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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. prep. by (indicates the creator of a work)
           La novela Cien años de soledad fue escrita por Gabriel García Márquez. - The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was written by Gabriel García Márquez.
     2. prep. for (indicates something given in an exchange)
           Lo compré por cincuenta euros. - I bought this for fifty euros.
     3. prep. through, out, via (indicating movement)
           La mujer ve la puesta de sol por la ventana. - The woman watches the sunset through the window.
           Supongo que nuestra huésped se fue por la puerta trasera porque no la he visto. - I guess our guest went out the back door because I haven't seen her.
     4. prep. across (indicating movement)
           El hombre camina por la calle. - The man walks across the street.
     5. prep. about
     6. prep. due to, because of, for, for the sake of, out of (to express cause or motive)
           Él no pudo venir por eso. - He couldn't come due to that.
           Por amor a su esposo, ella aguanta a sus suegros. - Out of love for her husband, she puts up with his in-laws.
     7. prep. (used with directions) over
           por allí - over there
     8. prep. (mathematics) times, by, multiplied by
           ocho por siete - eights times seven; eights by seven
     9. prep. according to, for, regarding (to express opinion or something concerning someone)
           Por mí, está bien. - For all I care, it's fine.
           ¡Bien por ti! - Good for you!
     10. prep. via, through, by (indicating the means of something)
           Por favor, devuelva este documento completado por correo electrónico. - Please, return this document completed via email.
     11. prep. for (indicating duration)
           Mi profesor se salió por la tangente por una hora entera. - My professor went off on a tangent for a whole hour.
     12. prep. for, for the sake of, on behalf of (indicating doing something for someone's benefit)
           No lo hago por ti. - I'm not doing it for your sake.
           Ella irá a trabajar por mí mañana. - She will be filling in for me at work tomorrow.
     13. prep. per, for each
           Cuesta diez dólares por artículo. - It costs ten dollars per item.
     14. prep. to (indicating something that has not yet passed)
           Eso está por ver. - That remains to be seen.
           La hora aún está por confirmar. - The time is yet to be confirmed.
     15. prep. about to (indicating something that will soon happen)
           Su hermana está por llegar del aeropuerto en cualquier momento. - Her sister is about to arrive from the airport any minute now.
     16. prep. compared to; against; versus (indicating a comparison)
     1. adv. in front of, before (spatially)
     2. adv. forward, forwards ( with hacia preceding it)
     3. adv. ahead ( with por preceding it)
por delante
     1. adv. forward, ahead
     2. adv. in/at the front
     1. v. third-person singular future indicative of haber
          1. v. (auxiliary) to have
                He trabajado muy duro durante este mes. - I have worked very hard during this month.
                Mi hermanito me pidió más chocolate, pero ya le había dado demasiado. - My little brother asked me for more chocolate, but I had already given him too much.
          2. v. (obsolete) to hold, to possess
          3. v. (impersonal, in third person singular only) to exist; “there is”, “there are” (hay); “there was”, “there were” (había)
                No hay muchas personas aquí. - There aren't many people here.
                En el cofre había un libro antiguo. - In the chest there was an antique book.
          4. v. (dated, or formal) to have to (+ de + infinitive)
          5. v. (Used only in the third-person existential form) to be necessary (+ que + infinitive)
                Hay que proteger el mundo. - It is necessary to protect the world.
          6. v. used to denote a past obligation
                Haberla llamado. - You ought to have phoned her.
          7. n-m. asset
          8. n-m. history
          9. n-m. credit side
     1. det. (before the noun) apocopic form of alguno; some, any
           ¿Haces algún deporte? - Do you do any sport?
          1. det. some, any
                ¿Quiere alguna cosa? - Do you want anything?
                Algún día lo haré. - I will do it someday.
          2. det. any (used for emphasis)
                No tiene talento alguno. - He doesn't have any talent at all.
          3. det. various
          4. pron. someone
          5. pron. some, some people
          6. pron. one (thing); a few
     1. n-m. whiff
     2. n-m. touch
     3. n-m. stroke
     4. n-m. toke
     5. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of tocar
          1. v. to touch
          2. v. to play (a musical instrument)
                Ella toca el piano. - She plays the piano.
          3. v. (impersonal, transitive) to be someone's time or turn
                Ahora me toca jugar. - Now it's my turn to play.
                te toca a ti - it's your turn
          4. v. to knock
                tocar la puerta - to knock on the door
          5. v. to honk
                tocar la bocina - to honk the horn
          6. v. to ring
                tocar un timbre - to ring a doorbell
          7. v. to touch on (mention briefly)
          8. v. to touch (affect emotionally)
          9. v. to bunt
          10. v. to comb or dress one's hair
          11. v. to don a hat, scarf or other head covering
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
           Constitución española de 1812 - Spanish constitution of 1812
           la cola del perro - the dog’s tail
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
           Soy de España. - I’m from Spain.
           agua de manantial - springwater
     3. prep. of (expressing composition, substance)
           una mesa de madera - a wooden table
     4. prep. about (concerning; with regard to)
           Están hablando del pasado. - They're talking about the past.
           tratarse de - to be about; to concern
     5. prep. of, from (indicating cause)
           Murió de hambre. - He died of hunger.
     6. prep. of (indicates a quality or characteristic)
           un hombre de fe - a man of faith
     7. prep. from (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
           el vuelo de Miami a Chicago - the flight from Miami to Chicago
     8. prep. of (indicates the subject or cause of the adjective)
           harto de - sick of; tired of
     9. prep. from (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
           Nos protege del frío. - It protects us from the cold.
     10. prep. than (in certain phrases)
           más de - more than
           menos de - less than, fewer than
     11. prep. (used to construct compound nouns (with attributive nouns))
           campamento de verano - summer camp
     12. prep. (followed by the infinitive) (indicates a conditional desire)
           De haberlo sabido, no lo habría dicho. - If I had known, I wouldn't have said it.
     13. prep. indicates a time of day or period of someone's life
           de día - during the daytime
           de niño - as a child; during childhood
     14. prep. (after a noun and before a verb) (indicates the purpose of an object)
           goma de mascar - chewing gum
           caña de pescar - fishing rod
     1. n. color, colour, hue
     2. n. (usually feminine archaic or dialectal) complexion
     3. n-m. rouge (cosmetics)
     4. n-m. pretext, motive, reason
     5. n-m. character; special quality
     6. n-m. side, party, faction
     7. n-m. race, ethnicity
     8. n-m. (poker) flush
de color
     1. adj. colored (having a color)
     2. adj. of color (of a race other than white)
     1. adj. yellow or golden coloured
     2. adj. (heraldry) or
     3. n-m. yellow
     4. n-m. (colloquial) whitey (a state or bout of sickness, especially induced by cannabis use)
     1. prep. in, at, on
           Estoy en casa. - I'm at home.
           Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer.
           en esta página - on this page
           en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table
     2. prep. in (a time)
           en la antigüedad - in antiquity
           en 1999 - in 1999
     3. prep. in (a language)
           No conozco esta palabra en francés. - I don't know this word in French.
           en todos los idiomas - in all languages
     4. prep. used after some verbs and translated by various prepositions in English
           Pienso en ti. - I'm thinking of you.
     5. prep. in (in various expressions)
           en el sentido - in the sense
           en nuestro afán - in our eagerness
     1. n-f. shape; form; figure
     2. n-f. way; manner
           ¡Tiene que haber otra forma! - There has to be another way!
     3. n-f. basis; method
     4. v. third-person singular present indicative of formar
          1. v. to form, to create
          2. v. to train, to educate
          3. v. to make up, to constitute
          4. v. to line up (to get in a line)
en forma
     1. adj. fit, in shape
     1. adj. circular
     2. n-f. flyer, circular (advertisement)
     3. v. to circulate
     4. v. to go round, move around
     5. v. to scram, clear off
     1. adv. meanwhile
     2. conj. (with the indicative) while, whilst, as (at the same time as)
           Quédate aquí con los chicos mientras hablo con la gerente. - Stay here with the kids while I talk with the manager.
     3. conj. (with the subjunctive) as long as, so long as (expressing a condition)
           Mientras llueva, me quedaré en casa. - As long as it rains, I'll stay at home.
     4. conj. (with the indicative) while, whereas (indicating difference)
     5. conj. (with comparatives) however much; however many; (constructing parallel comparatives) “the..., the...”
           Mientras más lo hago, más me gusta. - The more I do it, the more I like it.
     1. conj. that
           Él dice que está triste. - He says that he is sad.
     2. conj. than
           Llego más tarde que tú. - I am arriving later than you.
     3. conj. (indicating a reason); because, for
           ¡Ve más lento, que es resbaloso! - Slow down, (for) it is slippery!
     4. conj. (indicating desire or permission); may (used with the subjunctive)
           Que te vaya bien. - May it go well for you.
           Que Dios me perdone. - May God forgive me.
     5. pron. who; that
           la estrella que está en la película - the star who is in the movie
     6. pron. that; whom
           la mujer con la que yo hablé - the woman with whom I spoke
     7. pron. that; which
           la casa que yo quiero - the house that I want
     8. prep. than
     9. prep. like, as
     10. part. to
mientras que
     1. conj. whereas, while, whilst (denoting contrast)
     2. conj. while, whilst (denoting simultaneity)
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
     3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
           La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
           ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
           No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
     4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
     5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. n-f. base
     2. n-f. basis
     3. n-f. (linear algebra) basis
     4. n-f. grounding
     5. n-f. (cosmetics) foundation
     6. n-f. (basketball) point guard
     7. n-f. (baseball) base
     8. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of basar
          1. v. to base on
                aplicaciones basadas en web - web-based applications
     1. v. third-person singular future indicative of ser
          1. v. to be (essentially or identified as)
                Yo soy de los Estados Unidos. - I am from the United States.
                Errar es humano. - To err is human.
          2. v. to be (in the passive voice sense)
                La guitarra fue tocada. - The guitar was played.
          3. v. to exist; to occur
                La fiesta será mañana. - The party will be tomorrow.
          4. n-m. a being, organism
          5. n-m. nature, essence
          6. n-m. value, worth
     1. adv. entirely
     2. adv. with integrity
     1. Proper noun. (football) the Chile national football team
     2. Proper noun. (football) the Spain national football team
     3. n-f. female equivalent of rojo, t=Red; communist
     4. n-f. (football, preceded by "la") the Chile national football team
     5. n-f. (football, preceded by "la") the Spain national football team
     6. adj. feminine singular of rojo
          1. adj. red (colour)
          2. n-m. red (colour)
          3. n-m. (Costa Rica) a 1000 colón bill
          4. n-m. (Spain, Peru, pejorative) Red; a left-winger, especially communist
                (synonyms, progre, q1=often pejorative, zurdo, q2=often pejorative)
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