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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case; I
     2. n-m. (psychoanalysis) Freud's concept of the ego
     1. pron. to him, for him; dative of él
           Mi mamá va a escribirle una carta. - My mom is going to write him a letter.
     2. pron. to her, for her; dative of ella
           Le dio un beso a Ana. - He gave Ana a kiss.
     3. pron. to it, for it; dative of ello
           ¡Ponle esfuerzo! - Put some effort into it!
     4. pron. to you, for you (formal); dative of usted
           ¿A usted le gustan los caballos? - Do you like horses?
     5. pron. gender-neutral;neologism to them, for them (singular); dative of elle
           Le diré que te llame. - I will tell them to call you.
     1. v. first-person singular preterit indicative of preguntar
          1. v. to ask
                Me preguntó por su hija. - He asked me about his daughter.
                Le preguntamos a la profesora cómo proceder. - We asked the teacher how to proceed.
          2. v. to wonder, to ask oneself, to ponder
                Me pregunté si todo había sido un sueño. - I wondered if everything had been a dream.
                Todavía me pregunto cómo pudo pasar eso. - I still wonder how that could happen.
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
           Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
     1. det. (before the noun) apocopic form of mío, my
     2. n-f. mu; the Greek letter Μ, μ
     1. n-f. mother
     2. n-f. (figuratively) mother (source or origin)
     3. n-f. (Christianity) mother (nun)
     4. n-f. (hydrology) riverbed
     5. n-f. dregs (of a drink)
     6. n-f. (Mexico, colloquial, vulgar, slang) thing
     1. conj. if
     1. art. (masculine singular definite article); the
     2. art. feminine singular definite article used before nouns which start with a stressed 'a':
           el alma, las almas - the soul, the souls
           el hacha, las hachas - the axe, the axes
     1. n-m. breakfast
           Para mi desayuno, tomo pan. - For my breakfast, I have bread.
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of desayunar
          1. v. to break a fast
          2. v. to have (for) breakfast
                Desayuno a las siete y media. - I breakfast at 7:30.
     1. v. third-person singular imperfect indicative of estar
          1. v. to be (have a temporary or permanent location in space)
                ¿Dónde estás? - Where are you?
                Estoy en casa. - I am at home.
          2. v. to be (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion)
                El tiempo estaba frío/caliente. - The weather was cold/hot back then.
                ¿Estás feliz? - Are you happy right now?
          3. v. to be (auxiliary verb for the progressive/continuous aspect, preceding the gerund of the verb)
                Ella está cantando. - She is singing.
          4. v. to be in a state (in a passive voice sense)
                Los vasos están rotos. - The vases are broken. (In passive voice with estar, unlike haber, its past participle agrees with number and gender of the subject)
                Llegaron y vieron que el hotel estaba abandonado. - They arrived and saw the hotel was abandoned.
          5. v. to be, stay (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion)
                Estense callados y quietos. - Stay quiet and not moving.
          6. v. to be to be done, to be (still) undone:
                Esto todavía está por hacer. - This is still to be done.
                Lo peor está por llegar. - The worst part is yet to come.
          7. v. to be in a long-term state (in specific idioms)
                estar muerto/a - to be dead
                estar casado/a - to be married (can also be ser casado)
                estar chico/a - to be short (colloquially)
     1. adj. clever, smart (qual, with ser)
           Cree que es el estudiante más listo de su clase. - He has the illusion that he is the smartest in his class.
     2. adj. ready, set, all set, prepared, poised, up, down (qual, with estar)
           ¿Estás listo? - Are you ready?
           Ella siempre estaba lista para un desafío. - She was always up for a challenge.
           Estoy listo para lo que quieras hacer. - I'm down for whatever you want to do.
     3. adj. alert
     4. interj. get set! (before starting a race)
     5. interj. that's it! (it's finished!)
     6. v. first-person singular present indicative of listar
          1. v. to register, enter in a list
          2. v. to stripe, streak
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