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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. n-f. music
     2. v. first-person singular present of musiquer
     3. v. third-person singular present of musiquer
     4. v. second-person singular imperative of musiquer
     1. n. plural of caractère
          1. n-m. character, demeanour, personality
          2. n-m. character (written symbol)
     1. pron. (interrogative) who, whom
           Tu as vu qui ? - Who have you seen?
           Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes. - I don't know who you are.
     2. pron. (relative) who, whom (after a preposition), which, that
           La personne qui parle connait bien son sujet. - The person who speaks knows his/her subject well.
           Cette voiture bleue qui passe me plait beaucoup. - This blue car which is passing I like a lot.
           J’aime les chiens qui sont calmes. - I like dogs that are quiet.
           Un homme à qui j’ai parlé. - A man to whom I spoke/have spoken.
           Si lugubre que fût l’appartement, c’était un paradis pour qui revenait du lycée. - Gloomy as the apartment was, it was still a paradise for those who came back from school.
           Rira bien qui rira le dernier. - Who laughs last laughs well.
     3. conj. (Louisiana French, Cajun French) if
           Qui elle en a, ça va faire. - If she has any, that will do.
     1. v. third-person plural present of figurer
          1. v. to appear (in a list, etc.), to be included; to represent
          2. v. to imagine, picture
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. pron. her, it (direct object)
           Où est Judith ? Je ne la vois pas. - Where is Judith? I don't see her.
           Prends cette boîte et mets-la dans le coin. - Take that box and put it in the corner.
     3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A'
     1. n-f. height, altitude
           La hauteur du Mont Everest est de 8.848 mètres. - The height of Mount Everest is 8,848 meters.
     2. n-f. arrogance
     3. n-f. (geometry) height
           La hauteur d'un parallélogramme est perpendiculaire à sa base. - The height of a parallelogram is perpendicular to its base.
     4. n-f. (music) pitch
     1. conj. and
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. pron. her, it (direct object)
           Où est Judith ? Je ne la vois pas. - Where is Judith? I don't see her.
           Prends cette boîte et mets-la dans le coin. - Take that box and put it in the corner.
     3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A'
     1. n-f. duration, period, time taken
     2. Participle. feminine singular of duré
          1. v. to last (for)
                Un match de football dure 90 minutes. - A football match lasts 90 minutes.
                Elle ne dure guère plus longtemps que les précédentes.
                L'expérience étrange a duré quelques secondes après quoi il est parti sans rien dire.
     1. prep. of (expresses belonging)
           Paris est la capitale de la France. - Paris is the capital of France.
     2. prep. of (used to express property or association)
           Œuvres de Fermat - Fermat’s Works
           Elle est la femme de mon ami. - She is my friend’s wife.
           le voisin de Gabriel - Gabriel's neighbor
     3. prep. from (used to indicate origin)
           Elle vient de France. - She comes from France.
           Êtes-vous de Suisse ? - Are you from Switzerland?
           Ce fromage vient d’Espagne. - This cheese is from Spain.
           C’est de l’ouest de la France. - It’s from the west of France.
           Le train va de Paris à Bordeaux. - The train goes from Paris to Bordeaux.
     4. prep. of (indicates an amount)
           5 kilos de pommes. - 5 kilograms of apples.
           Un verre de vin - A glass of wine
           Une portion de frites - A portion of fries
     5. prep. used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word
           Un jus de pomme - Apple juice
           Un verre de vin - A glass of wine
           Une boîte de nuit - A nightclub
           Un chien de garde - A guarddog
           Une voiture de sport - A sportscar
           Un stade de football - A football stadium
     6. prep. from (used to indicate the start of a time or range)
           De 9:00 à 11:00 je ne serai pas libre. - From 9 to 11 I won’t be free.
           Je travaille de huit heures à midi. - I work from 8 o'clock to noon.
           un groupe de cinq à huit personnes - a group of from five to eight people
     7. prep. used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive
           J’ai arrêté de fumer. - I stopped smoking.
           Il continue de m’embêter. - He keeps annoying me.
           Elle m’a dit de venir. - She told me to come.
           Nous vous exhortons de venir. - We urge you to come.
     8. prep. by (indicates the amount of change)
           Boire trois tasses par jour réduirait de 20 % les risques de contracter une maladie. - Drinking three cups a day would reduce the risks of catching an illness by 20%.
     9. art. Used in the plural with prepositioned adjectives.
           Ce sont de bons enfants. - They are good children.
           Il y a d’autres exemples. - There are other examples.
     10. art. Used in negated sentences with the grammatical object.
           Elle n’a pas de mère. - She doesn’t have a mother.
           Il ne mange pas de viande. - He doesn’t eat meat.
           Il n’y a pas de problèmes. - There are no problems.
     11. n-f. abbreviation of dame
     1. art. an, a
     2. num. number box, fr
     3. num. one
     4. pron. one, someone
     5. n-m. one (the number or figure)
     1. n-m. sound
           Le son de ce piano est agréable. (The sound of this piano is nice.)
     2. det. (possessive) his, her, their, its (used to qualify masculine nouns and before a vowel)
           Elle a perdu son chapeau. - She lost her hat.
           Il a perdu son chapeau. - He lost his hat.
           J'aime son amie. - I like his/her girlfriend.
           La décision a été prise pendant son absence. - The decision was taken in her/his absence.
     3. n-m. bran
           Ceci est du pain de son. - This bread is done with bran.
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