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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. (nonstandard) abbreviation of Sonntag, t=Sunday Alternative form of So.
     2. adv. so, such, that
           Die Leute sind so nett. - People are so nice.
           Dieser Hammer ist nicht so gut. - This hammer is not that good.
           Das ist so eine gute Idee! - That is such a good idea!
           so und so - such and such
     3. adv. as (followed by an adjective or adverb plus wie in a statement of equality)
           Er rennt so schnell wie der Blitz. - He runs as fast as lightning.
     4. adv. thus, like this/that, in this/that way, in this/that manner
           Wenn du den Ball so wirfst, triffst du die Zielscheibe. - If you throw the ball like this, you'll hit the target.
     5. adv. then (in that case)
           Wirst du wieder gesund, so freue ich mich. - If you get healthy again, then I'll be happy.
     6. adv. (colloquial) expletive; sometimes intensifying, sometimes with no noticeable meaning
           Wir sind runtergegangen und haben uns hier so hingesetzt. - We went downstairs and, like, sat down here.
     7. conj. (coordinating) thus, so, pursuant to the aforementioned premises
     8. conj. (subordinating, chiefly archaic, sometimes legal and regional) an, if
           So es Euch beliebt. - If it pleases you.
     9. part. (colloquial) (quotative particle, somewhat similar to be like but also combinable with other verbs)
           Ich so: "Mach mal dalli!", und er dann so: "Ich bin ja schon dabei!" - I was like, "Hurry up!" and he was like, "I'm already on it!".
           Ich dachte mir nur so: "Ja komm, lass stecken." - All I thought to myself at that moment was, "Yeah whatever, forget about it.".
     10. pron. (obsolete, relative) that, which, who
           Derhalben sind die Christen schuldig, der Obrigkeit unterthan ... zu seyn in Allem, so ohne Sünde geschehen mag. - That do the Christians owe: to be obedient to the authority ... zu seyn in All
     11. interj. (tlb, colloquial) (a discourse marker in the beginning of a sentence indicating a topic having been dealt with and another being tackled)
     1. art. a, an
           ein Mann - a man
           eine Frau - a woman
           ein Kind - a child
     2. adv. (now chiefly in compounds) indicating (concrete or abstract/metaphorical) motion into something
           ein und aus gehen, weder ein noch aus wissen
           darein, derein, feldein, feldein, hafenein, hafenein, herein, herein, hierein, hierein, hinein, hinein, jahrein, jahrein, waldein, waldein (older spellings include Wald-ein), worein, wor
     3. adj. (predicative) on
           Ist der Schalter ein oder aus? (d. h., Ist der Schalter ein- oder ausgeschaltet?) - Is the switch on or off. (i.e., Is the switch switched on or off.)
     1. n. cramp
     2. n. (medicine) convulsion, seizure
     3. n. (colloquial figurative) strain, drudgery
     1. Participle. past participle of passieren
     2. adj. sieved
           passierte Tomaten in der Tube - sieved tomatoes in the tube
     3. v. third-person singular present of passieren
     4. v. second-person plural present of passieren
     5. v. plural imperative of passieren
          1. v. to happen
                Wie konnte das nur passieren? - How could that have happened?
          2. v. to move beyond; pass
                Die Gruppe hat soeben die Grenze passiert. - The group has just passed the border.
          3. v. to pass through a sieve, to strain (+aux, haben)
                Als nächstes muss die Brühe durch das Sieb passiert werden. - Next, the broth needs to be passed through the sieve.
     1. part. (in response to a negative question or statement) yes; surely; really; on the contrary
           Das darfst du nicht sagen. — Doch! - You can’t say that. — Yes, I can!
           Du wirst nicht kommen? — Doch! - You're not going to come? — Yes, I am!
     2. conj. though; yet; but; however; nevertheless
     3. conj. for all that; after all; but
     4. adv. after all; yet; however; nevertheless
     5. adv. really; just
     6. adv. indicates proposal Why don't you/we
           Komm doch mal mit. - Why don't you just come with us?
     1. adj. daily
           einmal täglich - once per day
     2. adv. every day, quotidianly
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