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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. n-m. breakfast
           Para mi desayuno, tomo pan. - For my breakfast, I have bread.
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of desayunar
          1. v. to break a fast
          2. v. to have (for) breakfast
                Desayuno a las siete y media. - I breakfast at 7:30.
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
           Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ellas and ustedes (when referring to more than one woman); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. feminine plural pronoun
           las que no hablan - those (women) who do not speak
     4. n. plural of la
          1. art. the
          2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
          3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
                La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
                ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
                No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
          4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
          5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. num. seven
     2. n-m. seven
          1. v. to situate, to place, to put, to position
          2. v. to invest money
          3. v. to locate (often on a map, chart, diagram or drawing of some sort)
          4. v. (architecture) to site
          5. v. to be set (e.g. a novel or film)
          6. v. to position oneself (physically in a location)
          7. v. to be placed, to be located, to be situated
          8. v. to reach (a certain level in quantity or percentage)
          1. pron. dative of tú: to you, for you
                Te voy a hacer tus calzones.... - I’m going to make your britches
          2. pron. accusative of tú: you
          3. pron. : yourself
     1. det. feminine plural of todo
          1. det. feminine singular of todo
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ellas and ustedes (when referring to more than one woman); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. feminine plural pronoun
           las que no hablan - those (women) who do not speak
     4. n. plural of la
          1. art. the
          2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
          3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
                La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
                ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
                No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
          4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
          5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. n. plural of mañana
          1. adv. tomorrow
                pasado mañana - the day after tomorrow
                mañana por la mañana - tomorrow morning
          2. adv. soon, shortly
          3. n-f. the morning
                las ocho de la mañana - eight in the morning
                Él se levanta por las mañanas. - He gets up in the mornings.
          4. n-m. the near future; tomorrow
                en un día del mañana - someday in the near future
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