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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. (psychoanalysis) ego
     2. n. self, me, him, etc.
           das wahre Ich - the real me
     3. pron. I (first person singular nominative (subject) pronoun)
     1. v. first-person singular present of stehen
     2. v. first-person singular subjunctive of stehen
     3. v. third-person singular subjunctive of stehen
     4. v. singular imperative of stehen
          1. v. to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
                Ich stehe an der Ecke. - I'm standing on the corner.
          2. v. to be, to appear, to stand (to be placed or located somewhere)
                Das steht nicht in dem Wörterbuch. - This does not appear in the dictionary.
          3. v. to stay; to be still
                Das Leben steht. - Life stands still.
          4. v. to stay, to stand, to be (in a certain state, position or circumstance)
                Das Haus steht leer. - The house stands empty.
                Das Team steht an der Spitze seiner Liga. - The team stands at the top of their league.
          5. v. to suit, to become (to look attractive on, of a garment, color etc.)
                Blau steht dir sehr gut! - Blue suits you very well!
                Der Tod steht ihr gut - Death Becomes Her (film title)
          6. v. (Swiss) to put, place
          7. v. (indtr, auf, .colloquial) to fancy
                Ich glaube sie steht nicht auf dich. - I don't think she fancies you.
     1. adj. early
           Ich muss morgen zeitig aufstehen. - Tomorrow I have to get up early.
     2. adj. timely, in time
     1. prep. (with dative) on, upon (positioned at the top of)
           Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch. - The book is lying on the table.
     2. prep. (with accusative) on, onto, up (moving to the top of)
           Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch. - I’m putting the book on the table.
     3. prep. (with accusative) on (indicating responsibility)
           Das erste Getränk geht aufs Haus. - The first drink is on the house.
           Das fällt nicht auf dich zurück, sondern auf mich. Ich hab's vermasselt. - That's not on you but on me. I messed up.
     4. prep. (with dative) in, at; used with certain nouns instead of bei or in
           Niemand auf der Welt hätte das voraussehen können. - No one in the world could have predicted that.
           auf dem Stadtplatz - in the town square
           Das Schiff ist auf See - The ship is at sea.
           auf der Kirmes - at the fun fair
           auf der Post - at the post office (also: bei der Post)
     5. prep. (with accusative) to; used with certain nouns instead of zu or in
           auf die Kirmes - to the fun fair
           auf die Post - to the post office (also: zur Post)
     6. prep. (with a language name) in (see usage note below)
           Was heißt das auf Deutsch? - What’s this in German?
     7. prep. (linguistics) in (of a word: ending with some sound or syllable)
           Wörter auf -heit sind weiblich. - Words in -heit are feminine.
           Du kannst doch auf (’n) Sonntag nich’ den Rasen mähen! - You can’t mow the lawn on a Sunday!
     8. prep. (with accusative) for (during the continuation of)
           auf Jahre hinaus - for years to come
     9. prep. (with accusative) to, for (indicating purpose, goal or wish)
           Lasst uns auf deine Gesundheit drinken! - Let's drink to your health!
           Sie spielen auf Zeit. - They are playing for time.
     10. prep. (with accusative) by (used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something)
           X auf Y Meter groß
     11. adv. (somewhat, informal) open
           Die Tür ist auf. - The door is open.
     12. adv. (colloquial) finished; gone (food)
           Hast du deine Suppe auf? - Have you finished your soup?
           Die Milch is’ auf. - The milk is gone. (consumed)
     13. adv. (colloquial) up; awake; out of bed
           Ich war um sechs Uhr auf. - I was up at six o'clock.
     14. interj. carry on (continue or proceed as before)
     15. interj. have a go
     1. v. first-person singular present of sein
          1. v. (copulative, with a predicate adjective or predicate nominative) to be
                Das ist schön. - That is beautiful.
                Das ist ein Auto. - That is a car.
          2. v. (with a dative object and certain adjectives) to feel, (to experience a condition)
                Usage: In this sense sein is always conjugated in the third person singular and takes a Dative noun. The impersonal subject es may be present, but is often taken as implied. For example: "Mir i
                Ist dir kalt? - Are you cold?
                Mir ist schlecht. - I'm sick.
                Dem Mann ist schwindelig. - The man feels dizzy.
                Den Kindern ist langweilig. - The children are bored.
          3. v. (with a dative object and nach or danach, sometimes with zumute) to feel like, to be in the mood for
                Usage: As in the previous sense sein takes a Dative noun and is always conjugated according to the impersonal subject es, although it is usually omitted.
                Uns ist nach einem Film zumute. - We feel like watching a movie.
                Mir ist nicht danach. - I don't feel like it.
          4. v. (auxiliary) forms the present perfect and past perfect tenses of certain intransitive verbs
                Er ist alt geworden. - He has become old.
          5. v. to exist; there to be; to be alive
                Was nicht ist, kann noch werden. (a common proverb) - That which does not exist now, may come into existence.
                Wenn ich nicht mehr bin, erbst du das Haus. - When I am no more, you'll inherit the house.
          6. v. to have the next turn (in a game, in a queue, etc.)
                Du bist. - It’s your turn.
                Du bist nach mir. - Your turn is after mine.
          7. v. to be "it"; to be the tagger in a game of tag
                Du bist! - You're it!
                Ich bin nicht mehr. - I'm not it anymore.
          8. det. his
                Daniel schickt seiner Schwester eine SMS. - Daniel is sending a text to his sister.
                Der Kater spielt oft mit seinen Spielsachen. - The cat often plays with his toys.
          9. det. its (agreeing with a masculine or neuter noun)
                der Mond und sein Licht - the moon and its light
                das Schaf und seine Lämmer - the sheep and its lambs
          10. det.          (informal) Used to express an approximate number, often with so.
                        Der kostet so seine zweihundert Euro. - That one costs around two hundred euros.
          11. det. one's
                Man muss seinem Herzen folgen. - One must follow one’s heart.
     1. adv. soon, near in time
           Bald ist der Urlaub vorbei. - The vacation will soon be over.
     2. adv. almost
           Mit bald 80 Jahren ist mein Vater noch auf Apfelbäume geklettert. - At almost 80 years, my father still used to climb on apple trees.
     3. adv. (repeated) Indicates a quick succession of events.
           bald Regen und bald Sonnenschein
     1. contraction. contraction of in dem ; in the
          1. prep. (with dative) in, inside, within, at (inside a building)
                Es ist in dem Haus. - It is in the house.
                Ich habe die Schlüssel im (in dem) Kühlschrank gefunden. - I found the keys in the refrigerator.
                Unsere Kinder sind in der Schule. - Our kids are at school.
                Er ist in einem Café. - He is at a coffee shop.
                Letzte Nacht waren sie im (in dem) Club. - They were at the club last night.
          2. prep. (with dative) in (pertaining to)
                in diesem Sinne - in this/that sense
          3. prep. (with dative) in, at, by (at the end of or during a period of time)
                Er schloss sein Studium im Alter von vierzehn. - He completed his studies at/by the age of fourteen.
                im Alter - in old age
                im Mittelalter - during the middle ages
                in den 1960er Jahren - in the 1960s
          4. prep. (with accusative) into, to (going inside (of))
                Er geht ins Haus. - He goes into the house.
                Wir gehen in die Schweiz. - We are going to Switzerland.
                Wir treten in ein neues Zeitalter ein. - We are coming into a new age.
          5. adj. in, popular (in fashion)
          1. art. dative singular of der: the
          2. pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which
     1. n. office (room for working)
           Sie sitzt in ihrem Büro. - She’s sitting in her office.
     2. n. office, bureau, agency (administrative department or service provider)
           Fundbüro - lost-property office
           Reisebüro - travel agency
     3. n. (informal, collective) the staff of such places
           Der Chef lädt das ganze Büro zum Essen ein. - The boss is inviting the whole office to dinner.
     1. adj. multiple, manifold
     1. Proper noun. , common in Southern Germany as an occupational surname for those who watched livestock at night
     2. adv. also; too; as well (in addition to whatever or whoever has previously been listed)
           Ich will auch ein Eis. - Stress on “auch”: I too want icecream.
           Ich will auch ein Eis. - Stress on “Eis”: I want icecream, too.
     3. adv. Used for emphasis.
     4. adv.          (To confirm a preceding statement by someone else): really, actually, indeed, in fact
                   Ich will auch ein Eis. - Stress on “will”: I do indeed want icecream.
                   Das ist auch so. - Stress on “ist”: It really is like that.
                   Du solltest zur Polizei gehen. ― Mach ich auch. - You should go to the police. ― I will.
     5. adv.          (To ask for confirmation of something one considers necessary.)
                   Hast du das Licht auch ausgemacht? - Did you make sure to turn off the light?
     6. adv.          (To imply that something is unreasonable.)
                   Du bist auch witzig... Wie soll ich das denn ohne Auto alles schaffen?! - You’re oh so ingenious... How am I supposed to get all of this done wit
                   Warum müssen die auch alle ihren Müll hier abladen! - Why do they all have to dump their rubbish here!
     7. adv. even ((implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality))
           Auch wenn das stimmt, ist es noch kein endgültiger Beweis. - Even if this is true, it is no definite proof.
           Auch ein Professor schreibt schon mal was falsch. - Even a professor may misspell something at times.
     8. adv. ever (as in whatever, whenever, however, etc.)
           Was du auch tust, es wird immer einer besser sein. - Whatever you do, someone will always do it better.
     9. interj. (in answering a yes-no question, used to express that the thing asked about covers part of the truth but not all of it); “yes, and more”
           Ach, du bist Bauingenieur. Dann baust du Brücken? — Auch. - Oh, you’re a construction engineer. So you build bridges? — Yeah. And other things, too.
     1. n. genitive singular of Samstag
     2. adv. on Saturdays
           Er ruft mich samstags oft an. - He often calls me on Saturdays.
     3. adv. (informal, perhaps regional) on (the next or last) Saturday
           Ich ruf dich samstags mal an. - I'll give you a call on Saturday.
     1. conj. (co-ordinating) and
           Kaffee und Kuchen - coffee and cake
           Ich kam, sah und siegte. - I came, saw, and conquered.
     2. conj. (colloquial) links two nouns, often a person and an activity, in rhetoric questions to express an opposition between them
           Er und Abwaschen? Vielleicht einmal im Jahr! - Him doing the dishes? Maybe once per year!
     3. interj. so?, now?, and?
           Und? Wie ist es gelaufen? - So? How did it go?
     1. n. genitive singular of Sonntag
     2. adv. on Sundays, every Sunday
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