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Spanish Phrase of the Day

Dios mío


Spanish > English
Dios mío
     1. interj. my God!; oh my God! (an expression of shock or surprise)
     1. Proper noun. God
     2. n-m. god
          1. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of decir
                Dile lo que te di. - Tell him what I gave you.
          2. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of decir
                Dile lo que te di. - Tell him what I gave you.
          1. v. to give, to give out
          2. v. to hand over
          3. v. to hit
                Me han dado en la cabeza. - They hit me on my head.
          4. v. to emit
          1. pron. you, to you, for you; dative and accusative of vosotros
     1. pron. mine
           ¿De quién son estos libros? — Son míos. Los tuyos están en la mesa. - Whose books are these? — They're mine. Yours are on the table.
     2. det. (predicative or after the noun) mine, my
           Ese libro grande es mío. - That big book is mine.
           No es lo mío. - It's not my thing.

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