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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. she, her (used subjectively and after prepositions)
     2. pron. it (used subjectively and after prepositions to refer to feminine nouns)
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of ser; (he/she/it/one) is
     2. n. plural of e
          1. v. to be (essentially or identified as)
                Yo soy de los Estados Unidos. - I am from the United States.
                Errar es humano. - To err is human.
          2. v. to be (in the passive voice sense)
                La guitarra fue tocada. - The guitar was played.
          3. v. to exist; to occur
                La fiesta será mañana. - The party will be tomorrow.
          4. n-m. a being, organism
          5. n-m. nature, essence
          6. n-m. value, worth
          1. conj. and
                Yo hablo francés e inglés. - I speak French and English.
     1. n-f. female equivalent of famoso
     2. adj. feminine singular of famoso
          1. adj. well-known, famous
          2. n-m. celebrity, famous person
     1. Proper noun. Como (city and capital of Como)
     2. adv. as (to such an extent or degree)
           No es tan alta como nosotras. - She's not as tall as us.
     3. adv. like, about (approximately)
           Hemos esperado como media hora. - We've waited like half an hour.
     4. conj. as (introducing a basis of comparison or equality)
           ¿Tienes tanta hambre como yo? - Are you as hungry as I am?
     5. conj. as, since (being that)
           Como nunca vio mi mensaje, vamos sin ella. - Since she never saw my message, we're going without her.
     6. conj. how (in which way)
           Me gusta como hablas. - I like how you talk.
     7. conj. (followed by the subjunctive) if, unless (under the condition that)
           Como llegues tarde otra vez, ¡te mato! - If you arrive late again, I'll kill you!
     8. prep. as (in the manner or role specified)
           Mis ahijados me ven como un tío. - My godchildren see me as an uncle.
     9. prep. such as (for example)
           Algunos países de Asia, como Laos y Vietnam... - Some countries in Asia, such as Laos and Vietnam...
     10. prep. like (similar to, reminiscent of)
           Llevan gafas redondas como las de John Lennon. - They wear round glasses like John Lennon's.
     11. v. first-person singular present indicative of comer
          1. v. to eat
                ¿Cómo como? ¿Cómo cómo como? ¡Como como como! (classroom example of written accent) - How do I eat? What do you mean, how do I eat? I eat like I eat!
          2. v. (colloquial) to eat away, corrode
          3. v. to capture a piece
          4. v. (double entendre, Mexico) to have sexual intercourse (because of similarity to coger)
          5. n-m. eating, food
                quitárselo uno de su comer - to deprive oneself of something for the benefit of others
                el comer fuera es muy común - eating out is very common
                ...necesario para el alma como el comer para el cuerpo - ...necessary for the soul like food for the body
     1. adj. who sings, singing
           El gato cantante. - The singing cat.
     2. n. singer
          1. v. second-person plural present indicative of cantar
          1. v. to sing
                Voy a cantarme una canción - I am going to sing (myself) a song
          2. n-m. a type of shanty or popular song
          1. pron. dative of tú: to you, for you
                Te voy a hacer tus calzones.... - I’m going to make your britches
          2. pron. accusative of tú: you
          3. pron. : yourself
     1. conj. but
           Mi casa es pequeña pero cómoda. (My house is small but comfortable.)
     2. conj. well well; so; well (used for emphasis)
     3. n-m. but (restriction)
     1. adv. no
     2. adv. not
     3. interj. eh? (used as a tag question, to emphasise what goes before or to request that the listener express an opinion about what has been said)
     4. n-m. no
     5. n-m. abbreviation of número; no.
     1. Proper noun. Como (city and capital of Como)
     2. adv. as (to such an extent or degree)
           No es tan alta como nosotras. - She's not as tall as us.
     3. adv. like, about (approximately)
           Hemos esperado como media hora. - We've waited like half an hour.
     4. conj. as (introducing a basis of comparison or equality)
           ¿Tienes tanta hambre como yo? - Are you as hungry as I am?
     5. conj. as, since (being that)
           Como nunca vio mi mensaje, vamos sin ella. - Since she never saw my message, we're going without her.
     6. conj. how (in which way)
           Me gusta como hablas. - I like how you talk.
     7. conj. (followed by the subjunctive) if, unless (under the condition that)
           Como llegues tarde otra vez, ¡te mato! - If you arrive late again, I'll kill you!
     8. prep. as (in the manner or role specified)
           Mis ahijados me ven como un tío. - My godchildren see me as an uncle.
     9. prep. such as (for example)
           Algunos países de Asia, como Laos y Vietnam... - Some countries in Asia, such as Laos and Vietnam...
     10. prep. like (similar to, reminiscent of)
           Llevan gafas redondas como las de John Lennon. - They wear round glasses like John Lennon's.
     11. v. first-person singular present indicative of comer
          1. v. to eat
                ¿Cómo como? ¿Cómo cómo como? ¡Como como como! (classroom example of written accent) - How do I eat? What do you mean, how do I eat? I eat like I eat!
          2. v. (colloquial) to eat away, corrode
          3. v. to capture a piece
          4. v. (double entendre, Mexico) to have sexual intercourse (because of similarity to coger)
          5. n-m. eating, food
                quitárselo uno de su comer - to deprive oneself of something for the benefit of others
                el comer fuera es muy común - eating out is very common
                ...necesario para el alma como el comer para el cuerpo - ...necessary for the soul like food for the body
     1. n-m. poet
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