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German Phrase of the Day

an der Ecke


German > English
an der Ecke
     Phrase. (idiom) at the corner, nearby
          der Laden an der Ecke hat bestimmt noch auf
     prep. (local) on; upon; at; in; against
          Das Bild hängt an der Wand. - The picture hangs on the wall.
     prep. by; near; close to; next to
     prep. (temporal, with days or times of day) on; in; at
          Wir treffen uns am (an dem) Dienstag. - We're meeting on Tuesday.
     art. the
     art. feminine singular of der
     art. genitive plural of der
     pron. who; that; which
          Ich kenne einen Mann, der das kann. - I know a man who can do that.
     n-f. corner, edge
          Der Tisch steht in der Ecke. - The table stands in the corner.
     n-f. a roughly triangular or quadrangular piece of something
          Gib mir mal eine kleine Ecke von dem Kuchen. - Give me a small piece of the cake, please.
     n-f. (chiefly colloquial) region; area; neighbourhood

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