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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. female equivalent of Kleiner: girl; young woman
     2. n. plural of Kleiner
     3. n. nominative singular of Kleiner
     4. adj. form of klein
          1. adj. small, little, tiny, wee, small-scale
          2. adj. little, young (in age)
          3. adj. insignificant
     1. n. plural of Schaukel
     2. v. to swing back and forth, to rock to and fro (e.g. a baby)
     1. prep. in front of, ahead of (relative location in space)
     2. prep. before, prior to, ahead of (relative location in time)
     3. prep. ago (location in the past relative to the present)
           vor drei Tagen - three days ago
           vor einiger Zeit - a while ago
     4. prep. from, against (a threat or negative outcome)
           Er konnte vor dem Tsunami nicht mehr fliehen. - He couldn't escape (from) the tsunami.
           Du hast mich vorm Ertrinken gerettet. - You saved me from drowning.
           vor Verlusten schützen - to protect against losses
           sich vor jemandem verstecken - to hide from somebody
     5. prep. (what) with, (out) of (stating cause)
           vor Freude weinen - to cry with joy
           Ich sterbe vor Durst. - I'm dying of thirst.
           Ich kann dich vor all dem Rauch gar nicht sehen. - I can't even see you, what with all the smoke.
           Vor lauter Angst traute sich keiner im Raum mehr zu atmen. - Nobody in the room dared to breathe out of sheer fright.
     1. art. dative singular of der: the
     2. pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which
     1. n-n. shore, shoreline
     2. n-n. , translation=The sea lay there like a mirror, and only now and then a breaking wave swept against the sandy shore.
     3. n-n. (of a river) bank
     1. art. a, an
           ein Mann - a man
           eine Frau - a woman
           ein Kind - a child
     2. adv. (now chiefly in compounds) indicating (concrete or abstract/metaphorical) motion into something
           ein und aus gehen, weder ein noch aus wissen
           darein, derein, feldein, feldein, hafenein, hafenein, herein, herein, hierein, hierein, hinein, hinein, jahrein, jahrein, waldein, waldein (older spellings include Wald-ein), worein, wor
     3. adj. (predicative) on
           Ist der Schalter ein oder aus? (d. h., Ist der Schalter ein- oder ausgeschaltet?) - Is the switch on or off. (i.e., Is the switch switched on or off.)
     1. n. man, male human being
     2. n. husband
     1. prep. with (in the company of; alongside)
           Ich spiele mit meinen Freunden. - I'm playing with my friends.
     2. prep. with, by (using as an instrument; by means of)
           Ich schreibe mit einem Bleistift. - I'm writing with a pencil.
           Ich fahre mit dem Bus. - I'm going by bus.
     3. prep. with (as an accessory to)
     4. prep. with (having)
     5. prep. at (with the age of)
     6. prep. with, including, with ... included
     7. adv. among; denotes a belonging of a person or a thing to a group
           Hier gibt es mit das beste Essen in der Stadt. - Here they have some of the best food in town.
           Ich war mit der erste, der hier war. - I was one of the very first who arrived.
     8. adv. also, too (in addition; besides; as well)
     9. adv. (somewhat, informal) with (something), with it
           Ich brauch nicht unbedingt Majonäse zu den Fritten, aber mit sind sie natürlich besser. - I don't necessarily need mayonnaise with the chips, but they taste better with it, of course.
     1. n. blue person or thing
     2. n. (colloquial obsolete) policeman
     3. n. (Germany, colloquial, dated) hundred mark bill
     4. n. (Austria, colloquial, dated) thousand schilling bill
     5. n. (Austria, politics) member or supporter of the Freedom Party of Austria
     6. adj. comparative of blau
     7. adj. form of blau
     1. n-f. a flat beret with a small point on top (originally from the Pyrenees, now widespread)
     1. v. third-person singular present of holen
     2. v. second-person plural present of holen
     3. v. plural imperative of holen
          1. v. to (go) get, to fetch (to go somewhere and take something)
                Hol noch einen Stuhl! - Go get another chair!
          2. v. to get (to acquire, buy)
                Ich hole mir morgen ’n neuen Fernseher. - I’m getting a new TV tomorrow.
     1. pron. feminine singular of einig
     2. pron. plural of einig
     3. adj. form of einig
          1. v. to unite or unify (for example a group of people)
          2. v. to agree, to reach an agreement
                Wir haben uns nach schwierigen Gesprächen auf Folgendes geeinigt. - After difficult talks, we agreed to the following.
          3. pron. dative plural of einige
     1. n. plural of Sardine
          1. n-f. sardine
     1. adv. out of (in the direction of the speaker); out over here; out from there
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