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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. v. singular imperative of gehen
          1. v. to go, to walk
                Lass uns beide mit dem Hund gehen. - Let's walk the dog together.
                Ich sah die Kinder über die Straße gehen. - I saw the children walk/go across the street.
                Mein Baby beginnt schon zu gehen. - My baby is already starting to walk.
          2. v. to leave
                Ich gehe jetzt. - I’m leaving now.
          3. v. to leave, to take off (aeroplane, train)
                Wann geht dein Zug? - When is your train leaving?
          4. v. (impersonal, intransitive) to be going; to be all right; indicates how the dative object fares
                Wie geht es dir? - How are you doing?
                Es geht mir gut. - I’m doing well. (Literally, “It goes well for me.”)
                Es geht. - It’s all right.
          5. v. (slightly, informal, intransitive, often, impersonal) to be possible
                Das würde vielleicht gehen. - That might be possible.
                Ich zeige dir, wie es geht. - I'll show you how it's possible.
          6. v. (colloquial intransitive) to work, to function (of a machine, method or the like)
                Der Kaffeeautomat geht nicht. - The coffee dispenser doesn't work.
          7. v. (colloquial intransitive) to last, to go for, to go on, to be in progress
                Das ging für eine halbe Stunde oder so. - This went on for half an hour or so.
                Die Sitzung geht bis ein Uhr. - The session is scheduled until one o’clock.
          8. v. to sit, to rise, to expand (of dough etc.)
                Teig drei Stunden gehen lassen. - Let dough sit for three hours.
          9. v. (colloquial intransitive) to be (on) (to pay)
                Die Getränke gehen auf mich. - Drinks are on me.
          10. v. (regional, or dated, impersonal, intransitive) to approach; to be going (on some one) + auf (object) = time
                Es geht auf 8 Uhr. - It’s going on 8 o’clock.
          11. v. (with genitive, only in combination with Weg) to go one's way, to make one's way (of a path, destination), to go separate ways
     1. pron. (interrogative) who (what person or people)
           Wer hat das gesagt? - Who said that?
     2. pron. (interrogative, colloquial) what, which (one) (see usage notes)
     3. pron. (relative) whoever, he who, someone who, the person who, anyone who (whatever person or persons)
           Wer eine Frage hat, kann sich jetzt melden. - Whoever has a question, put up their hands now.
           ux, Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen., People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
     4. pron. (indefinite, colloquial) somebody, someone; anybody, anyone (an unspecified person)
           Da ist wer an der Tür. - There's somebody at the door.
     1. v. third-person singular present of nehmen
          1. v. to take (something into one's possession or on one's body)
                Wer hat meinen Hut genommen? - Who took my hat?
          2. v. (ditransitive) to take from
                Die Niederlage nahm der Mannschaft den Mut. - The team's defeat robbed them of their courage.
          3. v. to hold (in one's hands), to grasp
                Hier, nimm meine Hand. - Here, take my hand.
          4. v. to take, to consider (a statement, a situation, an idea, etc, in a certain way, for example seriously, badly, personally)
                Die Polizei nimmt die Angriffe ernst. - The police are taking the attacks seriously.
                Ich nehme diese Bemerkung übel. - I resent (take as offensive) that remark.
                Das ist eine Redewendung, also sollte man sie nicht wörtlich nehmen. - That's a figure of speech so you shouldn't take it literally.
          5. v. to capture, to arrest
                Die Verbrecher wurden in Gewahrsam genommen. - The criminals were taken into custody.
          6. v. to ingest (e.g. a pill)
                Nimm etwas Aspirin, wenn du Kopfschmerzen hast. - Take some aspirin if you have a headache.
          7. v. to move into, to sit at (one's assigned position)
                Meine Damen und Herren, bitte nehmen Sie Ihre Plätze. - Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.
          8. v. to use (time, effort, etc. for a specific purpose)
                Du solltest dir etwas Zeit nehmen, um dich zu entspannen. - You should take some time to relax.
          9. v. To begin or cause the action implied by a noun to take place, possibly making the sentence more passive or indirect.
                Abschied nehmen - to say goodbye, lit=to take farewell
                Abstand nehmen - to refrain, lit=to take distance
                seinen Anfang nehmen - to begin, lit=to take its beginning
                Anstoß nehmen - to take offense
                ein Beispiel nehmen - to follow an example, lit=to take an example
                Einfluss nehmen - to exert influence, lit=to take influence
                ein Ende nehmen - to come to an end, lit=to take an end
                seinen Lauf nehmen - to run its course, lit=to take its run
                das Leben nehmen - to kill, lit=to take the life
                Maß nehmen - to take a measurement
                Notiz nehmen - to take notice
                Rücksicht nehmen - to consider, lit=to take consideration
                Stellung nehmen - to comment, lit=to take position
                einen Verlauf nehmen - to follow a course, lit=to take a course
                sich Zeit nehmen - to allow sufficient time, lit=to take oneself time
          10. v. to cause oneself to be (in some state); to become; to take oneself (to some state)
                Nimm dich in Acht! - Take care!
          11. v. to seize, to capture
          12. v. to receive, to accept
          13. v. to foul
     1. conj. for; because; since
           Ich möchte diese Hose kaufen, denn sie gefällt mir sehr. - I'd like to buy these pants since I like them a lot.
     2. conj. (after a comparative, archaic, or dialectal) than
     3. adv. (in a question, modal particle) then, ever, but, now (used for emphasis or to express interest, surprise or doubt, or in rhetorical questions)
           Wo ist er denn? - Where is he, then?/Where ever can he be?
           Wieso denn? - How so, then?
           Was denn? - But what?
     4. adv. (rather rare) thus, so; (expresses a consequence; see usage notes)
     5. adv. (colloquial regional northern Germany) then, after that, in that case
     1. n. (nonstandard) abbreviation of Sonntag, t=Sunday Alternative form of So.
     2. adv. so, such, that
           Die Leute sind so nett. - People are so nice.
           Dieser Hammer ist nicht so gut. - This hammer is not that good.
           Das ist so eine gute Idee! - That is such a good idea!
           so und so - such and such
     3. adv. as (followed by an adjective or adverb plus wie in a statement of equality)
           Er rennt so schnell wie der Blitz. - He runs as fast as lightning.
     4. adv. thus, like this/that, in this/that way, in this/that manner
           Wenn du den Ball so wirfst, triffst du die Zielscheibe. - If you throw the ball like this, you'll hit the target.
     5. adv. then (in that case)
           Wirst du wieder gesund, so freue ich mich. - If you get healthy again, then I'll be happy.
     6. adv. (colloquial) expletive; sometimes intensifying, sometimes with no noticeable meaning
           Wir sind runtergegangen und haben uns hier so hingesetzt. - We went downstairs and, like, sat down here.
     7. conj. (coordinating) thus, so, pursuant to the aforementioned premises
     8. conj. (subordinating, chiefly archaic, sometimes legal and regional) an, if
           So es Euch beliebt. - If it pleases you.
     9. part. (colloquial) (quotative particle, somewhat similar to be like but also combinable with other verbs)
           Ich so: "Mach mal dalli!", und er dann so: "Ich bin ja schon dabei!" - I was like, "Hurry up!" and he was like, "I'm already on it!".
           Ich dachte mir nur so: "Ja komm, lass stecken." - All I thought to myself at that moment was, "Yeah whatever, forget about it.".
     10. pron. (obsolete, relative) that, which, who
           Derhalben sind die Christen schuldig, der Obrigkeit unterthan ... zu seyn in Allem, so ohne Sünde geschehen mag. - That do the Christians owe: to be obedient to the authority ... zu seyn in All
     11. interj. (tlb, colloquial) (a discourse marker in the beginning of a sentence indicating a topic having been dealt with and another being tackled)
     1. prep. (local) on; upon; at; in; against
           Das Bild hängt an der Wand. - The picture hangs on the wall.
     2. prep. by; near; close to; next to
     3. prep. (temporal, with days or times of day) on; in; at
           Wir treffen uns am (an dem) Dienstag. - We're meeting on Tuesday.
           Ich werde sie am (an dem) Abend sehen. - I will see her in the evening.
     4. prep. (temporal) a; per; only used with the word Tag, otherwise use in
           zweimal am Tag - twice a day
     5. prep. on; onto
           Ich hänge das Bild an die Wand. - I hang the picture on the wall.
     6. prep. at; against
           Schauen Sie an die Tafel. - Look at the blackboard.
     7. prep. to; for
           Ein Brief an Anna. - A letter for Anna.
     8. adv. onward; on
           von heute an - from today on
     9. adj. (predicative) on
           Ist der Schalter an oder aus? = Ist der Schalter an- oder ausgeschaltet? - Is the switch on or off. Is the switch switched on or off.
     1. n. cramp
     2. n. (medicine) convulsion, seizure
     3. n. (colloquial figurative) strain, drudgery
     1. n. earnestness, seriousness
     2. n. (with possessive determiner, idiomatic) a serious statement, a seriously meant action
           Ist das dein Ernst? - Is that your serious opinion?
           Das ist mein Ernst, wenn ich sage, dass dieser Rock zu kurz ist. - I mean it when I say this skirt is too short.
     3. Proper noun. given name, male, eq=Ernest, f=Erna
     4. adj. serious, severe, grave
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