She scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush. 
    Elle nettoya le sol de la cuisine à l'aide d'une brosse.
I brush her teeth. 
    Je lui brosse les dents.
How often do you brush your teeth? 
    À quelle fréquence te brosses-tu les dents ?
Brush your teeth. 
    Brossez vos dents.

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