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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. adv. when
     2. conj. when
           Ven cuando estés listo. - Come when you're ready.
     1. pron. personal accusative of yo: me
     2. pron. personal;dative pronoun dative of yo: to me, for me
     3. pron. personal;reflexive pronoun of yo: myself
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of levantar
          1. v. to lift
                Nadie podía levantar un coche. - Nobody could lift a car.
          2. v. to raise, put up
                Levanta la mano. - Raise your hand.
                ¿Puedes levantar una sola ceja? - Can you raise a single eyebrow?
          3. v. to put up; build up (buildings)
          4. v. to increase; turn up (volume, power etc.)
          5. v. to adjourn; close; end (a meeting)
                Se levanta la sesión. - The session is adjourned.
                El presidente levantó la reunión. - The president adjourned the meeting.
          6. v. (hunting) to flush out
          7. v. to draw up (plans)
          8. v. to take, make (a census)
          9. v. to remove; get rid of (a prohibition)
          10. v. to nick, rob (steal)
          11. v. to take down (a tent)
          12. v. to give rise to
          13. v. to set up, found (a business)
          14. v. to bring back, make successful again (a business)
          15. v. to take home, earn (money)
          16. v. (card games) to pick (a card)
          17. v. (card games) to beat (a hand)
          18. v. to get up, to get out of bed
          19. v. to ride; mount (have sex with)
          20. v. to levitate
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
           Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
     3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
           La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
           ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
           No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
     4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
     5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
a la
     1. prep. a la; in the style or manner of
     1. adv. tomorrow
           pasado mañana - the day after tomorrow
           mañana por la mañana - tomorrow morning
     2. adv. soon, shortly
     3. n-f. the morning
           las ocho de la mañana - eight in the morning
           Él se levanta por las mañanas. - He gets up in the mornings.
     4. n-m. the near future; tomorrow
           en un día del mañana - someday in the near future
     1. adv. usually
     1. n-m. breakfast
           Para mi desayuno, tomo pan. - For my breakfast, I have bread.
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of desayunar
          1. v. to break a fast
          2. v. to have (for) breakfast
                Desayuno a las siete y media. - I breakfast at 7:30.
     1. prep. in, at, on
           Estoy en casa. - I'm at home.
           Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer.
           en esta página - on this page
           en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table
     2. prep. in (a time)
           en la antigüedad - in antiquity
           en 1999 - in 1999
     3. prep. in (a language)
           No conozco esta palabra en francés. - I don't know this word in French.
           en todos los idiomas - in all languages
     4. prep. used after some verbs and translated by various prepositions in English
           Pienso en ti. - I'm thinking of you.
     5. prep. in (in various expressions)
           en el sentido - in the sense
           en nuestro afán - in our eagerness
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
     3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
           La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
           ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
           No te la creo. - I don't believe you.
     4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
     5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. n-f. kitchen
     2. n-f. stove, cooker, range
     3. n-f. cuisine
           Mi hermana como chef decidió especializarse en la cocina asiática. - My sister as a chef decided to specialize in Asian cuisine.
     4. n-f. (Dominican Republic, slang) back seats of a bus
     5. v. third-person singular present indicative of cocinar
          1. v. to cook
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