Lexis Rex Startseite

Englisches Wort des Tages für Fortgeschrittene



Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Verb:
     2. [1] (transitiv) Textiltechnik: durch Verkreuzen von Fäden/Garn ein Gewebe herstellen; weben
     3. [2] (intransitiv) sich vorwärtsbewegen und dabei stets Hindernissen ausweichen; durchschlängeln, durchwinden
     4. [3] (transitiv) etwas (einen Plan, eine Geschichte) durch Kombinieren einzelner Teile ausdenken; austüfteln, ersinnen
     5. Substantiv:
     6. [1] Stoff, der aus gekreuzten Fäden besteht; Gewebe
     7. [2] Methode, nach der Fäden verflochten werden; Webart, Fadenverlauf
Englisch > Englisch
     1. v. To form something by passing lengths or strands of material over and under one another.
           This loom weaves yarn into sweaters.
     2. v. To spin a cocoon or a web.
           Spiders weave beautiful but deadly webs.
     3. v. To unite by close connection or intermixture.
     4. v. To compose creatively and intricately; to fabricate.
           to weave the plot of a story
     5. subst. A type or way of weaving.
           That rug has a very tight weave.
     6. subst. Human or artificial hair worn to alter one's appearance, either to supplement or to cover the natural hair.
     7. v. (intransitive) To move by turning and twisting.
           The drunk weaved into another bar.
     8. v. To make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side.
           The ambulance weaved its way through the heavy traffic.


You'll see those iron bars weave back and forth. 
To weave it into whatever splendid tapestry I should like. 
Weave the clothes of cotton that only nobles may where? 

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