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Spanish Phrase of the Day

a la postre


Spanish > English
a la postre
     1. adv. (idiom) in the end; at the end of the day
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
           Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
     3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
           La sabe toda. - He/she knows everything (it all)
           ¡Dónde la viste! - Where have you seen this!
     1. n-m. dessert; sweet
     2. v. formal second-person singular affirmative imperative of postrar

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