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The German word for boot is



The gender of Stiefel is masculine. E.g. der Stiefel.

German Definition

     [1] Kleidung: der Stiefel
     [2] (US-amerikanisch) Militär, salopper Jargon: Rekrut der Marine, der sich einer Grundausbildung unterzieht
     [3] (britisch) der Kofferraum
     [4] der Fußtritt
          [1] Please take your dirty boots off before you come in the house.
          [2] After my first full year in the Marine Corps, I was still a boot..
          [3] Put the bag in the boot of the car.
          [4] He punched me in the face and gave me a boot.
     [1] Computertechnik (Kurzform für bootstrap): einen Computer durch Laden eines Startprogramms betriebsbereit machen
     [2] einen Fußtritt geben
     [3] jemanden rausschmeissen
          [1] Press the red key to boot the computer.
          [2] The soccer player booted the ball into the net.
          [3] Because of our gross behavior, we were booted from the group meetings.

Translations for boot and their definitions

     n. boot, trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car)
          Das Schloss meines Kofferraumes ist defekt. - The lock of my trunk is defective.

     n-m. boot (shoe)

     adv. besides, additionally, also

     v. to start (race car, airplane, etc.) (+aux, sein)
          Die Maschine ist pünktlich gestartet. - The plane started on time.
     v. to start something (+aux, haben)
          Ich habe den Computer gestartet. - I've started the computer.

     n. dative plural of Boot
     v. (computing) to boot

noch dazu
     adv. to boot, into the bargain, for good measure

     n. shop
          Wann schließen hier die Läden? - When do the shops close around here?
     n. (informal) any establishment entertaining guests, especially a pub or bar, but also a hotel, restaurant, discotheque, etc.
          Was kostet denn das Bier hier in dem Laden? - So how much is a beer in this place?
     n. (informal) a (usually organised) group of people and its affairs: a company, political party, club, school, etc.
          Ich bin den ganzen Laden so leid. - I’m so fed up with the whole bunch.
     n. shutter (window shutter)
     n. loading
     v. to load (something) e.g. into a container or onto a vehicle, to load up
     v. to load (some weapon)
     v. to load (some data) from a store
     v. to download from a network
     v. to charge (a battery or capacitor) with electricity
     v. to invite
     v. to summon

     n. dative plural of Boot
     v. (computing) to boot

     v. to drive upwards/northwards
     v. (computing) to boot
     v. to become upset

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