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The German word for station is



The gender of Bahnhof is masculine. E.g. der Bahnhof.


The plural of Bahnhof is Bahnhöfe.

German Definition

     [1] Bahnhof, Station
     [2] Militär: Position, Stellung
     [3] (sozialer) Rang, Stellung
     [4] Radiostation, Radiosender
     [5] Haltung, Körperhaltung
     [6] Australien: große Farm
     [7] Referenzpunkt, Bezugspunkt, Richtpunkt
          [1] The train left the station 10 minutes late.
            Der Zug verließ den Bahnhof mit 10 Minuten Verspätung.
          [2] The soldiers reached their station minutes after the attack.
            Die Soldaten erreichten ihre Stellung wenige Minuten nachdem sie angegriffen wurden.
          [3] In the 18th century Women were of lower social station than man.
            Im 18. Jahrhundert waren Frauen von niedrigerer sozialer Stellung als Männer.
          [4] I loved that station! It played my favourite music all the time!
            Ich habe diesen Radiosender geliebt! Er hat immer meine Lieblingsmusik gespielt!
          [5] The soldiers were not allowed to easy their station.
            Den Soldaten wurde nicht erlaubt eine bequeme Haltung einzunehmen.

Translations for station and their definitions

     n. railway depot, railroad station, railway station, train station

     n-f. stop; stopover; station (a place where one stops on the way; the act of stopping itself)
     n-f. station (area equipped to serve as a regular stop; compare usage notes below)
     n-f. station (place where workers are stationed, e.g. a weather station or space station)
     n-f. ward (division in a hospital)

     v. to deploy
     v. to site
     v. to station


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