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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. num. feminine singular of ein
     2. art. feminine singular of ein: a, an
     3. pron. feminine singular of einer
     4. pron. masculine nominative singular of einer
     5. pron. singular of einer
     1. n-f. person, individual
           Ein Tisch für zwei Personen, bitte! - A table for two, please!
           An der Schlägerei waren mehrere polizeibekannte Personen beteiligt. - Several individuals known to police were involved in the brawl.
     2. n-f. (pejorative, dated) someone (often female) who is not proper company, mostly because they are of lower class or doubtful morals
           Diese Person kommt mir nicht mehr ins Haus! - I don’t want this person in my house again!
     1. art. feminine singular of der
           die Frau - the woman
     2. art. plural of der
           die Männer - the men
     3. pron. feminine singular of der
     4. pron. plural of der
     5. pron.          (in a subordinate clause as a relative pronoun) that; which; who; whom; whose
                   Ich kenne eine Frau, die das kann. - I know a woman who can do that.
     6. pron.          (as a demonstrative pronoun) this one; that one; these ones; those ones; she; her; it; they; them
                   die da - that one/she/they there
          1. art. the
          2. art. feminine singular of der
          3. art. genitive plural of der
          4. pron. who; that; which
                Ich kenne einen Mann, der das kann. - I know a man who can do that.
          5. pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that
          6. pron. (attributive, stressed) that
                Der Mann war es! - It was that man!
          7. pron. (indicative) him, he
                Der hat es getan! - It was him who did it!
          8. pron. (differential) the one, him
                Der mit dem Mantel - The one with the coat
          9. pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her
     1. num. feminine singular of ein
     2. art. feminine singular of ein: a, an
     3. pron. feminine singular of einer
     4. pron. masculine nominative singular of einer
     5. pron. singular of einer
     1. n. : the other / different one (female)
     2. adj. form of anderer, e
           die andere Hand - the other hand
           das andere Geschlecht - the opposite sex
     1. n-f. person, individual
           Ein Tisch für zwei Personen, bitte! - A table for two, please!
           An der Schlägerei waren mehrere polizeibekannte Personen beteiligt. - Several individuals known to police were involved in the brawl.
     2. n-f. (pejorative, dated) someone (often female) who is not proper company, mostly because they are of lower class or doubtful morals
           Diese Person kommt mir nicht mehr ins Haus! - I don’t want this person in my house again!
     1. conj. or
           Danach alles gestr. oder noch 1–2 Wörter? - Is everything after that crossed out or are there one or two more words?
     2. part. (tag question) right?; is it?; is it not?
           Es ist kalt heute, oder? - It’s cold today, isn’t it?
           Das war keine so gute Idee, oder? - That wasn’t such a good idea, was it?
           Du kommst aus Deutschland, oder? - You’re from Germany, aren’t you?
     1. num. feminine singular of ein
     2. art. feminine singular of ein: a, an
     3. pron. feminine singular of einer
     4. pron. masculine nominative singular of einer
     5. pron. singular of einer
     1. n-f. matter, affair, case, question, issue
           beschlossene Sache - done deal
           Die Polizei untersuchte die Sache ohne Ergebnis. - The police investigated the matter with no result.
     2. n-f. thing, object
           Da ist noch eine Sache. - There's one more thing (for me to say).
     3. n-f. (law) thing: corporeal object
     4. n-f. cause, action
     5. n-f. subject, matter, business
           Das ist Privatsache. - That's a private matter.
     6. n-f. (chiefly in colloquial) kilometers per hour
           Er raste mit hundert Sachen um die Ecke. - He raced around the corner at 100 per.
     1. prep. (with dative) in, inside, within, at (inside a building)
           Es ist in dem Haus. - It is in the house.
           Ich habe die Schlüssel im (in dem) Kühlschrank gefunden. - I found the keys in the refrigerator.
           Unsere Kinder sind in der Schule. - Our kids are at school.
           Er ist in einem Café. - He is at a coffee shop.
           Letzte Nacht waren sie im (in dem) Club. - They were at the club last night.
     2. prep. (with dative) in (pertaining to)
           in diesem Sinne - in this/that sense
     3. prep. (with dative) in, at, by (at the end of or during a period of time)
           Er schloss sein Studium im Alter von vierzehn. - He completed his studies at/by the age of fourteen.
           im Alter - in old age
           im Mittelalter - during the middle ages
           in den 1960er Jahren - in the 1960s
     4. prep. (with accusative) into, to (going inside (of))
           Er geht ins Haus. - He goes into the house.
           Wir gehen in die Schweiz. - We are going to Switzerland.
           Wir treten in ein neues Zeitalter ein. - We are coming into a new age.
     5. adj. in, popular (in fashion)
     1. n. protection
     2. n. protective installation
     1. v. third-person singular present of nehmen
          1. v. to take (something into one's possession or on one's body)
                Wer hat meinen Hut genommen? - Who took my hat?
          2. v. (ditransitive) to take from
                Die Niederlage nahm der Mannschaft den Mut. - The team's defeat robbed them of their courage.
          3. v. to hold (in one's hands), to grasp
                Hier, nimm meine Hand. - Here, take my hand.
          4. v. to take, to consider (a statement, a situation, an idea, etc, in a certain way, for example seriously, badly, personally)
                Die Polizei nimmt die Angriffe ernst. - The police are taking the attacks seriously.
                Ich nehme diese Bemerkung übel. - I resent (take as offensive) that remark.
                Das ist eine Redewendung, also sollte man sie nicht wörtlich nehmen. - That's a figure of speech so you shouldn't take it literally.
          5. v. to capture, to arrest
                Die Verbrecher wurden in Gewahrsam genommen. - The criminals were taken into custody.
          6. v. to ingest (e.g. a pill)
                Nimm etwas Aspirin, wenn du Kopfschmerzen hast. - Take some aspirin if you have a headache.
          7. v. to move into, to sit at (one's assigned position)
                Meine Damen und Herren, bitte nehmen Sie Ihre Plätze. - Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.
          8. v. to use (time, effort, etc. for a specific purpose)
                Du solltest dir etwas Zeit nehmen, um dich zu entspannen. - You should take some time to relax.
          9. v. To begin or cause the action implied by a noun to take place, possibly making the sentence more passive or indirect.
                Abschied nehmen - to say goodbye, lit=to take farewell
                Abstand nehmen - to refrain, lit=to take distance
                seinen Anfang nehmen - to begin, lit=to take its beginning
                Anstoß nehmen - to take offense
                ein Beispiel nehmen - to follow an example, lit=to take an example
                Einfluss nehmen - to exert influence, lit=to take influence
                ein Ende nehmen - to come to an end, lit=to take an end
                seinen Lauf nehmen - to run its course, lit=to take its run
                das Leben nehmen - to kill, lit=to take the life
                Maß nehmen - to take a measurement
                Notiz nehmen - to take notice
                Rücksicht nehmen - to consider, lit=to take consideration
                Stellung nehmen - to comment, lit=to take position
                einen Verlauf nehmen - to follow a course, lit=to take a course
                sich Zeit nehmen - to allow sufficient time, lit=to take oneself time
          10. v. to cause oneself to be (in some state); to become; to take oneself (to some state)
                Nimm dich in Acht! - Take care!
          11. v. to seize, to capture
          12. v. to receive, to accept
          13. v. to foul
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