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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. contraction. contraction of à le
           Il étudie la musique au conservatoire. - He studies music at the conservatory.
     1. adj. male
     2. adj. masculine
     3. adj. (grammar) masculine
     4. n-m. (grammar) masculine (masculine word)
     1. n-m. number
          1. v. to number
     1. adj. whole
           des biscuits entiers et des brisés - whole and broken biscuits
     2. adj. (arithmetic) whole (of a number), integer
           un chiffre entier - a whole number
           une valeur entière - an integer value
     3. adj. entire, whole
           le monde entier, la terre entière - the entire world, the whole world
     4. adj. (of bread) wholemeal (UK), wholewheat (US)
     5. n-m. (mathematics) integer, whole number
     1. adj. natural
     2. n-m. naturalness
entier naturel
     1. n-m. (mathematics) natural number
     1. prep. after, later than in time.
           On mange après avoir bu. - We eat after we drink.
           après la fête - after the party
     2. prep. after, coming for, trying to get (someone).
     3. adv. afterwards
           On va au cinéma après. - We'll go to the cinema afterwards.
     4. adv. (Louisiana French) (Indicates the continuous aspect)
     1. num. forty
     1. num. two
Dictionary entries from Wiktionary