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Italian Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. hour (period of 60 minutes)
     2. n. time (of day), hour
           Che ora รจ? - What time is it?
     3. adv. now
     4. conj. and yet
     5. n. (poetic, regional) blow, breeze
     6. v. third-person singular present indicative of orare
     7. v. second-person singular imperative of orare
     1. adv. not
     2. adv. un-
     3. adv. don't
     1. pron. me
     2. pron. (dative) (to) me
           (Lui/Lei) non mi piace. / Non mi piace (lui/lei). - (He/She/It) not likes to me. / I do not like (him/her/it). / To me not likes (he/she/it).
           (Lui/Lei) mi piace. / Mi piace (lui/lei). - (He/She/It) likes to me. / I like (him/her/it). / To me likes (he/she/it).
     3. n. (music) The third note, mi.
     4. n. E (musical note or key)
     5. n. mu (Greek letter)
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of rimanere
          1. v. (intransitive) to stay
          2. v. (intransitive) to remain
          3. v. (intransitive) to be left
mi rimane
          1. v. to stay, remain
     1. pron. (interrogative) what
     2. pron. (relative) who; whom; which; (ngd, nominative and accusative case)
     3. conj. that
     4. conj. than
     5. conj. when
     6. det. some (informal) A remarkable (some party - che festa - che bambola!)
     1. v. (intransitive) to return, come back
     1. prep. to, at, in (used before a vowel for euphony instead of (m, it, a))
           Dallo ad Adamo. - Give it to Adam.
     1. v. (intransitive, indicating existence, identity, location, or state) to be, to stay
     2. v. (auxiliary, used to form composite past tense of many intransitive verbs) to have (done something); to
     3. v. (impersonal, of a duration of time since an event) to have passed
     4. n. being
     1. art. an, a
     2. n. one
     3. adj. one
     4. pron. one
     1. n. puppet
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