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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. part. (literary) not (used alone to negate a verb; now chiefly with only a few particular verbs: see usage notes)
     2. part. not, no (used before a verb, with a coordinating negative element usually following; see Usage Notes, below)
     3. part. (Used in a subordinate clause before a subjunctive verb (especially when the main verb expresses doubt or fear), to provide extra overtones of doubt or uncertainty (but not negating its verb); the so-
     4. part. In comparative clauses usually translated with the positive sense of the subsequent negative
           Apprendre le français est plus facile qu'on ne pense. - Learning French is easier than you (might) think.
     1. pron. (direct object) you
           Il te cite souvent. - He often quotes you.
     2. pron. (indirect object) you
           Il te donne le livre. - He gives you the book.
     3. pron. yourself
           Tu te souviens d'elle. - You remind yourself of her.
     1. Proper noun. (astronomy) Crater (a constellation)
     2. n-f. goblet, cup
     3. n-f. (sports) cup (award; prize)
     4. n-f. cut
     5. n-f. (style) haircut
     6. v. first-person singular present of couper
     7. v. third-person singular present of couper
     8. v. second-person singular imperative of couper
          1. v. to cut, cut up, to chop, to sever
          2. v. to cut, to clip, to trim
                J'ai besoin de me faire couper les cheveux. - I need to get my hair cut.
          3. v. to cut off, to keep out
          4. v. to dilute (with water)
          5. v. to crack
     1. n-m. step, pace, footstep
     2. n-m. (geography) strait, pass
           Pas de Calais - Strait of Dover
     3. n-m. thread, pitch (of a screw or nut)
     4. adv. The most common adverb of negation in French, typically translating into English as not, don't, doesn't, etc.
           Je ne sais pas. - I don't know
           Ma grande sœur n'habite pas avec nous. - My big sister doesn't live with us.
           J’veux pas travailler. - I don't wanna work.
     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. art. the (definite article)
           Le lait du matin. - The milk of the morning.
     3. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
           L'amour est aveugle. - Love is blind.
     4. art. (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc.
           Il s’est cassé la jambe. - He has broken his leg.
     5. art. (before units) a, an
           Cinquante kilomètres à l’heure. - fifty kilometres an hour
     6. pron. (direct object) him, it
           Où est Malik ? Je ne le vois pas. - Where is Malik? I don't see him.
           Mon sac ? Je vais le mettre dans la voiture. - My bag? I'm going to put it in the car.
     7. pron. used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English
           Je suis petit et lui, il l’est aussi. - ... and he is it too
     1. n-m. finger
     2. n-m. toe
           Je vais me tremper les doigts de pied. - I'll dip my toes in the water.
     3. n-m. finger (measurement of a beverage)
           deux doigts de whiskey - two fingers of whiskey
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