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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. v. third-person singular imperfect indicative of querer
          1. v. to desire, to want, to want to
                Yo quiero leer ese libro. - I want to read that book.
          2. v. to love; to be fond of
                Te quiero. - I love you.
                Ese hombre quiere a su país y moriría por él sin vacilar. - That man loves his country and would die for it without hesitation.
          3. v. (as an indication of a request) would you ... ?
                ¿Quieres decirme qué pasó? - Would you tell me what happened?
          4. v. to mean to, to try to
                No quería insultarte. - He didn't mean to insult you.
                ¿Qué querías hacer de todos modos... impresionar a tus amigos? - What were you trying to do anyway? Impress your friends?
          5. v. (reciprocal) to love each other
                Ustedes se quieren. No dejen que su orgullo se interponga en el camino del amor verdadero. - You love each other. Don't let your pride get in the way of true love.
          6. n-m. love; affection; fondness
     1. adv. now
           Púlsalo ya. - Press it now.
           Preparados, listos, ya. - Ready, set, go.
     2. adv. already, yet
           Ya lo hice. - I already did it.
     3. adv. in the near future; soon
     4. adv. immediately
     5. adv. anymore; no longer
     6. adv. (emphatic) (emphatic (similar to the use of English "so" or "oh" as an interjection))
           ¡Ya lo sé! - I do know!
     7. adv. (in negatives) only
           no ya... - not only...
     8. adv. (before pero) yes
           ya, pero... - yes, but...
     9. adv. (before que) since, now
           ya que... - now that...
     10. adv. OK
     11. conj. first (something) then (something else); first (something), now (something else)
           ¡Ya lluvia ya nieve! - First rain, now snow!
     12. conj. whether (something) or (something else)
           ya sol ya lluvia - whether sun or rain
     13. interj. come on!, let's go!
     14. interj. (colloquial) (used to acknowledge or dismiss the previous statement)
           —Sabes que quedamos con Antonio esta tarde. —Ya. - "You know we're hanging out with Antonio tonight." "I know.".
           —No podrás venir, que trabajas ese día. —Ya, pero cerramos temprano los viernes. - "You can't come, you're working that day." "Right, but we close early on Fridays.".
     1. art. a
     2. num. (before the noun) apocopic form of uno one
     1. interj. goodbye, farewell
     2. n-m. farewell; goodbye
     1. adj. supreme
     1. Letter. the 26th letter of the Spanish alphabet
     2. conj. and
     3. conj. (in names of number) and
           setenta y seis - seventy-six
     4. conj. (in arithmetic) plus, and
           uno y uno son dos - one plus one is two
     5. conj. (informal) well
           ¡Y por supuesto! - Well, of course!
     6. conj. (informal) what about, how about, where is/are the
           Pero, ¿y el concierto? ¿Ya no vamos? - But what about the concert? Are we not going anymore?
           ¿Y la niña? ¿Está a salvo? - How about the girl? Is she safe?
           ¿Y los archivos? Debo echarles un vistazo. - Where are the files? I should take a look at them.
     1. Proper noun. given name, female, diminutive=Susana
     2. det. (before the noun) apocopic form of suyo his, her, its, one's, their, your (formal)
           Vino con su amigo. (He came with his friend.)
           Habló a sus hijas. (She spoke to her daughters.)
     3. det.          (used to express an approximate number): about, approximately
                   Pesa sus dos kilogramos. - It weighs its two kilograms.
     4. det. (before the noun, formal) apocopic form of suyo t=your
     1. n-f. tongue
     2. n-f. language
     3. n-f. Spanish (subject taught in schools)
     1. pron. (third person (also used for usted and ustedes) reflexive direct or indirect object) oneself, himself, herself, itself, yourself; each other; one another
           Juan se lava. - Juan washes himself.
           Juan se lava la cara. - Juan to himself washes the face.
           Juan y María se aman. - Juan and María love each other.
     2. pron. (used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person and with) usted and ustedes
           ¿Cómo se llama? - How do you call yourself?
           Se dice que... - It says itself that...
           Aquí se habla español - One speaks Spanish here, Spanish speaks itself here.
     3. pron. (used instead of indirect object pronouns) le and les (before the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, or las)
           El samaritano se las dio. - The Samaritan gave them to him.
     4. v. misspelling of sé
     1. v. third-person singular preterit indicative of agitar
          1. v. to shake, to agitate, to churn, to churn up
                Agítese bien antes de usarlo - Shake well before using
                Agitó su cabeza con incredulidad. - She shook her head in disbelief.
          2. v. to wave, to flail
                Es hora de agitar la bandera blanca y rendirnos. - It's time for us to wave the white flag and surrender.
          3. v. to wag
                Los perros agitan la cola. - Dogs wag their tails.
          4. v. to stir, to stir up, to agitate, to shake up, to rattle, to ruffle (provoke)
                agitar las cosas - to stir things up
          5. v. to flap (e.g., wings, sails)
          6. v. to churn, to be shaken, to be tossed (about), to be stirred, to be agitated
          7. v. to flail, shake (to wave or swing vigorously)
     1. adv. dully
     1. prep. in, at, on
           Estoy en casa. - I'm at home.
           Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer.
           en esta página - on this page
           en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table
     2. prep. in (a time)
           en la antigüedad - in antiquity
           en 1999 - in 1999
     3. prep. in (a language)
           No conozco esta palabra en francés. - I don't know this word in French.
           en todos los idiomas - in all languages
     4. prep. used after some verbs and translated by various prepositions in English
           Pienso en ti. - I'm thinking of you.
     5. prep. in (in various expressions)
           en el sentido - in the sense
           en nuestro afán - in our eagerness
     1. Proper noun. given name, female, diminutive=Susana
     2. det. (before the noun) apocopic form of suyo his, her, its, one's, their, your (formal)
           Vino con su amigo. (He came with his friend.)
           Habló a sus hijas. (She spoke to her daughters.)
     3. det.          (used to express an approximate number): about, approximately
                   Pesa sus dos kilogramos. - It weighs its two kilograms.
     4. det. (before the noun, formal) apocopic form of suyo t=your
     1. n-f. throat
     2. n-f. (geography) gorge
     1. Proper noun. Como (city and capital of Como)
     2. adv. as (to such an extent or degree)
           No es tan alta como nosotras. - She's not as tall as us.
     3. adv. like, about (approximately)
           Hemos esperado como media hora. - We've waited like half an hour.
     4. conj. as (introducing a basis of comparison or equality)
           ¿Tienes tanta hambre como yo? - Are you as hungry as I am?
     5. conj. as, since (being that)
           Como nunca vio mi mensaje, vamos sin ella. - Since she never saw my message, we're going without her.
     6. conj. how (in which way)
           Me gusta como hablas. - I like how you talk.
     7. conj. (followed by the subjunctive) if, unless (under the condition that)
           Como llegues tarde otra vez, ¡te mato! - If you arrive late again, I'll kill you!
     8. prep. as (in the manner or role specified)
           Mis ahijados me ven como un tío. - My godchildren see me as an uncle.
     9. prep. such as (for example)
           Algunos países de Asia, como Laos y Vietnam... - Some countries in Asia, such as Laos and Vietnam...
     10. prep. like (similar to, reminiscent of)
           Llevan gafas redondas como las de John Lennon. - They wear round glasses like John Lennon's.
     11. v. first-person singular present indicative of comer
          1. v. to eat
                ¿Cómo como? ¿Cómo cómo como? ¡Como como como! (classroom example of written accent) - How do I eat? What do you mean, how do I eat? I eat like I eat!
          2. v. (colloquial) to eat away, corrode
          3. v. to capture a piece
          4. v. (double entendre, Mexico) to have sexual intercourse (because of similarity to coger)
          5. n-m. eating, food
                quitárselo uno de su comer - to deprive oneself of something for the benefit of others
                el comer fuera es muy común - eating out is very common
                ...necesario para el alma como el comer para el cuerpo - ...necessary for the soul like food for the body
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
     3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
           La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
           ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
           No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
     4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
     5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. n-f. flagstone, paving stone, slab, tile (flat, rectangular piece of rock or stone)
          1. prep. to
          2. prep. by
          3. prep. at
          4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
                Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
          1. art. (masculine singular definite article); the
          2. art. feminine singular definite article used before nouns which start with a stressed 'a':
                el alma, las almas - the soul, the souls
                el hacha, las hachas - the axe, the axes
     1. v. to close, to shut
           No olvides cerrar la puerta. - Don't forget to close the door.
     2. v. to shut down, to close down
           Quieren cerrar tu negocio. - They're trying to shut your business down.
     3. v. to turn off, to shut off (to rotate a tap or valve so as to interrupt the outflow of liquid or gas)
           cerrar el grifo - to turn off the tap
           cerrar la luz - to turn off the lights
     4. v. to enclose
     5. v. to lock, to lock up
     6. v. to seal, to close (e.g. a deal, a breach, a rift)
     7. v. to close up, to close off (e.g. a wound)
     8. v. to close, to conclude, to end
     9. v. to close (itself) (qual, e.g., a store, a door)
     10. v. to close off (oneself)
     1. art. (masculine singular definite article); the
     2. art. feminine singular definite article used before nouns which start with a stressed 'a':
           el alma, las almas - the soul, the souls
           el hacha, las hachas - the axe, the axes
     1. n-m. grave, tomb
     2. n-m. sepulchre
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