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Spanish Phrase of the Day

a más no poder


Spanish > English
a más no poder
     1. adv. (idiom) as much as possible, as could be; to the utmost; to the max
Spanish > Spanish
a más no poder
     1. Muchísimo, en exceso. Demasiado.
           Cuando salimos de casa, llovía a más no poder.
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
           Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
     1. adv. more; -er (used to make comparisons)
           Teresa es más lista que su hermano. - Teresa is more clever than her brother.
           Hay más de cien personas aquí. - There are more than a hundred people here.
     2. adv. (with definite article) most; -est (used to make superlatives)
           Teresa es la más inteligente de la clase. - Teresa is the most intelligent in her class.
     1. adv. no
     2. adv. not
     3. interj. eh? (used as a tag question, to emphasise what goes before or to request that the listener express an opinion about what has been said)
     4. n-m. no
     5. n-m. abbreviation of número; no.
     1. v. to be able, can
           ¿Puedes acompañarme mañana? - Could you come with me tomorrow?
           No puedes salir ya que no tienes permiso. - You can't go out since you're not allowed.
           No puedo hablar francés. - I can't speak French.
           Podría ayudar si me dejaran. - I could help you if you would let me.

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