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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
           Il pleut. - It’s raining.
     1. pron. there (at a place)
           Il est dans la maison. Il y est. - He is in the house. He is there.
     2. pron. there, thither (to there)
           Nous allons au Mexique. Nous y allons. - We are going to Mexico. We are going there.
     3. pron. Used as a pronoun to replace an adverbial phrase starting with à.
           Je pense à mon pays. J'y pense. - I think about my country. I think about it.
     4. pron.          With verbs: see for verbs which use this structure.
     5. pron. With adjectives. Only used with a handful of adjectives (the most common combination being y compris, which is a special case), mainly in legal terminology.
                   personnes y nommées - Persons named there(in)
                   procédures y afférentes - Related procedures
                   documents y relatifs - Related documents
                   eaux y affluentes - Tributary waters
     6. pron. (Quebec, France, colloquial) he: Alternative form of il
     7. pron. (Quebec, France, colloquial) they: Alternative form of ils
     8. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) they: Alternative form of elles
     1. n. a, the name of the Latin-script letter A
     2. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) alt form-lite, elle, , she
           C'te fille-là, a'a l'air cute. - This girl, she looks cute.
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of avoir
           Elle a un chat. - She has a cat.
          1. n-m. asset, possession
          2. v. to have (to own; to possess)
                J'aimerais avoir 20 dollars. - I would like to have 20 dollars.
          3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
                J'ai parlé. - I have spoken, I spoke.
                Qu'est-ce que vous m'avez fait ? - What have you done to me?
          4. v. to have (a condition)
                J'ai faim. - I have hunger.
                J'ai soif. - I have thirst.
                J'ai froid. - I have cold.
                J'ai chaud. - I have hot.
                J'ai la chiasse. - I have the shits.
                J'ai le rhume. - I have a cold.
                J'ai le SIDA. - I have AIDS.
                J'ai de la fièvre. - I've got a fever.
          5. v. to have (a measure or age)
                Elle a 19 ans. - She has 19 years.
          6. v. to have (to trick)
                Tu t'es fait avoir. - You've been had.
          7. v. to have (to participate in an experience)
                avoir des relations sexuelles - to have sexual relations
          8. v. (indtr, à) to have (to), must +preo, à, infinitive
                J'ai à vous parler. - I have to talk to you.
il y a
     1. v. singular present indicative of y avoir: there is, there are
           Il y a un problème. - There is a problem.
           Il y a deux personnes ici. - There are two people here.
     2. prep. ago
           Je l'ai vu il y a longtemps. - I saw it a long time ago.
           Elle est allée en France il y a deux ans. - She went to France two years ago.
           C'est il y a dix ans que je suis allé aux États-Unis. - It was ten years ago that I went to the United States.
y a
     1. v. (colloquial)contraction of il y a
           Heureusement, y a l'amour. - Fortunately, there's love. Lyric by Michelle Daniel (1968)
y avoir
     1. v. (impersonal, transitive) there be
           Il y a deux raisons. - There are two reasons.
     1. num. feminine singular of un
     2. art. a / an (feminine indefinite article)
     3. n-f. front page (of a publication)
     1. n-f. card
     2. n-f. chart; map
     3. n-f. menu, bill of fare
          1. n-m. housing (of an engine)
          2. v. to verify a person's age etc by inspecting his identity card
     1. prep. on, upon
     2. prep. on top of
     3. prep. from on top of
     4. prep. above
     5. prep. out of
           sept sur dix - seven out of ten
     6. prep. in the case of
     7. prep. about, concerning
     8. prep. (informal, France) in (a place)
           sur Paris - in Paris
     9. adj. sour
     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. art. the (definite article)
           Le lait du matin. - The milk of the morning.
     3. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
           L'amour est aveugle. - Love is blind.
     4. art. (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc.
           Il s’est cassé la jambe. - He has broken his leg.
     5. art. (before units) a, an
           Cinquante kilomètres à l’heure. - fifty kilometres an hour
     6. pron. (direct object) him, it
           Où est Malik ? Je ne le vois pas. - Where is Malik? I don't see him.
           Mon sac ? Je vais le mettre dans la voiture. - My bag? I'm going to put it in the car.
     7. pron. used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English
           Je suis petit et lui, il l’est aussi. - ... and he is it too
     1. n-m. wall
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