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Japanese Word of the Day

ゆか - yuka



Japanese > English
     1. n. the floor (the bottom surface of a room)
           床を掃く - to sweep the floor
     2. n. a bed
     3. n. (theater) a raised area of a stage where a presenter or musician sits
     4. n. a raised platform erected along the Kamo River in Kyōto in summer, used as an outdoor tea shop or restaurant
     5. n. a raised platform roughly 30cm tall used in dirt-floored rooms as a seat
     6. n. a raised area on which to sleep: a bed
     7. n. a sickbed
     8. n. the floor
     9. n. tatami mats
     10. n. the seat of an oxcart
     11. n. short for 床間 / 床の間: an alcove with a raised floor along one wall of a traditional Japanese living room
     12. n. an alcove with a raised floor used as a study: see 付書院
     13. n. a box seat, such as at a parade, theater, or stadium
     14. n. short for 床店: a stall with a raised floor used as a store
     15. n. short for 床屋: a barbershop, from how such shops were historically often tokomise
     16. n. short for 床船梁, 舵床: the large wooden beam at the very aft of a traditional wood-hulled Japanese ship, upon which the rudder is seated
     17. n. the heel of a plough; the part of the bottom of a plough that touches the ground and guides the ploughshare
     18. n. short for 苗床: a seedbed
     19. n. short for 鉄床, 金床: an anvil
     20. n. sickbed
     21. counter. beds



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