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Italian Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. (childish) toy
     1. prep. with, together
     2. prep. (rowing) coxed
     1. n. plural of sembianza
          1. n. appearance
          2. n. (chiefly in the plural) feature, semblance
     1. n. plural of animale
     2. adj. plural of animale
          1. adj. animal
          2. n. animal
          3. n. beast
     1. adj. feminine plural of adjective umano
     2. n. plural of it
     1. v. misspelling of ho
     2. conj. or
     1. adj. feminine plural of adjective robotico
     1. pron. (interrogative) what
     2. pron. (relative) who; whom; which; (ngd, nominative and accusative case)
     3. conj. that
     4. conj. than
     5. conj. when
     6. det. some (informal) A remarkable (some party - che festa - che bambola!)
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of potere
          1. v. can, could; be able to
          2. v. may, might; be possible to
          3. n. power
     1. v. (intransitive, indicating existence, identity, location, or state) to be, to stay
     2. v. (auxiliary, used to form composite past tense of many intransitive verbs) to have (done something); to
     3. v. (impersonal, of a duration of time since an event) to have passed
     4. n. being
     1. adj. animate
     2. adj. animated
     3. adj. lively
     4. v. masculine singular past participle of animare
     5. v. masculine singular past participle of animarsi
          1. v. to animate
          2. v. to enliven
          3. v. to encourage
     1. prep. from
           Giacomino da Verona - Giacomino from Verona
           interviste dal libro - interviews from the book
           traduzione dall’“Inferno” di Dante - translation from Dante’s ‘Inferno’
           Dalla Terra alla Luna - From the Earth to the Moon
     2. prep. at
           da Giovanni - at Giovanni’s house
     3. prep. since
           da quando? - since when?
     4. prep. to (implying necessity)
           Non c'è (niente) da fare - There's nothing to do
     5. prep. ngd, Used in some adverbial phrases:
           da per tutto/dappertutto/da ogni parte - everywhere
           da presso/dappresso - closely
           da lontano - from a distance
           da solo - by oneself
     6. prep. like, as
           fare una vita da cani - to live like dogs
           correre da matti - to run like crazies
           trattare da amico - to treat as a friend
     7. v. misspelling of dà
     1. pron. (interrogative pronoun) who, whom
     2. pron. (interrogative pronoun) whoever
     3. pron. (relative pronoun) who, whom
     4. pron. (relative pronoun) whoever
     5. n. chi (Greek letter)
     1. pron. us
           Loro ci conoscono - They know us
     2. pron. (reflexive pronoun) ourselves; each other
           Ci arrabbiamo - We (ourselves) get angry
           Ci amiamo - We love each other
     3. pron. to us
           Lui ci ha detto questo - He said this to us
     4. pron. (ngd, Replaces the indefinite personal pronoun m, it, si, , one) before reflexive m, it, si, , oneself; one
           Ci si lava. - One washes oneself.
           Ci si annoia quando non c'è niente da fare. - One gets bored when there is nothing to do.
     5. pron. it, to it
           Non ci credo. - I do not believe it.
     6. adv. to there, here, there
           Ci sono andato - I have been there
           Ci siamo - We're here
           Ci sono molte cose - There are many things
           C'è un problema - There is a problem
     7. adv. ngd, Forms part of many verbs:
           volerci - to require/take
           abituarci - to get used to it
           riuscirci - to be able to do it
           entrarci - to do with something
           contarci - to count on it
           pensarci - to think about it
           starci - to agree / to be up for something
           farcela - to manage to do something
           crederci - to believe it
     8. n-m. The Twi language family.
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of giocare
     2. v. second-person singular imperative of giocare
          1. v. to play, (specifically:)
          2. v.          (intransitive) to play a game, for fun (or) as a pastime
                        I bambini giocano in giardino - The children play in the garden
          3. v.          (intransitive) to do something for fun
                        Il gatto gioca col topo - The cat plays with the mouse letting it go to catch it again
          4. v.          (intransitive) to partake in a sport or game
                        Oggi giochiamo a tennis - Today we'll play tennis
                        Fortunato in amor non giochi a carte - Let he who is lucky in love not play cards
          5. v.          (intransitive) to act as required from a game
                        Tocca a te giocare - It's your turn to play (e.g. in a card game)
          6. v.          (intransitive) to participate in a sporting match
                        Domani la Roma giocherà col Napoli - Tomorrow, Roma will play against Napoli
          7. v.          to put into action (in a game)
                        Giocare una carta - To play a card
          8. v. (intransitive, hunting, of birds) to respond to bait
          9. v. (intransitive) to have a gambling addiction
          10. v. to put as stake (in a game)
          11. v.          (by extension) to bet, wager
          12. v. to or waste (time) playing.
          13. v. (figurative, transitive) to deceive or manipulate
          14. v. (figurative, intransitive):
          15. v.          to use (something) skillfully; (with di)
          16. v.          (mechanics, of a mechanism) to have backlash
                        Questo ingranaggio gioca un po' troppo - This gear has a bit too much backlash
          17. v.          to be important, to matter
          18. v.          to make the most of, to take advantage of
ci gioca
          1. v. to risk, to lose something when gambling
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