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Italian Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. (ngd, second-person personal plural object pronoun:) you, to you
           (noi) vi amiamo - we love you
     2. pron. (ngd, second-person reflexive plural:) yourselves
           (voi) vi ricordate - you remember
     3. pron. (often not translated) it; about it, of it, on it
     4. adv. (formal) there
     5. adv. (formal) here
     6. n. alternative form of vu
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of avere (I have)
          1. v. to have
                Avevo un'anima. - I used to have a soul.
                Ho una macchina. - I have a car.
                Ho diciassette anni. - I have 17 years.
          2. v. (auxiliary) to have
                Ho fatto un errore. - I (have) made a mistake.
          3. n. property, substance
          4. n. (in the plural) belongings
          5. n. credit, assets
          6. n. swag
     1. v. masculine singular past participle of dare
     2. v. first-person singular present of datare
     3. n. datum (item of data)
     4. n. fact
     5. n. evidence, proof
          1. v. to give, to transfer the possession/holding of something to someone else
          2. v. to yield, to bear, to give, to produce, to return
          3. n. debit
          1. v. to date (something)
          2. v. datare da
          3. v. (intransitive) to date back to
     1. num. (cln, it, cardinal numbers) five
     2. adj. five
     3. n. five.
     4. n. (following the article le) five o'clock (a.m. or p.m.)
           Sono le cinque. - It's five o'clock.
     1. n. plural of milione
          1. n. million
     1. prep. for
           Ma io l'ho fatto per te! - But I did it for you!
           Te lo vendo per appena trecento euro - I'll sell it you for only three hundred euro
           Ho studiato per tre ore - I studied for three hours
           Questo è il treno per Londra - This is the train for London
     2. prep. to (indicates direction)
     3. prep. through
           Sono passato per il centro - I passed through the center
     4. prep. in or on
           Camminava ansiosamente per la stanza - He was pacing anxiously about the room
     5. prep. by
           Te lo invio per posta - I'll send it to to by post
     6. prep. with
     7. prep. as
     1. v. second-person plural of farsi
          1. v. to do
          2. v. to make
          3. v. to act
          4. v. to get someone to be something
          5. n. manner, way
          1. pron. (ngd, second-person personal plural object pronoun:) you, to you
                (noi) vi amiamo - we love you
          2. pron. (ngd, second-person reflexive plural:) yourselves
                (voi) vi ricordate - you remember
          3. pron. (often not translated) it; about it, of it, on it
          4. adv. (formal) there
          5. adv. (formal) here
          6. n. alternative form of vu
     1. v. to stretch out (one's arms etc)
     2. v. to spread (a table etc)
     3. v. to hang out (washing)
     4. v. to roll out (pasta)
     5. v. to floor (a person, with a blow)
     6. v. to draw up
     1. adj. this, these
           Questo meraviglioso dolce è semplice da preparare. - This wonderful cake is easy to prepare.
           Traduci questa pagina. - Translate this page.
           Questi fiori dicono che è primavera! - These flowers say it's spring!
     2. pron. this, this one, these
           Libri come questo vengono raramente letti al di fuori della piccola cerchia di persone interessate all'argomento. - Books like this one are rarely read outside the small number of people intere
           Queste sono le mie prime foto, ma penso anche le mie migliori. - These are my first pics but the best ones I think.
     3. pron. this, that
           Su questo sono completamente d'accordo. - I totally agree about this.
           Questo è tutto. - That's all.
     1. adj. past participle of contrarre
     2. adj. contracted, shrunk, tense
     3. n. contract, agreement, deed
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of contrattare
          1. v. to tense
          2. v. to contract, covenant
          3. v. to pick up (a habit, etc.)
          4. v. to enter into (a pact, etc.)
          5. v. (transitive, idiomatic) to come down with, contract or get; to show symptoms of a minor illness
          1. v. to negotiate
          2. v. to bargain, haggle
     1. conj. and
     1. adv. then
     2. adv. later
     3. n. the future
e poi
     1. interj. next
     1. adv. not
     2. adv. un-
     3. adv. don't
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of essere; is
           Se non è vero, è ben trovato - If it is not true, it is a good story.
          1. v. (intransitive, indicating existence, identity, location, or state) to be, to stay
          2. v. (auxiliary, used to form composite past tense of many intransitive verbs) to have (done something); to
          3. v. (impersonal, of a duration of time since an event) to have passed
          4. n. being
     1. n. fault
     2. n. blame
     3. n. guilt
     4. n. sin
     1. pron. (possessive) yours (formal or polite)
     2. adj. (possessive) your (formal or polite)
     3. pron. feminine singular of suo
     4. adj. feminine singular of suo
          1. adj. his, her, its
                i suoi figli - his/her/its children
                le sue macchine - his/her/its cars
                casa sua - his/her/its house
                suo padre - his/her/its father
          2. adj. (often, capitalised) your (polite singular form)
                i Suoi figli - your children
                le Sue macchine - your cars
                casa Sua - your house
                Suo padre - your father
          3. pron. his, hers, its own.
                Sono i suoi - They are his/hers/its own.
          4. pron. (often, capitalised) yours (polite singular form)
                Sono i Suoi - They are yours.
     1. conj. if
           Se non è vero, è ben trovato. - If it is not true, it is a good story.
     2. conj. whether
     3. conj. if only
     4. pron. alternative form of si
     5. pron. alternative form of sé
     1. pron. (uncommon, very, formal, or polite) you (singular), to you (singular), yourself
     2. pron. (ngd, second-person personal plural object pronoun:) you, to you
           (noi) vi amiamo - we love you
     3. pron. (ngd, second-person reflexive plural:) yourselves
           (voi) vi ricordate - you remember
     4. pron. (often not translated) it; about it, of it, on it
     5. adv. (formal) there
     6. adv. (formal) here
     7. n. alternative form of vu
     1. v. second-person plural present indicative of ritrovare
     2. v. second-person plural imperative of ritrovare
     3. v. feminine plural of ritrovato
          1. v. to find again, to find
          2. v. to recover, regain
          3. v. to meet (again)
          4. v. (transitive, familiar) to have
vi ritrovate
          1. v. to find oneself, end up
          2. v. to make out, find one's way about, make sense of
          3. v. to be at ease, feel at ease, get on
          4. v. to meet again, meet
     1. adj. Apocopic form of quello, used before a consonant that is not impure.
     1. n. surname, cognomen
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