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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
           Il pleut. - It’s raining.
     1. v. first-person singular present of crever
     2. v. third-person singular present of crever
     3. v. second-person singular imperative of crever
     4. n-f. (colloquial) nasty cold
          1. v. to pop, burst
                crever un œil à quelqu'un - to gouge someone's eye, to poke someone's eye out, to put someone's eye out
          2. v. to have a puncture
                Mon pneu a à nouveau crevé. - My tire went flat again.
          3. v. (informal, intransitive) to snuff it, pop one's clogs (to die)
                crever de faim - to be starving
                crever de soif - to be parched
                crever de froid - to be freezing
                crever de chaud - to be boiling
          4. v. (informal) to wear out, knacker
     1. prep. (literal, figurative) in, inside (enclosed in a physical space, a group, a state)
           vieillir dans la misère - to grow old in poverty
           être dans l'infanterie - to be in the infantry
           avoir quelque chose dans la bouche - to have something in the mouth
           dans les circonstances d'une pandémie - under the circumstances of a pandemic
           Il habite dans le quartier le plus riche de Paris. - He lives in the richest district of Paris.
           Il nage comme un poisson dans l'eau. - He swims like a fish in the water.
           mettre l'argent dans la poche - to put money into one's pocket
           Bienvenue dans le meilleur bar de tout Paris. - Welcome to the best bar in all of Paris.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain large subdivisions, see usage notes)
           Aujourd'hui, je vais dans le Maine, et demain, je vais dans l’État de New York. - Today, I'm going to Maine, and tomorrow, I'm going to New York.
     3. prep. in, within (a longer period of time)
           Je serai prêt dans une heure. - I'll be ready in one hour.
           Il arrivera dans trois jours. - He will arrive in three days.
     4. prep. (with respect to time) during
           dans un temps donné - during a given time
           dans ma jeunesse - in my youth
     5. prep. out of, from
           boire dans une tasse - to drink from a cup
           Il prend le beurre dans le réfrigérateur. - He takes the butter out of the fridge.
     6. prep. (metonymy) in; in the works of
           le marxisme dans Sartre - Marxism in the works of Sartre
     7. prep. (colloquial) (Used in dans les)
           dans les trentes kilos - about thirty kilos
           dans les dix euros - about ten euros
     8. n. plural of dan
     1. det. (possessive) his, her, its, their, one's
           Emma est allée chez sa sœur. - Emma went to her sister's house.
           Pierre a perdu sa carte d'identité. - Pierre has lost his identity card.
           Sa voiture est blanche. - Their car is white.
     1. n-f. skin of a person or animal
     2. n-f. hide, fur
     3. n-f. skin (protective outer layer of a plant or fruit)
     4. n-f. pellicule formed on top of certain prepared foods
     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
           Il pleut. - It’s raining.
     1. adj. east
     2. n-m. east
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of être
          1. v. to be
                Vous devez être plus clairs. - You must be clearer.
          2. v. (auxiliary) Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of (including all reflexive verbs)
                Après être allé au yoga, je suis rentré chez moi. - After having gone to yoga, I came back home.
          3. v. (semi-auxiliary) to be (Used to form the passive voice)
                Il peut être battu ce soir. - He can be beaten this evening.
          4. n-m. being, creature
          5. n-m. being, the state or fact of existence
     1. conj. if, whether
           Je me demande si elle sera seule. - I wonder if she'll be alone.
           Je veux savoir si tu viendras ou non. - I want to know if you're coming or not.
     2. conj. if (assuming that)
           Si j'avais ses pouvoirs, je créerais un monde où le mal n'existe pas. - If I had his power, I'd create a world where evil didn't exist.
           Si tu n'avais pas appelé, je serais morte. - If you hadn't called, I'd be dead.
     3. conj. even if
     4. conj. although, while
     5. interj. yes (used to contradict a negative statement)
           Tu ne m’aimes pas, n’est-ce pas ? — Si ! - You don’t like me, do you? — Yes, I do!
           Moi, je n'ai rien fait ! — Si ! - I didn't do anything! — Yes, you did!
     6. adv. so, such (intensifier)
           J’étais si fatigué ces jours-ci que je n’avais pas le courage de vous écrire. - I was so tired those days that I didn't have the energy to write to you.
           Cela n'aurait pas été une si bonne idée. - That wouldn't have been such a good idea.
     7. adv. (si + adjective/adverb + que ...) however (to whatever extent or degree)
           Si bavard qu'il soit, il ne dit rien de stupide. - However talkative he may be, he doesn't say anything stupid.
     8. n-m. (music) si, the note 'B'
     1. adj. fat
     2. adj. (typography) bold
     3. n-m. fat (animal tissue or substance resembling it)
     1. conj. that (introduces a subordinate noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
           Je vois que tu parles bien français. - I see that you speak French well.
     2. conj. Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction.
           Si le temps est beau et que tout le monde est d'accord, nous mangerons en plein air. - If the weather is nice and if everyone likes the idea, we'll eat outside.
     3. conj. when, no sooner
           Il était à peine parti qu’elle a téléphoné à la police. - No sooner had he left when she called the police.
     4. conj. (Links two noun phrases in apposition forming a clause without a (finite) verb, such that the complement acts as predicate.)
     5. conj. introduces a comparison
     6. conj.          (comparisons of superiority or inferiority) than
                   Il est plus grand que son père. - He is taller than his father.
     7. conj.          (comparisons of equality) as
                   Elle est aussi intelligente que toi. - She is as smart as you.
     8. conj. (used with ne) only, just; but, nothing but
           Je ne mange que des fruits. - I eat nothing but fruit.
     9. conj. how (in rhetorical interjections)
           Que c'est beau! - How beautiful it is!
           Mais que t'es drôle, quoi. - Oh, how funny you are.
     10. pron. (tlb, interrogative)
     11. pron. (slightly formal, accusative) (The inanimate direct-object interrogative pronoun.)
           Que pensez-vous de cette peinture ? - What do you think of that painting?
           Qu'auriez-vous fait d'autre ? - What else would you have done?
     12. pron. (slightly formal, nominative) (The inanimate subject or predicative interrogative pronoun.)
           Qu'est-il arrivé ? - What happened?
           Que me vaut cette visite ? - To what do I owe this visit?
           Que sommes-nous ? - What are we?
     13. pron. (accusative, relative) (The direct object relative pronoun.)
           C'est un homme que je connais très bien. - He's a man whom I know very well.
           Je viens de lire la lettre que vous m'avez envoyée. - I've just read the letter that you sent me.
     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
           Il pleut. - It’s raining.
     1. v. first-person singular present of sembler
     2. v. third-person singular present of sembler
     3. v. second-person singular imperative of sembler
          1. v. to seem, to resemble
                Il semblerait qu'il y ait des différences significatives entre les deux groupes. - There would seem to be significant differences between the two groups.
          2. v. to appear
     1. part. (literary) not (used alone to negate a verb; now chiefly with only a few particular verbs: see usage notes)
     2. part. not, no (used before a verb, with a coordinating negative element usually following; see Usage Notes, below)
     3. part. (Used in a subordinate clause before a subjunctive verb (especially when the main verb expresses doubt or fear), to provide extra overtones of doubt or uncertainty (but not negating its verb); the so-
     4. part. In comparative clauses usually translated with the positive sense of the subsequent negative
           Apprendre le français est plus facile qu'on ne pense. - Learning French is easier than you (might) think.
     1. v. can, to be able to
           Je peux venir ce soir. - I can come this evening.
     2. v. may
           désastre qui peut nous frapper - disaster which may strike us
     3. v. (impersonal, reflexive) to be possible; may, could be
           Il se peut que je sois malade. - (literally) It could be that I'm ill / (more naturally) I may be ill. / I could be ill.
     4. n-m. (or un) power
           prendre le pouvoir - to take power, to seize power
     5. n-m. authority
     6. n-m. (legal) power of attorney
     1. adv. more, -er (used to form comparatives of adjectives)
           Ton voisin est plus moche que mon frère. - Your neighbour is uglier than my brother.
           Le tien est beaucoup plus grand que le mien. - Yours is much bigger than mine.
           Elle est plus belle que sa cousine. - She is more beautiful than her cousin.
           Elles sont toutes plus entêtées les unes que les autres. - They are each more stubborn than the last.
     2. adv. more, -er (used to form comparatives of adverbs)
           Elle le fait plus rapidement que lui. - She does it more quickly than he does.
           plus vite ! - faster!
     3. adv. (after a verb) more, -er (indicating a higher degree or quantity)
           Je travaille plus en ce moment. - I am working more at the moment.
           Je veux faire plus. - I want to do more.
     4. adv. more (indicating a greater quantity) (+preo, noun)
           Elle a plus de chocolat. - She has more chocolate.
           Plus de la moitié reste. - More than half is left.
     5. adv. more (supplementary, preceded by de)
           Une heure de plus et il serait mort. - One more hour and he would be dead.
           Un kilo de plus, s'il vous plaît. - One more kilo, please.
     6. adv. (preceded by a definite article) the most, -est (used to form superlatives of adjectives and adverbs)
           la plus grande - the biggest
           le plus difficile - the most difficult
     7. adv. (usually with the negative particle ne, see usage notes below) no longer, not ... any more
           Tu n'existes plus. - You no longer exist. / You don't exist any more.
           Il n'y a plus de travail. - There is no more work.
     8. adv. (elliptically, introducing each clause) the more ..., the more ...
           Plus je vois, plus je veux. - The more I see, the more I want.
     9. adv. (similarly, used with other comparatives) the more ..., the ...
           Plus j'écoute, moins je comprends. - The more I listen, the less I understand.
     10. n-m. plus, the symbol +
     11. v. singular past historic of plaire
     12. Participle. masculine plural of plu
     1. v. to have; to hold
     2. v. to keep
     3. v. to take (e.g., take into account, take into consideration); to consider; to account for; to reflect
           Peut-être devons-nous tenir compte de plusieurs problèmes. - Maybe we should take several issues into account.
     4. v. to stay; to hold
     5. v. to hold on
           Elle descend en se tenant aux racines. - She comes down using the roots for handles (holding on to the roots).
     6. v. to hold oneself, to be standing
           Il se tenait dans le coin. - He stood in the corner.
     7. v. to behave
           Tiens-toi bien. - Behave yourself.
     8. v. to maintain, remain in a certain position or disposition
           Tiens-toi droit! - Keep yourself straight!
           Elle se tient immobile sur la corde raide. - She stays still on the tightrope.
     9. v. (indtr, à) to be attached to something, to be fond of something, to hold something dear; to wish to
     10. v. to hang out
     1. prep. (literal, figurative) in, inside (enclosed in a physical space, a group, a state)
           vieillir dans la misère - to grow old in poverty
           être dans l'infanterie - to be in the infantry
           avoir quelque chose dans la bouche - to have something in the mouth
           dans les circonstances d'une pandémie - under the circumstances of a pandemic
           Il habite dans le quartier le plus riche de Paris. - He lives in the richest district of Paris.
           Il nage comme un poisson dans l'eau. - He swims like a fish in the water.
           mettre l'argent dans la poche - to put money into one's pocket
           Bienvenue dans le meilleur bar de tout Paris. - Welcome to the best bar in all of Paris.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain large subdivisions, see usage notes)
           Aujourd'hui, je vais dans le Maine, et demain, je vais dans l’État de New York. - Today, I'm going to Maine, and tomorrow, I'm going to New York.
     3. prep. in, within (a longer period of time)
           Je serai prêt dans une heure. - I'll be ready in one hour.
           Il arrivera dans trois jours. - He will arrive in three days.
     4. prep. (with respect to time) during
           dans un temps donné - during a given time
           dans ma jeunesse - in my youth
     5. prep. out of, from
           boire dans une tasse - to drink from a cup
           Il prend le beurre dans le réfrigérateur. - He takes the butter out of the fridge.
     6. prep. (metonymy) in; in the works of
           le marxisme dans Sartre - Marxism in the works of Sartre
     7. prep. (colloquial) (Used in dans les)
           dans les trentes kilos - about thirty kilos
           dans les dix euros - about ten euros
     8. n. plural of dan
     1. det. his, her, its, their, one's (when referring to a plural noun)
           Alicia dîne chez ses parents. - Alicia is having dinner at her parents' house.
           Thomas a perdu ses clés. - Thomas has lost his keys.
           Tout le monde doit apporter ses documents. - Everyone needs to bring their documents.
     1. n. plural of habit
          1. n-m. article of clothing, garment, dress-coat, evening dress, tails, full dress
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