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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. prep. in, at, on
           Estoy en casa. - I'm at home.
           Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer.
           en esta página - on this page
           en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table
     2. prep. in (a time)
           en la antigüedad - in antiquity
           en 1999 - in 1999
     3. prep. in (a language)
           No conozco esta palabra en francés. - I don't know this word in French.
           en todos los idiomas - in all languages
     4. prep. used after some verbs and translated by various prepositions in English
           Pienso en ti. - I'm thinking of you.
     5. prep. in (in various expressions)
           en el sentido - in the sense
           en nuestro afán - in our eagerness
     1. art. the
           ¿Qué hacen los muchachos? - What do the boys do?
     2. pron. accusative of ellos and ustedes (when referring to more than one man); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. plural masculine or neuter pronoun
           los que no hablan - those who do not speak
     1. n. plural of peso
          1. n-m. (physics) weight (the force on an object due to gravitational attraction)
          2. n-m. weight (a block of metal used in a balance)
          3. n-m. weight class
          4. n-m. peso (unit of currency)
          5. n-m. weight (importance or influence)
          6. n-m. weight, burden, load, brunt (pressure)
          7. n-m. scales, scale (device used to measure weight)
          8. v. first-person singular present indicative of pesar
     1. det. each; every
     1. n-f. feminine of uno
           a la una, a las dos y a las tres - after three...one, two, three
     2. art. feminine singular of un
     3. det. feminine singular of uno
     4. pron. one (an indefinite plural pronoun using a singular feminine item, used for females)
     5. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of unir
          1. v. to unite, join
                ¡Únete al sindicato! (Join up with the union!)
          2. v. to merge, conflate
          1. art. a
          2. num. (before the noun) apocopic form of uno one
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
           Constitución española de 1812 - Spanish constitution of 1812
           la cola del perro - the dog’s tail
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
           Soy de España. - I’m from Spain.
           agua de manantial - springwater
     3. prep. of (expressing composition, substance)
           una mesa de madera - a wooden table
     4. prep. about (concerning; with regard to)
           Están hablando del pasado. - They're talking about the past.
           tratarse de - to be about; to concern
     5. prep. of, from (indicating cause)
           Murió de hambre. - He died of hunger.
     6. prep. of (indicates a quality or characteristic)
           un hombre de fe - a man of faith
     7. prep. from (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
           el vuelo de Miami a Chicago - the flight from Miami to Chicago
     8. prep. of (indicates the subject or cause of the adjective)
           harto de - sick of; tired of
     9. prep. from (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
           Nos protege del frío. - It protects us from the cold.
     10. prep. than (in certain phrases)
           más de - more than
           menos de - less than, fewer than
     11. prep. (used to construct compound nouns (with attributive nouns))
           campamento de verano - summer camp
     12. prep. (followed by the infinitive) (indicates a conditional desire)
           De haberlo sabido, no lo habría dicho. - If I had known, I wouldn't have said it.
     13. prep. indicates a time of day or period of someone's life
           de día - during the daytime
           de niño - as a child; during childhood
     14. prep. (after a noun and before a verb) (indicates the purpose of an object)
           goma de mascar - chewing gum
           caña de pescar - fishing rod
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ellas and ustedes (when referring to more than one woman); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. feminine plural pronoun
           las que no hablan - those (women) who do not speak
     4. n. plural of la
          1. art. the
          2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
          3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
                La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
                ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
                No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
          4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
          5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. num. two
     2. n. plural of do
          1. n-m. do (musical note)
          2. n-m. C (musical note or key)
          3. adv. (obsolete) where
          4. pron. (obsolete) where
     1. n. plural of mitad
          1. n-f. (fractional) half
                la mitad del pastel - half of the cake
                tres mitades - three halves (frac)
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
           Constitución española de 1812 - Spanish constitution of 1812
           la cola del perro - the dog’s tail
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
           Soy de España. - I’m from Spain.
           agua de manantial - springwater
     3. prep. of (expressing composition, substance)
           una mesa de madera - a wooden table
     4. prep. about (concerning; with regard to)
           Están hablando del pasado. - They're talking about the past.
           tratarse de - to be about; to concern
     5. prep. of, from (indicating cause)
           Murió de hambre. - He died of hunger.
     6. prep. of (indicates a quality or characteristic)
           un hombre de fe - a man of faith
     7. prep. from (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
           el vuelo de Miami a Chicago - the flight from Miami to Chicago
     8. prep. of (indicates the subject or cause of the adjective)
           harto de - sick of; tired of
     9. prep. from (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
           Nos protege del frío. - It protects us from the cold.
     10. prep. than (in certain phrases)
           más de - more than
           menos de - less than, fewer than
     11. prep. (used to construct compound nouns (with attributive nouns))
           campamento de verano - summer camp
     12. prep. (followed by the infinitive) (indicates a conditional desire)
           De haberlo sabido, no lo habría dicho. - If I had known, I wouldn't have said it.
     13. prep. indicates a time of day or period of someone's life
           de día - during the daytime
           de niño - as a child; during childhood
     14. prep. (after a noun and before a verb) (indicates the purpose of an object)
           goma de mascar - chewing gum
           caña de pescar - fishing rod
     1. adv. (in indirect questions) where, in what place
           Deja los libros donde quieras. (Leave the books where you want.)
     2. conj. (Chile, colloquial) because
     3. conj. (Latin America, colloquial) if
     4. prep. by, near to
           Estamos donde la plaza mayor. - We're around by the main square.
     5. prep. round (at the house of)
           Cenamos donde Daniel. - We're having dinner (round) at Daniel's place.
     6. pron. (relative) where, in what place
           El lugar donde estamos es secreto. (The place where we are is secret.)
     1. v. third-person plural present indicative of colgar
          1. v. to hang
          2. v. to hang up (the telephone, etc.)
          3. v. (computing) to upload
          4. v. (+ con) to hang out with, relax with
          5. v. to freeze, to hang (to come a sudden halt, stop working)
     1. art. the
           ¿Qué hacen los muchachos? - What do the boys do?
     2. pron. accusative of ellos and ustedes (when referring to more than one man); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. plural masculine or neuter pronoun
           los que no hablan - those who do not speak
     1. n. plural of cordón
          1. n-m. cord
          2. n-m. lace, string
          3. n-m. shoelace, bootlace, lacing
          4. n-m. drawstring, drawcord
          5. n-m. lanyard
          6. n-m. (military) aiguillette
          7. n-m. (Argentina) curb
     1. Letter. the 16th letter of the Spanish alphabet
     2. n. abbreviation of oeste; west
     3. conj. or
           ¿Quieres un café o algo más? - Do you want a coffee or something else?
     4. conj. either … or
           (ant-lite, ni, alt1=ni … ni)
     1. n. plural of cadena
          1. n-f. chain (series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal)
          2. n-f. necklace (article of jewelry that is worn around the neck)
          3. n-f. network (group of affiliated television stations)
          4. n-f. (broadcasting, television, and radio) channel (specific radio frequency or band of frequencies)
          5. n-f. (computing) string (ordered sequence of text characters stored consecutively in memory and capable of being processed as a single entity)
     1. conj. that
           Él dice que está triste. - He says that he is sad.
     2. conj. than
           Llego más tarde que tú. - I am arriving later than you.
     3. conj. (indicating a reason); because, for
           ¡Ve más lento, que es resbaloso! - Slow down, (for) it is slippery!
     4. conj. (indicating desire or permission); may (used with the subjunctive)
           Que te vaya bien. - May it go well for you.
           Que Dios me perdone. - May God forgive me.
     5. pron. who; that
           la estrella que está en la película - the star who is in the movie
     6. pron. that; whom
           la mujer con la que yo hablé - the woman with whom I spoke
     7. pron. that; which
           la casa que yo quiero - the house that I want
     8. prep. than
     9. prep. like, as
     10. part. to
     1. v. third-person plural present indicative of sostener
          1. v. to hold, to hold up, to prop up, to sustain, to underpin (physically)
          2. v. to sustain, to support, to keep (i.e. to give continuity to)
          3. v. to support, to uphold, to hold, to sustain, to contend, to maintain, to argue, to claim, to underpin, to defend
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ellas and ustedes (when referring to more than one woman); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. feminine plural pronoun
           las que no hablan - those (women) who do not speak
     4. n. plural of la
          1. art. the
          2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
          3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
                La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
                ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
                No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
          4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
          5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. n. plural of balanza
          1. n-f. balance, scale (device used to measure weight)
          2. n-f. (figuratively) comparative estimate, judgment
          3. n-f. (astronomy, constellations) Libra
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