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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Teil des Gesichtes, der über dem Mund liegt; wird zum atmen und zum riechen benutzt. (engl.: part of the face above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling.)
     3. [2] etwas das die Form oder die Position einer Nase hat (engl.: thing like a nose in shape or position).
     4. [3] Fähigkeit zu riechen, Riechfähigkeit, Geruchssinn, Nase - (engl.:(nur Singular) a sense of smell)
           [1] The nose is an external organ of the respiration system.
             Die Nase ist ein externes Organ des Atmungssystems.
           [2] He brought the aircraft's nose up and made a perfect landing.
             Er zog die Nase des Flugzeuges hoch und machte eine perfekte Landung.
           [3] a dog with a good nose
             ein Hund mit einer guten Nase/ Geruchssinn/ Riechfähigkeit/ Fähigkeit zu riechen
           [?] It's no skin off my nose if I lose this job, I can always get another another one.
             Es macht mir nichts aus wenn ich diesen Job verliere, ich kann jederzeit einen Neuen bekommen.
           [?] The horse won by a nose.
             Das Pferd hat mit einer Nase (Vorsprung) gewonnen.
     5. Verb:
     6. [1] langsam vorwärts gehen/ bewegen/ fahren
           [1] a car nosed carefully round the corner - ein Auto fuhr vorsichtig um die Ecke, kriechen
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. A protuberance on the face housing the nostrils, which are used to breathe or smell.
           She has a cold in the nose.
     2. subst. A snout, the nose of an animal.
     3. subst. The tip of an object.
           the nose of a tea-kettle, a bellows, or a fighter plane
     4. subst. (horse racing) The length of a horse’s nose, used to indicate the distance between horses at the finish of a race, or any very close race.
           Red Rum only won by a nose.
     5. subst. A perfumer.
     6. subst. The power of smelling.
     7. subst. Bouquet, the smell of something, especially wine.
     8. subst. The skill in recognising bouquet.
           It is essential that a winetaster develops a good nose.
     9. subst. (by extension) Skill at finding information.
           A successful reporter has a nose for news.
     10. v. (intransitive) To move cautiously by advancing its front end.
           The ship nosed through the minefield.
     11. v. (intransitive) To snoop.
           She was nosing around other people’s business.
     12. v. To detect by smell or as if by smell.
     13. v. To push with one's nose; to nuzzle.
     14. v. To defeat (as in a race or other contest) by a narrow margin; sometimes with out.
     15. v. To utter in a nasal manner; to pronounce with a nasal twang.
           to nose a prayer
     16. v. To furnish with a nose.
           to nose a stair tread
     17. v. To confront; be closely face to face or opposite to.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. nose




"My dog doesn't have a nose." "How does he smell?" "Terrible." 
    „Mein Hund hat keine Nase.“ – „Wie riecht er denn?“ – „Furchtbar.“
My mother always sticks her nose in my private business. 
    Meine Mutter steckt ihre Nase immer in meine Privatangelegenheiten.
My nose runs whenever I have a cold. 
    Immer wenn ich eine Erkältung habe, läuft meine Nase.
The cat put its nose in the pot. 
    Die Katze hielt die Nase in den Topf.
He is suffering from a bad cold in the nose. 
    Er leidet an einer starken Erkältung in der Nase.

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