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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. prep. (with dative) in, inside, within, at (inside a building)
           Es ist in dem Haus. - It is in the house.
           Ich habe die Schlüssel im (in dem) Kühlschrank gefunden. - I found the keys in the refrigerator.
           Unsere Kinder sind in der Schule. - Our kids are at school.
           Er ist in einem Café. - He is at a coffee shop.
           Letzte Nacht waren sie im (in dem) Club. - They were at the club last night.
     2. prep. (with dative) in (pertaining to)
           in diesem Sinne - in this/that sense
     3. prep. (with dative) in, at, by (at the end of or during a period of time)
           Er schloss sein Studium im Alter von vierzehn. - He completed his studies at/by the age of fourteen.
           im Alter - in old age
           im Mittelalter - during the middle ages
           in den 1960er Jahren - in the 1960s
     4. prep. (with accusative) into, to (going inside (of))
           Er geht ins Haus. - He goes into the house.
           Wir gehen in die Schweiz. - We are going to Switzerland.
           Wir treten in ein neues Zeitalter ein. - We are coming into a new age.
     5. adj. in, popular (in fashion)
     1. Proper noun. Poland (a country in Central Europe)
     2. n. singular of Pole
     3. n. plural of Pole
     4. v. to polarize
     1. adv. on the other hand
     2. adv. however, but
     1. adv. (interrogative) where (at what place)
           Wo bist du? - Where are you?
     2. adv. (relative) where (at or in which place or situation)
           Ich kenne einen Laden, wo solche Sachen verkauft werden. - I know a shop where such things are sold.
     3. adv. (relative, somewhat, informal) when, that (on which; at which time)
           Das war der Tag, wo wir uns kennen gelernt haben. - That was the day when we got to know each other.
     4. adv. (indefinite, colloquial) somewhere (in or to an uncertain or unspecified location)
           Ich wär gern wo, wo's wärmer ist. - I'd like to be somewhere where it's warmer.
     5. conj. (colloquial) when
           Wo ich mich umgedreht hab, haut der mir unvermittelt eine rein. - When I turned around, he just abruptly punched me in the face.
     6. pron. (relative, dialectal, nonstandard) who, whom, which, that
           Ich bin der, wo das kann. - I'm the one who can do that.
     1. prep. (local) on; upon; at; in; against
           Das Bild hängt an der Wand. - The picture hangs on the wall.
     2. prep. by; near; close to; next to
     3. prep. (temporal, with days or times of day) on; in; at
           Wir treffen uns am (an dem) Dienstag. - We're meeting on Tuesday.
           Ich werde sie am (an dem) Abend sehen. - I will see her in the evening.
     4. prep. (temporal) a; per; only used with the word Tag, otherwise use in
           zweimal am Tag - twice a day
     5. prep. on; onto
           Ich hänge das Bild an die Wand. - I hang the picture on the wall.
     6. prep. at; against
           Schauen Sie an die Tafel. - Look at the blackboard.
     7. prep. to; for
           Ein Brief an Anna. - A letter for Anna.
     8. adv. onward; on
           von heute an - from today on
     9. adj. (predicative) on
           Ist der Schalter an oder aus? = Ist der Schalter an- oder ausgeschaltet? - Is the switch on or off. Is the switch switched on or off.
     1. art. masculine accusative singular of der
     2. art. dative plural of der
     3. pron. that; whom; masculine accusative singular of der
     1. n. dative plural of Bahnsteig
          1. n. train platform
     1. art. a, an
           ein Mann - a man
           eine Frau - a woman
           ein Kind - a child
     2. adv. (now chiefly in compounds) indicating (concrete or abstract/metaphorical) motion into something
           ein und aus gehen, weder ein noch aus wissen
           darein, derein, feldein, feldein, hafenein, hafenein, herein, herein, hierein, hierein, hinein, hinein, jahrein, jahrein, waldein, waldein (older spellings include Wald-ein), worein, wor
     3. adj. (predicative) on
           Ist der Schalter ein oder aus? (d. h., Ist der Schalter ein- oder ausgeschaltet?) - Is the switch on or off. (i.e., Is the switch switched on or off.)
     1. adv. still, yet (up to and including a given time)
           Du magst mich noch. - You still like me.
           Ich bin noch nicht fertig. - I’m not ready yet.
     2. adv. yet, eventually (at an unknown time in the future)
           Er wird noch kommen. - He will come eventually.
           Das brauche ich später noch. - I'll need that sometime.
     3. adv. additionally, in addition, besides, else; (more often expressed in English with) another, more
           Da ist noch einer. - There’s another one.
           Da sind noch welche. - There are some more.
           Ich habe noch Schokolade im Auto. - I have some more chocolate in the car.
           Weißt du noch was? - Can you think of anything else?
     4. adv. (only) just; barely (by a small margin)
           Ich habe es gerade noch geschafft. - I made it just in time.
     5. adv. (with comparative) even
           Deins ist noch schöner! - Yours is even prettier!
     6. conj. (following a negation, especially weder) nor; function word introducing each except the first term or series, indicating none of them is true
           Ich mag weder ihn noch dich. - I like neither him nor you.
           Er versteht es nicht noch wird er es jemals verstehen. - He doesn’t understand it, nor will he ever understand it.
     1. adj. form of streng
          1. adj. severe, rigid, strict
          2. adv. very much, strictly
     1. adj. same, either the same object or sometimes just the same type of object
     2. adv. namely
     3. adv. because (put after the conjugated verb, rather than at the beginning of the clause)
           Ich hab morgen keine Zeit, ich hab nämlich einen Termin. - I don’t have time tomorrow, I have an appointment (because I have an appointment).
     1. adj. form of absolut
          1. adj. absolute
          2. adv. absolutely
     1. n. smoking ban
     1. v. third-person singular present of herrschen
     2. v. second-person plural present of herrschen
     3. v. plural imperative of herrschen
          1. v. to rule, to reign, to have dominion
          2. v. to prevail, to dominate
     1. n. (gerund of tun); doing, deeds, behaviour
           Der Zwiespalt zwischen Wollen und Tun - The antagonism between willing and doing
     2. v. To do (to perform or execute an action).
           Tu es! - Do it!
           Man tut, was man kann. - One does what one can.
           Er tat das, was man ihm gesagt hat. - He did as he was told.
           Das einzige, was er je tat, war arbeiten. - The only thing he ever did was work.
     3. v. (with dative) To do something (positive or negative) to someone.
           Der tut Ihnen nichts! - He won't hurt you! (said for example about a dog)
           Mein Mann hat mir so viel Gutes getan. - My husband has done me so much good.
     4. v. To make a difference; to be different.
           Tut sich das viel? - Does that make much of a difference?
           Die beiden Kameras tun sich nichts. - The two cameras are no different i.e. neither better than the other.
     5. v. (somewhat informal, with “so” or “als ob”) To fake; to feign; to pretend.
           Er hat nur so getan. - He just faked it.
           Er tut, als ob er nichts wüsste. - He pretends to know nothing.
     6. v. (chiefly colloquial) To put, to place, to add.
           Tu das hier rein. - Put it in here.
           Ich würde noch was Salz an die Kartoffeln tun. - I would add some more salt to the potatoes.
     7. v. (chiefly colloquial, with “es”) To work, to function.
           Die Uhr tut’s nicht mehr. - The clock doesn’t work anymore.
     8. v. (chiefly colloquial, but acceptable in writing) Used with thepreceding infinitive of another verb to emphasise this verb
           Er singt immer noch gern, aber tanzen tut er gar nicht mehr. - He still loves singing, but as to dancing, he doesn't do that anymore at all.
     9. v. (colloquial non-standard) (Used with thefollowing infinitive of another verb, often to emphasise the statement)
           Ich tu doch zuhören! - I am listening! (as a response to the reproach that one is not)
           Ich tu das jetzt mal aufräumen. - I’m cleaning this up now.
     10. v. (colloquial non-standard) (Used in the past subjunctive with the infinitive of another verb to form the conditional tense (instead of standard würde))
           Ich tät mir das noch mal überlegen. - I would think about that again.
     1. pron. you (polite; singular and plural)
           Was möchten Sie, Frau Wagner? - What would you like to have, Mrs. Wagner?
     2. pron. she
           Ist sie noch krank? - Is she still sick?
           Das ist meine Katze. Sie heißt Lili. - This is my cat. Her name is Lili.
           Ich suche Vanessa. Hast du sie gesehen? - I'm looking for Vanessa. Have you seen her?
     3. pron. it (when the object/article/thing/animal etc., referred to, is feminine die)
           Scheint die Sonne noch? Nein, sie ist schon untergegangen. - Is the Sun still shining? No, it has already gone down.
           Ich suche meine Brieftasche. Hast du sie gesehen? - I'm looking for my wallet. Have you seen it?
     4. pron. he (when the grammatical gender of the noun being referred to and designating a male person, is feminine die)
           Die Geisel Richard Meier versuchte, sich zu befreien, aber sie schaffte es nicht. - The hostage Richard Meier tried to break free, but he didn’t succeed.
           Die Wache Michael Müller beschädigte ihr Gewehr, wofür ihr Vorgesetzter sie bestrafte. - The guardsman Michael Müller damaged his rifle, and his supervisor punished him for that.
     5. pron. they; them
          1. pron. Nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun
                Wo ist das Buch? Es liegt auf dem Tisch. - Where's the book? It’s on the table.
                Wo ist das Kind? Ich habe es. - Where is the child? I have it.
                Welche Farbe hat das Pferd? Es ist weiß. - What color is the horse? It is white.
                Ich bemerkte ein merkwürdiges bärtiges Individuum und beschloss, es im Auge zu behalten. - I remarked a strange bearded individual and decided to keep an eye on him.
                Das Mädchen wusste nicht, dass es beobachtet wurde. - The girl didn’t know that she was being observed.
                Jedes Vorstandsmitglied kann das Wort ergreifen, wenn es dies wünscht. - Any board member may take the floor if they so wish.
          2. pron. (Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun) — it
                Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
                Sie begann zu laufen, und ich tat es auch. - She began to run, and I did it also.
                Es war einmal eine schöne Prinzessin. - There was once a beautiful princess.
                Es ist gut zu leben! - It's good to be alive!
                Es regnet. - It’s raining.
                Es ist sicher, dass morgen die Sonne scheinen wird. - It's certain that the sun will shine tomorrow.
                Wie geht es dir? - How are you doing?
                Ich bin es, Michael. - It's me, Michael.
                Es spielt das Fernsehorchester. - The television orchestra is playing.
                Sie wird es noch weit bringen. - She is going to go far.
          3. art. (regional, colloquial) alt form-lite, das
                Soll ich es Fenster zumachen? - Should I close the window?
     1. adv. whereupon; upon which; on which; to which; at which; above which; upon.
           Worauf wartest du? - What are you waiting for?
     1. pron. you (polite; singular and plural)
           Was möchten Sie, Frau Wagner? - What would you like to have, Mrs. Wagner?
     2. pron. she
           Ist sie noch krank? - Is she still sick?
           Das ist meine Katze. Sie heißt Lili. - This is my cat. Her name is Lili.
           Ich suche Vanessa. Hast du sie gesehen? - I'm looking for Vanessa. Have you seen her?
     3. pron. it (when the object/article/thing/animal etc., referred to, is feminine die)
           Scheint die Sonne noch? Nein, sie ist schon untergegangen. - Is the Sun still shining? No, it has already gone down.
           Ich suche meine Brieftasche. Hast du sie gesehen? - I'm looking for my wallet. Have you seen it?
     4. pron. he (when the grammatical gender of the noun being referred to and designating a male person, is feminine die)
           Die Geisel Richard Meier versuchte, sich zu befreien, aber sie schaffte es nicht. - The hostage Richard Meier tried to break free, but he didn’t succeed.
           Die Wache Michael Müller beschädigte ihr Gewehr, wofür ihr Vorgesetzter sie bestrafte. - The guardsman Michael Müller damaged his rifle, and his supervisor punished him for that.
     5. pron. they; them
          1. pron. Nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun
                Wo ist das Buch? Es liegt auf dem Tisch. - Where's the book? It’s on the table.
                Wo ist das Kind? Ich habe es. - Where is the child? I have it.
                Welche Farbe hat das Pferd? Es ist weiß. - What color is the horse? It is white.
                Ich bemerkte ein merkwürdiges bärtiges Individuum und beschloss, es im Auge zu behalten. - I remarked a strange bearded individual and decided to keep an eye on him.
                Das Mädchen wusste nicht, dass es beobachtet wurde. - The girl didn’t know that she was being observed.
                Jedes Vorstandsmitglied kann das Wort ergreifen, wenn es dies wünscht. - Any board member may take the floor if they so wish.
          2. pron. (Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun) — it
                Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
                Sie begann zu laufen, und ich tat es auch. - She began to run, and I did it also.
                Es war einmal eine schöne Prinzessin. - There was once a beautiful princess.
                Es ist gut zu leben! - It's good to be alive!
                Es regnet. - It’s raining.
                Es ist sicher, dass morgen die Sonne scheinen wird. - It's certain that the sun will shine tomorrow.
                Wie geht es dir? - How are you doing?
                Ich bin es, Michael. - It's me, Michael.
                Es spielt das Fernsehorchester. - The television orchestra is playing.
                Sie wird es noch weit bringen. - She is going to go far.
          3. art. (regional, colloquial) alt form-lite, das
                Soll ich es Fenster zumachen? - Should I close the window?
     1. n. desire; the wish to do or have something
           Hast du Lust auf Schokolade? - Do you have desire for chocolate?
     2. n. satisfaction of desire; pleasure; fun
     1. n-n. credit
     2. v. (auxiliary) to have (forms the perfect and past perfect tenses)
           Das habe ich nicht gesagt. - I haven't said that.
     3. v. to have; to own (to possess, have ownership of; to possess a certain characteristic)
     4. v. to have; to hold (to contain within itself/oneself)
           Glaub und hab keine Angst. - Believe and don't be afraid or Believe and have no fear.
     5. v. to have, get (to obtain, acquire)
     6. v. to get (to receive)
     7. v. to have (to be scheduled to attend)
     8. v. to have (to be afflicted with, suffer from)
     9. v. to contain, be composed of, equal
           Ein Meter hat 100 Zentimeter. - One metre has 100 centimetres.
     10. v. (impersonal, dialectal, with es) there be, there is, there are
           Es hat zwei Bücher. - There are two books.
     11. v. to make a fuss
           Hab dich nicht so! - Don't make such a fuss!
     12. v. (colloquial with es and mit) to be occupied with, to like, to be into
           Ich hab's nich so mit Hunden. - I don't have it that much with dogs.
     13. v. (colloquial with es and von or über) to talk about
           Wir hatten's grad von dir und deiner Freundin. - We just had it about you and your girlfriend.
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