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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. adv. how
           Wie groß bist du? - How tall are you?
           Ich weiß nicht, wie die Katze hereingekommen ist. - I don't know how the cat got in.
           Wie wunderbar! - How wonderful!
     2. conj. like
           Freunde sind wie Sterne in der Nacht. - Friends are like stars in the night.
     3. conj. as
           Wie ihr wisst, bin ich in Dortmund aufgewachsen. - As you know, I grew up in Dortmund.
           Ich bin so schnell wie du. - I’m as fast as you are.
     4. conj. (colloquial nonstandard) than
           Der Junge ist größer wie sein Vater. - The boy is taller than his father.
     5. conj. (chiefly colloquial) when referring to the past
           Ich hab ihn gesehen, wie ich in Köln war. - I saw him when I was in Cologne.
           Wie ich zur Tür herauskomme, steht da mein alter Schulfreund. - When I came out the door, my old school-day friend was standing in front of me.
     1. n. (gerund of können); skill, ability
     2. v. to be able (to do or be something), to have the possibility of; can.
     3. v.          (auxiliary)
                   Kannst du ihm helfen? - Are you able to help him?
                   Ich hätte das machen können. - I could have done that.
                   Das kann sein, kann aber auch nicht sein. - This may be and may also not be.
                   Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
     4. v.          to be able to do something implied; can.
                   Nein, ich kann nicht. - No, I can’t.
                   Er hat gekonnt. - He was able to do it.
     5. v.          to know how to do (something); to know; to understand; to be able to do (something); to be capable of; can do (something), to have a specific skill. (w
                   Ich kann Deutsch und Englisch. - I know German and English.
                   Kannst du es? - Can you do it?
                   Das hätte ich nicht gekonnt. - I couldn’t have done that. / I wouldn’t have been capable of that.
     6. v.          to be possible, to make sense
                   Nächstes Jahr is’n Schaltjahr. – Das kann nich’. Letztes Jahr war doch Schaltjahr! - Next year is a leap year. – That’s not possible. Last year w
     7. v.          (auxiliary) to be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may.
                   Kann ich mitkommen? - May I come along?
                   Er hat nicht ins Kino gehen können. - He was not allowed to go to the cinema.
     8. v.          (auxiliary) to be in the legal situation of being able to realize a legal effect even if it be legally disallowed
     1. n. (music) E-flat
     2. n. (psychoanalysis) id
     3. pron. Nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun
           Wo ist das Buch? Es liegt auf dem Tisch. - Where's the book? It’s on the table.
           Wo ist das Kind? Ich habe es. - Where is the child? I have it.
           Welche Farbe hat das Pferd? Es ist weiß. - What color is the horse? It is white.
           Ich bemerkte ein merkwürdiges bärtiges Individuum und beschloss, es im Auge zu behalten. - I remarked a strange bearded individual and decided to keep an eye on him.
           Das Mädchen wusste nicht, dass es beobachtet wurde. - The girl didn’t know that she was being observed.
           Jedes Vorstandsmitglied kann das Wort ergreifen, wenn es dies wünscht. - Any board member may take the floor if they so wish.
     4. pron. (Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun) — it
           Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
           Sie begann zu laufen, und ich tat es auch. - She began to run, and I did it also.
           Es war einmal eine schöne Prinzessin. - There was once a beautiful princess.
           Es ist gut zu leben! - It's good to be alive!
           Es regnet. - It’s raining.
           Es ist sicher, dass morgen die Sonne scheinen wird. - It's certain that the sun will shine tomorrow.
           Wie geht es dir? - How are you doing?
           Ich bin es, Michael. - It's me, Michael.
           Es spielt das Fernsehorchester. - The television orchestra is playing.
           Sie wird es noch weit bringen. - She is going to go far.
     5. art. (regional, colloquial) alt form-lite, das
           Soll ich es Fenster zumachen? - Should I close the window?
     1. adv. not, non- (negates the meaning of a verb, adjective, or adverb)
           Bitte nicht stören! - Please do not disturb!
           Das ist nicht wahr. - That is not true.
     2. interj. (tag question, dated, or formal) right?; is it?; is it not?
           Du bist sicher die Claudia, nicht? - You must be Claudia, aren't you?
     1. prep. in front of, ahead of (relative location in space)
     2. prep. before, prior to, ahead of (relative location in time)
     3. prep. ago (location in the past relative to the present)
           vor drei Tagen - three days ago
           vor einiger Zeit - a while ago
     4. prep. from, against (a threat or negative outcome)
           Er konnte vor dem Tsunami nicht mehr fliehen. - He couldn't escape (from) the tsunami.
           Du hast mich vorm Ertrinken gerettet. - You saved me from drowning.
           vor Verlusten schützen - to protect against losses
           sich vor jemandem verstecken - to hide from somebody
     5. prep. (what) with, (out) of (stating cause)
           vor Freude weinen - to cry with joy
           Ich sterbe vor Durst. - I'm dying of thirst.
           Ich kann dich vor all dem Rauch gar nicht sehen. - I can't even see you, what with all the smoke.
           Vor lauter Angst traute sich keiner im Raum mehr zu atmen. - Nobody in the room dared to breathe out of sheer fright.
     1. n. (now dominant except in former East Germany) Saturday
     1. v. to finish, to complete (something one is constructing or creating)
     1. n. (psychology) the self
     2. part. personally, by oneself
           Du hast es selbst zugegeben. - You yourself admitted it.
           Der Mann selbst hat uns es gesagt. - The man himself (personally) told us.
     3. adv. even
           Selbst du hast es zugegeben. - Even you admitted it.
     1. n. (informal) if
     2. conj. when
           Sag bitte Bescheid, wenn du fertig bist! (Tell me when you're done!)
     3. conj. if (on the condition that)
           Was tun, wenn ich nicht weiß, ob sie mich liebt? (What (to do) if I don't know if she loves me?)
     1. pron. (indefinite) everything; all
           Alles ist gut. - All is well.
     2. pron. (indefinite, chiefly colloquial, appositional) all (as in "we all" etc.)
           Ihr seid alles Idioten. - You're all idiots.
           Die Politiker haben alle keine Ahnung. - The politicians all don’t have a clue.
     3. det. of all
           Alles Geld der Welt würde ich für dich geben. - All the money in the world I'd give for you.
           Ich wünsche dir alles Gute. - I wish you all the best.
     1. n. commodity, property, possession, good
     2. n. a large farmstead, estate related to agriculture.
     3. adj. good (acting in the interest of what is beneficial, ethical, or moral)
           Wir müssen gut sein, um uns gut zu fühlen. - We must be good to feel good.
     4. adj. good (effective; useful)
     5. adj. good (fortunate)
     6. adj. good (having a particularly pleasant taste)
     7. adj. all right, fair, proper (satisfactory)
     8. adj. good (full; entire; at least as much as)
     9. adv. well (accurately, competently, satisfactorily)
           Die Mannschaft hat gut gespielt. - The team played well.
     10. adv. a little more than (with measurements)
           Ich wohne seit gut zwanzig Jahren in Berlin. - I've lived in Berlin for over twenty years/for a good twenty years.
           Das Bett ist gut zwei Meter lang. - The bed is a little over two meters long.
     11. adv. easily, likely
           Dieser Gegenstand ist gut zu finden. - That item is easily found.
           Es kann gut sein, dass du nächstes Jahr verheiratet bist. - You may well be married next year.
     12. interj. okay, all right, now then
           Gut, dann fangen wir mal an. - All right, then let's get started.
     1. v. third-person singular present of laufen 'to run'
     laufen 'to run'
          1. v. to walk; to jog; to run (to move on foot; either at a normal or an increased speed)
                Wir können mit dem Bus fahren oder laufen. - We could take the bus or walk.
                Lasst uns etwas schneller laufen. - Let's move a little faster.
                Joggen bedeutet entspannter, aber auch bewusster zu laufen. - Jogging means to run in a less exhausting but more conscious way.
          2. v. to flow; to leak; to run
          3. v. to be in progress; to run
                Das Projekt läuft erfolgreich. - The project is progressing successfully.
                einwandfrei laufen. - to run smoothly.
          4. v. to happen, to go on, to take place
                Was läuft da zwischen euch? - What's going on between you guys?
          5. v. to run, to execute (a program)
                Das Programm läuft einwandfrei. - The program runs flawlessly.
          6. v. to be in order; to work; to function
                Alles läuft, wie es soll. - Everything works just fine.
          7. v. to pass; to flow
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