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Past of the Spanish verb acabar

The past tense conjugations for the Spanish verb acabar, along with their English translations.

yo acababaI was ending
tú acababasyou were ending
él acababahe was ending
ella acababashe was ending
nosotros acabábamoswe were ending
vosotros acababaisyou were ending
ellos acababanthey were ending
ellas acababanthey were ending

yo acabéI ended
tú acabasteyou ended
él acabóhe ended
ella acabóshe ended
nosotros acabamoswe ended
vosotros acabasteisyou ended
ellos acabaronthey ended
ellas acabaronthey ended

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he acabadoI have ended
tú has acabadoyou have ended
él ha acabadohe has ended
ella ha acabadoshe has ended
nosotros hemos acabadowe have ended
vosotros habéis acabadoyou have ended
ellos han acabadothey have ended
ellas han acabadothey have ended

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