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Spanish Phrase of the Day

cinta métrica


Spanish > English
cinta métrica
     1. n-f. tape measure, measuring tape
           (synonyms, metro)
Spanish > Spanish
cinta métrica
     1. n. Instrumento consistente en una cinta graduada que es usado para la medición de dimensiones como longitud, altura, anchura, profundidad o grosor.
     1. n-f. ribbon, worn by girls in the hair
     2. n-f. tape
     3. n-f. ellipsis of cinta de correr, cinta de/para correr; treadmill
     4. n-f. cinema ellipsis of cinta cinematográfica; film
     1. n-f. (poetry, music) meter (rhythm or measure in verse and musical composition)
     2. adj. feminine singular of métrico
          1. adj. metric (of or relating to the metric system)

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