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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of pouvoir
     2. v. second-person singular present indicative of pouvoir
          1. v. can, to be able to
                Je peux venir ce soir. - I can come this evening.
          2. v. may
                désastre qui peut nous frapper - disaster which may strike us
          3. v. (impersonal, reflexive) to be possible; may, could be
                Il se peut que je sois malade. - (literally) It could be that I'm ill / (more naturally) I may be ill. / I could be ill.
          4. n-m. (or un) power
                prendre le pouvoir - to take power, to seize power
          5. n-m. authority
          6. n-m. (legal) power of attorney
     1. pron. you (singular); thou
     2. Participle. past participle of taire
     3. part. (Quebec, informal) (question marker)
           C'est-tu possible ? - Is it possible?
          1. v. to quieten, to shut up, to silence
                Faites taire vos enfants ! - Shut your children up!
          2. v. to shut up (one's self), to be quiet, to fall silent, to stop talking
                Tais-toi! - Be quiet!/Shut up!
          3. v. To keep (a matter) quiet, to keep secret, not to say
                Je l'ai entendu de quelqu'un dont je préfère taire le nom. - I heard it from someone whose name I'd rather keep to myself.
     1. pron. the plural personal pronoun in the first person:
     2. pron.          (subject pronoun) we.
     3. pron.          (object pronoun) us, to us.
     4. pron. (royal, obsolete) we (as the royal we)
     5. n-m. the nous, (divine) reason in philosophy
     1. v. to say, to tell
     2. v. (informal) to be of interest to, to interest +preo, à, someone
           Ça te dit de regarder un film de science-fiction? - Do you want to watch a science fiction movie? What do you say to watching a science fiction movie?
           Ça vous dit ? - Are you interested in doing this? Are you up for it?
           Il m'a demandé si ça nous dirait de nous joindre à eux plus tard. - He asked me if we'd like to join them later.
           Ça ne me dit trop rien d'y aller. - I don't really want to go there.
     3. v. (informal) to sound familiar +preo, à, someone
           Ça me dit quelque chose. - It rings a bell.
           Ça ne me dit rien. - It doesn't ring a bell.
     4. n-m. saying (that which is said)
     5. n-m. belief, opinion
     1. det. this, that
     2. pron. (subject of être, with predicative adjectives or relative clauses, singular only) it, this, that (see § Usage notes, below)
           C'est beau ! - It is beautiful!
           est-ce que...? - is it that...?
           ce dont je parlais - that which I was speaking of
           C'eût été avec plaisir, mais... - It would have been with pleasure, but...
           C'eût été dommage... - It would have been a pity...
     3. pron. (subject of être, with predicate nouns) he, she, it, this, that
           C'est un/une célébrité. - He/she is a celebrity.
           Ce sont des célébrités. - These are celebrities.
           Ce sont des gens bien. - These are good people.
           ce semble - it seems
           ce peuvent être... - these may be...
     1. conj. that (introduces a subordinate noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
           Je vois que tu parles bien français. - I see that you speak French well.
     2. conj. Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction.
           Si le temps est beau et que tout le monde est d'accord, nous mangerons en plein air. - If the weather is nice and if everyone likes the idea, we'll eat outside.
     3. conj. when, no sooner
           Il était à peine parti qu’elle a téléphoné à la police. - No sooner had he left when she called the police.
     4. conj. (Links two noun phrases in apposition forming a clause without a (finite) verb, such that the complement acts as predicate.)
     5. conj. introduces a comparison
     6. conj.          (comparisons of superiority or inferiority) than
                   Il est plus grand que son père. - He is taller than his father.
     7. conj.          (comparisons of equality) as
                   Elle est aussi intelligente que toi. - She is as smart as you.
     8. conj. (used with ne) only, just; but, nothing but
           Je ne mange que des fruits. - I eat nothing but fruit.
     9. conj. how (in rhetorical interjections)
           Que c'est beau! - How beautiful it is!
           Mais que t'es drôle, quoi. - Oh, how funny you are.
     10. pron. (tlb, interrogative)
     11. pron. (slightly formal, accusative) (The inanimate direct-object interrogative pronoun.)
           Que pensez-vous de cette peinture ? - What do you think of that painting?
           Qu'auriez-vous fait d'autre ? - What else would you have done?
     12. pron. (slightly formal, nominative) (The inanimate subject or predicative interrogative pronoun.)
           Qu'est-il arrivé ? - What happened?
           Que me vaut cette visite ? - To what do I owe this visit?
           Que sommes-nous ? - What are we?
     13. pron. (accusative, relative) (The direct object relative pronoun.)
           C'est un homme que je connais très bien. - He's a man whom I know very well.
           Je viens de lire la lettre que vous m'avez envoyée. - I've just read the letter that you sent me.
ce que
     1. pron. (accusative, relative) what (relative pronoun - direct object)
           C'est ce que font les gens bien. - This is what good people do.
           Cela n'est pas ce que je voulais. - That isn't what I wanted.
           Il avait bien conscience de ce qu'il avait fait. - He knew perfectly well what he had done.
           Ce que dit le roi est vrai, parce que le roi le dit. - What the king says is true, because the king says it.
           A est à B ce que C est à D - A is to B as C is to D
     2. pron. (accusative, interrogative) what (in indirect questions)
           Savez-vous ce qu’il dit ? - Do you know what he says?
           Savez-vous ce que vous faites ? - Do you know what you're doing?
     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
           Il pleut. - It’s raining.
     1. pron. The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
     2. pron.          (to) himself
     3. pron.          (to) herself
     4. pron.          (to) oneself
     5. pron.          (to) itself
     6. pron.          (to) themselves
     7. pron.          (to) each other
     8. pron. (Louisiana) (The second-person plural reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.)
           Je suis partie à la chasse et faut vous autres se comportes bien. - I'm going hunting and y'all need to behave yourselves.
     1. adj. east
     2. n-m. east
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of être
          1. v. to be
                Vous devez être plus clairs. - You must be clearer.
          2. v. (auxiliary) Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of (including all reflexive verbs)
                Après être allé au yoga, je suis rentré chez moi. - After having gone to yoga, I came back home.
          3. v. (semi-auxiliary) to be (Used to form the passive voice)
                Il peut être battu ce soir. - He can be beaten this evening.
          4. n-m. being, creature
          5. n-m. being, the state or fact of existence
     1. contraction. se + est (third-person singular indicative present form of être)
     1. n-m. past tense
     2. n-m. past (opposite of future)
     3. adj. past
     4. adj. (used with certain temporal nouns) last
           la semaine passée ; l'année passée, l’an passé ; l'hiver passé - last week; last year; last winter
     5. Participle. past participle of passer
          1. v. to go past
          2. v. to cross (a border)
          3. v. (legal) to pass
                passer une loi - to pass a law
          4. v. to spend (time)
                J'ai passé les vacances en Espagne. - I spent the holidays in Spain.
                J'ai passé une splendide soirée chez toi. - I had a great evening at your place.
          5. v. to publish (a newspaper)
          6. v. to take, to sit (an exam or test)
                J'ai réussi l'examen que j'avais passé en avril. - I passed the exam that I took in April.
          7. v. to pass (an exam or test)
                Il est passé à l'examen. - He passed the exam.
          8. v. (dated) to pass (an exam or test)
                Il a passé l'examen. - He passed the exam.
          9. v. (public transportation) to run
                Le train passe toutes les vingt minutes. - The train runs every 20 minutes.
          10. v. to exceed (a limit)
          11. v. to percolate
          12. v. to hand down, to pass on
          13. v. to be allowed
          14. v. to pass, to go (between two entities)
          15. v. to show (a movie)
          16. v. to go up (a grade)
          17. v. to shift (change gear)
          18. v.          to go down
          19. v.          to go up
          20. v. to stop by, to pop in
                Il est passé nous voir. - He stopped by to see us.
                Je vais y passer demain pour mes affaires. - I'm going to stop by there tomorrow for my things.
          21. v. to pass away, to die
          22. v. (music) to spin (e.g. a disk)
          23. v. (TV) to show (be on television)
          24. v. (sports) to pass (kick, throw, hit etc. the ball to another player)
          25. v. (athletics) to pass (the relay baton)
          26. v. to pass on (infect someone else with a disease)
          27. v. to put, to place, to slip (move a part of one's body somewhere else)
          28. v. to wipe, rub
                Elle passe de la crème sur son ventre. - She's rubbing cream on her belly.
          29. v. to skip a go
          30. v. to put (make something undergo something)
          31. v. (card games) to pass (not play upon one's turn)
          32. v. to take place, to happen, to come to pass
                Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ici ? - What happened here?
          33. v. to go by
          34. v. to do without
                Je ne peux pas me passer du café le matin. - I can't do without a cup of coffee in the morning.
          35. v. to don
                Il passa son pantalon. - He put on his pants.
          36. v. (indtr, pour) to be thought to be, to be said to be, to be taken for
                faire passer quelqu'un pour quelque chose - to make someone out to be something
                se faire passer pour - to pass oneself off as, to pose as, to impersonate
     1. Notes. In Canada, à and a are not homophones, à a, a ɑː.
     2. prep. to (destination)
           aller au bout - go to the end / go all the way
           Je vais à Paris. - I am going to Paris.
     3. prep. to (until)
           Le spectacle sera de 18h à 21h. - The show will be from 6 pm to 9 pm.
     4. prep. on the, to (some directions)
           Tournez à gauche ! - Turn to the left!
           Ne tournez pas encore à droite ! - Don't turn to the right yet!
           Le vent vire au nord. - The wind turns north.
           L'école est à gauche. - The school is on the left.
     5. prep. at (said of a particular time)
           à dix heures et quart - at quarter past ten
           Je pars à cinq heures précises. - I am leaving at exactly five o'clock.
     6. prep. at, in, on (said of a particular place)
           à la maison - at home
           à l'hôtel - at the hotel
           au comptoir du bar - at the bar
           au bois - in the woods
           J'habite à un demi-kilomètre d'ici. - I live half a kilometer from here.
           La maison qui a été détruite hier soir ne se trouvait qu'à trois kilomètres de chez nous. - The house that was destroyed last night was only three kilometers from our place.à trois kilomètres d
     7. prep. Used in various interjections used as warnings or exhortations
           au voleur ! - stop thief!
           à l'assassin ! - murderer!
           au meurtre ! - murder! murderer!
           à moi ! - help!
           à l'aide ! - help!
           au secours ! - help!
           au feu ! - fire!
           aux armes ! - to arms!
           à l'attaque ! - attack! forward! charge! up and at 'em!
           à l'abordage ! - on board!
           au boulot ! - get to work! let's get to work!
           au travail ! - get to work! let's get to work!
     8. prep. from (origin)
           Nous prenons de l'eau au puits. - We get water from the well.
           Je l'ai eu à la bibliothèque. - I got it from the library.
           Voilà la femme à laquelle j'ai acheté mon chien - There's the woman I bought my dog from.
     9. prep. of (belonging to)
           C'est un ami à moi. - This is a friend of mine.
           Cette voiture est à John. - This is John's car.
           le chien à Marie - Mary's dog nonstandard: one normally would use de here
     10. prep. till, until (used in farewells)
           à plus tard - see you later
           à bientôt - see you soon
           Salut, donc. À demain. - Bye, then. 'Til tomorrow / see you tomorrow.
     11. prep. (cuisine) cooked in or with
     12. prep. Used to make compound nouns to state what something is used for
           moulin à poivre - pepper mill
           sac à dos - backpack
           boite à musique - music box
     13. prep. (before an infinitive) to (used to express something not completed)
           l'équipe à battre - the team to beat
           Il n'y a jamais grand-chose à faire par ici. - There's never much to do around here.
           Là où tu ne vois pas grand-chose, je ne trouve qu'une grande abondance de choses qui restent à faire. - Where you see nothing great, I only see a great abundance of things that need doing.
           Il reste deux tâches à finir. - There are two things left to finish.
           Il y a de la bière à boire. - There's some beer to drink.
     14. prep. Used to describe a part of something, often translated into English as a compound adjective
           un animal à quatre pattes - a four-legged animal
           une femme au visage pâle - a pale-faced woman
           un homme à longue barbe - a long-bearded man — a man with a long beard
           une chemise à manches courtes - a short-sleeved shirt
           une maison aux murs de brique - a brick-walled house / a house with brick walls
     15. prep. by
           peu à peu - bit by bit
           petit à petit - little by little
           minute à minute - minute by minute
           jour à jour - day by day
           un à un - one by one
     16. prep. or, to (used to express an approximate number)
           six à sept personnes - six or seven people
           de vingt à trente ans - from twenty to thirty years
           tous les cinq à six ans - every five or six years
     17. prep. Used to indicate the recipient of certain phrasal verb.
           mettre le feu à - to set fire to
           clouer le bec à - to shut (someone) up
           donner la chasse à - to give chase to
     18. prep. with
     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. art. the (definite article)
           Le lait du matin. - The milk of the morning.
     3. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
           L'amour est aveugle. - Love is blind.
     4. art. (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc.
           Il s’est cassé la jambe. - He has broken his leg.
     5. art. (before units) a, an
           Cinquante kilomètres à l’heure. - fifty kilometres an hour
     6. pron. (direct object) him, it
           Où est Malik ? Je ne le vois pas. - Where is Malik? I don't see him.
           Mon sac ? Je vais le mettre dans la voiture. - My bag? I'm going to put it in the car.
     7. pron. used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English
           Je suis petit et lui, il l’est aussi. - ... and he is it too
à le
     1. prep. (Louisiana French, Cajun French) Alternative form of au, to the
     1. n-f. school
     1. n-m. Monday
     1. adj. last
           Il est parti le mois dernier. - He left last month.
           Je n'ai parlé qu'une fois avec elle depuis l'année dernière. - I haven't spoken with her a single time since last year.
     2. adj. latest (most recent)
           J'espère que les dernières mises à jour vont nous permettre d'achever le projet à temps. I hope that the latest updates allow us to complete the project on time. I hope that the latest updates
     3. adj. latter
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