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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. she
           Je crois qu'elle est partie. - I think she left.
     2. pron. it (feminine gender third-person singular subject pronoun)
           Voilà ma voiture. Elle a cinq ans. - That's my car. It is five years old.
     3. pron. disjunctive form of elle; her; à elle = hers
           C’est à elle. - It's hers.
          1. v. third-person singular future indicative of être
          1. v. third-person singular conditional of être
          1. conj. or, meaning, that is to say
          2. conj. either ... or
                Il veut adopter un animal de compagnie, soit un chat, soit un chien. - He wants to adopt a pet, either a cat, or a dog.
                Je lui ai dit que j'aimerais reprendre un de mes vieux passe-temps, soit jouer du piano, soit apprendre une langue. - I told him I want to take up one of my old hobbies agains, be that playing
          3. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of être
          4. v. (math) let be
                Soit f une fonction linéaire. - Let f be a linear function.
          5. interj. OK; granted; so be it
     1. n. a, the name of the Latin-script letter A
     2. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) alt form-lite, elle, , she
           C'te fille-là, a'a l'air cute. - This girl, she looks cute.
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of avoir
           Elle a un chat. - She has a cat.
          1. n-m. asset, possession
          2. v. to have (to own; to possess)
                J'aimerais avoir 20 dollars. - I would like to have 20 dollars.
          3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
                J'ai parlé. - I have spoken, I spoke.
                Qu'est-ce que vous m'avez fait ? - What have you done to me?
          4. v. to have (a condition)
                J'ai faim. - I have hunger.
                J'ai soif. - I have thirst.
                J'ai froid. - I have cold.
                J'ai chaud. - I have hot.
                J'ai la chiasse. - I have the shits.
                J'ai le rhume. - I have a cold.
                J'ai le SIDA. - I have AIDS.
                J'ai de la fièvre. - I've got a fever.
          5. v. to have (a measure or age)
                Elle a 19 ans. - She has 19 years.
          6. v. to have (to trick)
                Tu t'es fait avoir. - You've been had.
          7. v. to have (to participate in an experience)
                avoir des relations sexuelles - to have sexual relations
          8. v. (indtr, à) to have (to), must +preo, à, infinitive
                J'ai à vous parler. - I have to talk to you.
     1. adj. broken
     2. Participle. past participle of briser
          1. v. to break; snap
                Est-ce que c'est vraiment une promesse si tu sais que tu vas la briser ? - Is it really a promise if you know you’re going to break it?
          2. v. to become broken; snap
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. pron. her, it (direct object)
           Où est Judith ? Je ne la vois pas. - Where is Judith? I don't see her.
           Prends cette boîte et mets-la dans le coin. - Take that box and put it in the corner.
     3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A'
     1. n-f. cup
     2. n-f. cupful
          1. v. to pile together, to put into a pile
          2. v. to compress or to pack vertically
          3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) for a person to shrink, e.g. with age
          4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) for things to sort itself out with time
     1. prep. in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
           J'habite en Angleterre. - I live in England.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
           Il est allé en France. - He went to France.
     3. prep. by (used to indicate means)
           aller en bus - go by bus
           partir en voiture - leave by car
     4. prep. as
           Il me traite en ami. - He treats me as a friend.
           habillé en père Noël - dressed as Father Christmas
     5. prep. at (used to describe an ability)
           fort en histoire - good at history
     6. prep. of, made of (used to describe composition)
           une chaise en hêtre - a chair made of beech/a beech chair
           une fourchette en métal - a fork made of metal/a metal fork
     7. prep. in (during the following time (used for months and years))
           en 1993 - in 1993
           en janvier - in January
           en septembre 2001 - in September 2001
     8. prep. (followed by a gerund) while
     9. prep. (followed by a gerund) by, in describing a way of getting something
           C'est en trichant qu'il est devenu champion. - It was by cheating that he became champion.
     10. prep. in (used to describe color)
           une photo en noir et blanc - a photo in black and white
     11. prep. in (used to describe feelings)
           en détresse - in distress
     12. prep. in (as part of something)
           en équipe - on a team
     13. pron. (Used as the object of a verb to indicate an indefinite quantity; of it, of them. Replaces the partitive article (du, de la, etc.))
           Essaies-en ! - Try some (of it / them)!
           Tu as combien de livres ? J'en ai trois. - How many books do you have? I have three (of them).
           Y a-t-il beaucoup de pièces ? Oui. Il y en a beaucoup. - Are there many rooms? Yes, there are many (of them).
           Martin a trois sandwichs, mais j'en ai seulement deux. - Martin has three sandwiches, but I have only two (of them).
           Il y en a combien ? - How many of them are there?
           Je bois de l'alcool parce que j'en ai besoin - I drink alcohol because I need (of) it.
     14. pron. Adverbial preposition indicating movement away from a place already mentioned; from there, from it. Replaces the phrase de là or d’ici.
           Est-ce qu'elle vient de Barcelone ? Oui, elle en vient. - Does she come from Barcelona? Yes, she comes (from there).
     1. adv. more, -er (used to form comparatives of adjectives)
           Ton voisin est plus moche que mon frère. - Your neighbour is uglier than my brother.
           Le tien est beaucoup plus grand que le mien. - Yours is much bigger than mine.
           Elle est plus belle que sa cousine. - She is more beautiful than her cousin.
           Elles sont toutes plus entêtées les unes que les autres. - They are each more stubborn than the last.
     2. adv. more, -er (used to form comparatives of adverbs)
           Elle le fait plus rapidement que lui. - She does it more quickly than he does.
           plus vite ! - faster!
     3. adv. (after a verb) more, -er (indicating a higher degree or quantity)
           Je travaille plus en ce moment. - I am working more at the moment.
           Je veux faire plus. - I want to do more.
     4. adv. more (indicating a greater quantity) (+preo, noun)
           Elle a plus de chocolat. - She has more chocolate.
           Plus de la moitié reste. - More than half is left.
     5. adv. more (supplementary, preceded by de)
           Une heure de plus et il serait mort. - One more hour and he would be dead.
           Un kilo de plus, s'il vous plaît. - One more kilo, please.
     6. adv. (preceded by a definite article) the most, -est (used to form superlatives of adjectives and adverbs)
           la plus grande - the biggest
           le plus difficile - the most difficult
     7. adv. (usually with the negative particle ne, see usage notes below) no longer, not ... any more
           Tu n'existes plus. - You no longer exist. / You don't exist any more.
           Il n'y a plus de travail. - There is no more work.
     8. adv. (elliptically, introducing each clause) the more ..., the more ...
           Plus je vois, plus je veux. - The more I see, the more I want.
     9. adv. (similarly, used with other comparatives) the more ..., the ...
           Plus j'écoute, moins je comprends. - The more I listen, the less I understand.
     10. n-m. plus, the symbol +
     11. v. singular past historic of plaire
     12. Participle. masculine plural of plu
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