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Conjugation of the French verb passer

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb passer, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

passerto spend

je passeI spend
tu passesyou spend
il passehe spends
elle passeshe spends
nous passonswe spend
vous passezyou spend
ils passentthey spend
elles passentthey spend

je passaisI was spending
tu passaisyou were spending
il passaithe was spending
elle passaitshe was spending
nous passionswe were spending
vous passiezyou were spending
ils passaientthey were spending
elles passaientthey were spending

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
je passaiI spent
tu passasyou spent
il passahe spent
elle passashe spent
nous passâmeswe spent
vous passâtesyou spent
ils passèrentthey spent
elles passèrentthey spent

Passé ComposéScored
j'ai passéI have spent
tu as passéyou have spent
il a passéhe has spent
elle a passéshe has spent
nous avons passéwe have spent
vous avez passéyou have spent
ils ont passéthey have spent
elles ont passéthey have spent

Pluperfect / Plus-que-parfaitScored
j'avais passéI had spent
tu avais passéyou had spent
il avait passéhe had spent
elle avait passéshe had spent
nous avions passéwe had spent
vous aviez passéyou had spent
ils avaient passéthey had spent
elles avaient passéthey had spent

je passeraiI will spend
tu passerasyou will spend
il passerahe will spend
elle passerashe will spend
nous passeronswe will spend
vous passerezyou will spend
ils passerontthey will spend
elles passerontthey will spend

Future Perfect / Futur antérieur
The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurai passéI will have spent
tu auras passéyou will have spent
il aura passéhe will have spent
elle aura passéshe will have spent
nous aurons passéwe will have spent
vous aurez passéyou will have spent
ils auront passéthey will have spent
elles auront passéthey will have spent

je passeraisI would spend
tu passeraisyou would spend
il passeraithe would spend
elle passeraitshe would spend
nous passerionswe would spend
vous passeriezyou would spend
ils passeraientthey would spend
elles passeraientthey would spend

Conditional Perfect / Conditionnel passé
The French Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Conditionnel passé is made with the conditional tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurais passéI would have spent
tu aurais passéyou would have spent
il aurait passéhe would have spent
elle aurait passéshe would have spent
nous aurions passéwe would have spent
vous auriez passéyou would have spent
ils auraient passéthey would have spent
elles auraient passéthey would have spent

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je passe(... that) I spend
(... que) tu passes(... that) you spend
(... que) il passe(... that) he spends
(... que) elle passe(... that) she spends
(... que) nous passions(... that) we spend
(... que) vous passiez(... that) you spend
(... que) ils passent(... that) they spend
(... que) elles passent(... that) they spend

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je passasse(... that) I was spending
(... que) tu passasses(... that) you were spending
(... que) il passât(... that) he was spending
(... que) elle passât(... that) she was spending
(... que) nous passassions(... that) we were spending
(... que) vous passassiez(... that) you were spending
(... que) ils passassent(... that) they were spending
(... que) elles passassent(... that) they were spending

passe Spend
passonsLet's spend
passez Spend

Present ParticipleScored
passant spending

Past ParticipleScored
passé spent

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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