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Spanish Phrase of the Day

parece mentira


Spanish > English
parece mentira
     1. Phrase. it's hard to believe
           Parece mentira que tus tíos se hayan divorciado. - It's hard to believe that your aunt and uncle have divorced.
           Parece mentira que el concierto sea divertido. - It's hard to believe that the concert would be fun.
           Parece mentira que la cantante se haya subido una nave espacial. - It's hard to believe that the singer has gotten on a spacecraft.
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of parecer
          1. v. (impersonal) to seem, to see fit
                Me parece que... - It seems to me that...
                como mejor le parezca - as you see fit; as one sees fit
          2. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to believe
          3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to think
     1. n-f. lie, trick, falsity
           Parecía mentira que su cuerpo fuera tan hermoso. - It was unbelievable how beautiful her body was.

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