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The French word for to point is


The plural of pointer is pointers.

French Definition

     1. n. Point.
     2. n. Pointe.
     3. n. Virgule (d'un décimal). (note) En anglais, on utilise un point comme séparateur décimal.
     4. n. But, intérêt, utilité, point.
           What is the point of this conversation?
     5. n. Point de vue, avis, opinion.
           point of view, to make a point
     6. n. (Jeux) Point.
           The winner is the one with the most points.
     7. n. (Ferro) (Royaume-Uni) (en général au pluriel) Aiguillage.
     8. v. Montrer, indiquer, montrer du doigt. Construction : point to something / someone.
           Le vieux monsieur, un peu surpris de cette question, montra sa carte du doigt.
     9. v. Braquer.
           The tourist pointed her camera at the cathedral and took the picture.
     10. v. (Maçonnerie) Jointoyer.

Translations for point and their definitions

     1. v. to point to/at
     2. v. (by extension) to indicate, to show, to point out
     3. v. (arriving) to clock in (US), clock on (UK), to punch in (US); (leaving) to clock out (US), clock off (UK), to punch out (US) (to enter or leave a workplace by punching a time card)
     4. v. (informal, takes a reflexive pronoun) to show up, turn up
           On doit se pointer à quelle heure? - What time do we have to show up?
     5. n-m. pointer (dog)

     1. v. to connote (to signify beyond principal meaning)
     2. v. to show, indicate
     3. v. to prescribe
     4. v. to point to, to point out

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