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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. a person or animal of male gender, a male
           Was möchte Er von mir? - What does he want from me?
     2. pron. (personal) he.
           audio, De-wo ist klaus.ogg     De-wo ist klaus.ogg uxi - Where is Klaus? Where is he?
           audio, De-Dies ist mein hund.ogg     De-Dies ist mein hund.ogg uxi - This is my dog. His name is Waldi.
     3. pron. (personal) it (when the grammatical gender of the object/article/thing/animal etc., being referred to, is masculine (der)).
           audio, De-Dort steht ein baum.ogg     De-Dort steht ein baum.ogg uxi - There stands a tree. It is more than 100 years old.
     4. pron. (personal) she (when the grammatical gender of the noun being referred to and designating a female person, is masculine (der)).
           Im Frauengefängnis versuchte ein Häftling zu flüchten, aber er kam nicht weit. - In the women’s prison, an inmate tried to escape, but she didn’t get very far.
     5. pron. (personal, archaic) Alternative spelling of Er, tr=you (polite)
     1. v. first-person singular preterite of antworten
     2. v. third-person singular preterite of antworten
     3. v. first-person singular subjunctive of antworten
     4. v. third-person singular subjunctive of antworten
          1. v. to answer, to reply
                Der König antwortete: „Wenn es einen solchen Menschen gibt, dann muss er verrückt sein.” - The King answered, "If such a man exists, he must be mad."
          2. v. to answer, to reply to
                Du hast nicht auf meinen Brief geantwortet. - You haven't answered my letter.
     1. adv. not, non- (negates the meaning of a verb, adjective, or adverb)
           Bitte nicht stören! - Please do not disturb!
           Das ist nicht wahr. - That is not true.
     2. interj. (tag question, dated, or formal) right?; is it?; is it not?
           Du bist sicher die Claudia, nicht? - You must be Claudia, aren't you?
     1. v. first-person singular preterite of legen
     2. v. third-person singular preterite of legen
     3. v. first-person singular subjunctive of legen
     4. v. third-person singular subjunctive of legen
          1. v. to lay, to put, to place, to position, so that it afterwards lies as opposed to being setzen, stellen
                Leg deine Sachen auf den Stuhl! - Put your things on the chair!
                Ich lege mich auf das Bett. - I lie down on the bed.
                Eier legen - to lay eggs
                ein Feuer legen - to set a fire
                Leg dich auf den Boden! - Lie down on the floor!
          2. v. (animal husbandry) to castrate
                Ich habe meinen Hengst legen lassen. - I had my stallion castrated.
          3. v. (colloquial especially video games) to slay, to defeat
          4. v. (colloquial impersonal) to cause great amusement, to make someone collapse in laughter, to kill, to slay
                Bei dem zweiten Witz hat's ihn komplett gelegt. - The second joke totally killed him.
     1. adv. only, just, merely, simply
           Nur reife Kirschen dürfen auf den Kuchen. - Only ripe cherries may go on the cake.
           Du musst nur die Werte eingeben und den Rest macht der Computer. - You just have to enter the values and the computer will do the rest.
     2. adv. ever; at all
           Ich helfe dir, wo ich nur kann. - I’ll help you wherever I can.
     3. adv. however, though
           Wir könnten es versuchen. Nur wären die Risiken sehr hoch. - We could try. The risks would be very high, however.
     4. conj. (chiefly colloquial) but
           Ich wär auf jeden Fall dabei, nur ich hab echt keine Zeit. - I’d definitely come along, but I really don’t have the time.
     1. pron. feminine singular of seiner
     2. pron. plural of seiner
     3. det. feminine singular of sein
     4. det. plural of sein
          1. v. (copulative, with a predicate adjective or predicate nominative) to be
                Das ist schön. - That is beautiful.
                Das ist ein Auto. - That is a car.
          2. v. (with a dative object and certain adjectives) to feel, (to experience a condition)
                Usage: In this sense sein is always conjugated in the third person singular and takes a Dative noun. The impersonal subject es may be present, but is often taken as implied. For example: "Mir i
                Ist dir kalt? - Are you cold?
                Mir ist schlecht. - I'm sick.
                Dem Mann ist schwindelig. - The man feels dizzy.
                Den Kindern ist langweilig. - The children are bored.
          3. v. (with a dative object and nach or danach, sometimes with zumute) to feel like, to be in the mood for
                Usage: As in the previous sense sein takes a Dative noun and is always conjugated according to the impersonal subject es, although it is usually omitted.
                Uns ist nach einem Film zumute. - We feel like watching a movie.
                Mir ist nicht danach. - I don't feel like it.
          4. v. (auxiliary) forms the present perfect and past perfect tenses of certain intransitive verbs
                Er ist alt geworden. - He has become old.
          5. v. to exist; there to be; to be alive
                Was nicht ist, kann noch werden. (a common proverb) - That which does not exist now, may come into existence.
                Wenn ich nicht mehr bin, erbst du das Haus. - When I am no more, you'll inherit the house.
          6. v. to have the next turn (in a game, in a queue, etc.)
                Du bist. - It’s your turn.
                Du bist nach mir. - Your turn is after mine.
          7. v. to be "it"; to be the tagger in a game of tag
                Du bist! - You're it!
                Ich bin nicht mehr. - I'm not it anymore.
          8. det. his
                Daniel schickt seiner Schwester eine SMS. - Daniel is sending a text to his sister.
                Der Kater spielt oft mit seinen Spielsachen. - The cat often plays with his toys.
          9. det. its (agreeing with a masculine or neuter noun)
                der Mond und sein Licht - the moon and its light
                das Schaf und seine Lämmer - the sheep and its lambs
          10. det.          (informal) Used to express an approximate number, often with so.
                        Der kostet so seine zweihundert Euro. - That one costs around two hundred euros.
          11. det. one's
                Man muss seinem Herzen folgen. - One must follow one’s heart.
     1. n. (football, informal) short for, Handspiel
           Das war Hand! - That was a handball!
           Das erste Hand war vor dem Strafraum, aber das zweite hätte Elfmeter geben müssen. - The first handball was outside the box, but the second one should have been a penalty.
     1. prep. (with dative) on, upon (positioned at the top of)
           Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch. - The book is lying on the table.
     2. prep. (with accusative) on, onto, up (moving to the top of)
           Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch. - I’m putting the book on the table.
     3. prep. (with accusative) on (indicating responsibility)
           Das erste Getränk geht aufs Haus. - The first drink is on the house.
           Das fällt nicht auf dich zurück, sondern auf mich. Ich hab's vermasselt. - That's not on you but on me. I messed up.
     4. prep. (with dative) in, at; used with certain nouns instead of bei or in
           Niemand auf der Welt hätte das voraussehen können. - No one in the world could have predicted that.
           auf dem Stadtplatz - in the town square
           Das Schiff ist auf See - The ship is at sea.
           auf der Kirmes - at the fun fair
           auf der Post - at the post office (also: bei der Post)
     5. prep. (with accusative) to; used with certain nouns instead of zu or in
           auf die Kirmes - to the fun fair
           auf die Post - to the post office (also: zur Post)
     6. prep. (with a language name) in (see usage note below)
           Was heißt das auf Deutsch? - What’s this in German?
     7. prep. (linguistics) in (of a word: ending with some sound or syllable)
           Wörter auf -heit sind weiblich. - Words in -heit are feminine.
           Du kannst doch auf (’n) Sonntag nich’ den Rasen mähen! - You can’t mow the lawn on a Sunday!
     8. prep. (with accusative) for (during the continuation of)
           auf Jahre hinaus - for years to come
     9. prep. (with accusative) to, for (indicating purpose, goal or wish)
           Lasst uns auf deine Gesundheit drinken! - Let's drink to your health!
           Sie spielen auf Zeit. - They are playing for time.
     10. prep. (with accusative) by (used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something)
           X auf Y Meter groß
     11. adv. (somewhat, informal) open
           Die Tür ist auf. - The door is open.
     12. adv. (colloquial) finished; gone (food)
           Hast du deine Suppe auf? - Have you finished your soup?
           Die Milch is’ auf. - The milk is gone. (consumed)
     13. adv. (colloquial) up; awake; out of bed
           Ich war um sechs Uhr auf. - I was up at six o'clock.
     14. interj. carry on (continue or proceed as before)
     15. interj. have a go
     1. pron. (possessive) masculine accusative singular of Ihr
     2. pron. (possessive) dative plural of Ihr
     3. det. masculine accusative singular of ihr: her, its, their i;referring to a masculine object in the accusative case, or a plural object in the dative case
     4. det. dative plural of ihr: her, its, their i;referring to a masculine object in the accusative case, or a plural object in the dative case
          1. pron. you, ye (plural, familiar)
          2. pron. dative of sie
                Hast du ihr das Buch gegeben? - Did you give her the book?
          3. det. her (possessive)
                Laura hat mir ihr neues Auto gezeigt. - Laura showed me her new car.
                Die Katze spielt oft mit ihren Spielsachen. - The cat often plays with her toys.
          4. det. its (when the owning object/article/thing/animal etc., referred to, is feminine)
                die Sonne und ihre Wärme - the sun and its warmth
          5. det. their
                Die Kinder spielen mit ihrem Hund. - The kids are playing with their dog.
                die Wolken und ihre Schönheit - the clouds and their beauty
     1. n. (anatomy) forearm (part of the arm)
     1. conj. (co-ordinating) and
           Kaffee und Kuchen - coffee and cake
           Ich kam, sah und siegte. - I came, saw, and conquered.
     2. conj. (colloquial) links two nouns, often a person and an activity, in rhetoric questions to express an opposition between them
           Er und Abwaschen? Vielleicht einmal im Jahr! - Him doing the dishes? Maybe once per year!
     3. interj. so?, now?, and?
           Und? Wie ist es gelaufen? - So? How did it go?
     1. pron. you (polite; singular and plural)
           Was möchten Sie, Frau Wagner? - What would you like to have, Mrs. Wagner?
     2. pron. she
           Ist sie noch krank? - Is she still sick?
           Das ist meine Katze. Sie heißt Lili. - This is my cat. Her name is Lili.
           Ich suche Vanessa. Hast du sie gesehen? - I'm looking for Vanessa. Have you seen her?
     3. pron. it (when the object/article/thing/animal etc., referred to, is feminine die)
           Scheint die Sonne noch? Nein, sie ist schon untergegangen. - Is the Sun still shining? No, it has already gone down.
           Ich suche meine Brieftasche. Hast du sie gesehen? - I'm looking for my wallet. Have you seen it?
     4. pron. he (when the grammatical gender of the noun being referred to and designating a male person, is feminine die)
           Die Geisel Richard Meier versuchte, sich zu befreien, aber sie schaffte es nicht. - The hostage Richard Meier tried to break free, but he didn’t succeed.
           Die Wache Michael Müller beschädigte ihr Gewehr, wofür ihr Vorgesetzter sie bestrafte. - The guardsman Michael Müller damaged his rifle, and his supervisor punished him for that.
     5. pron. they; them
          1. pron. Nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun
                Wo ist das Buch? Es liegt auf dem Tisch. - Where's the book? It’s on the table.
                Wo ist das Kind? Ich habe es. - Where is the child? I have it.
                Welche Farbe hat das Pferd? Es ist weiß. - What color is the horse? It is white.
                Ich bemerkte ein merkwürdiges bärtiges Individuum und beschloss, es im Auge zu behalten. - I remarked a strange bearded individual and decided to keep an eye on him.
                Das Mädchen wusste nicht, dass es beobachtet wurde. - The girl didn’t know that she was being observed.
                Jedes Vorstandsmitglied kann das Wort ergreifen, wenn es dies wünscht. - Any board member may take the floor if they so wish.
          2. pron. (Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun) — it
                Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
                Sie begann zu laufen, und ich tat es auch. - She began to run, and I did it also.
                Es war einmal eine schöne Prinzessin. - There was once a beautiful princess.
                Es ist gut zu leben! - It's good to be alive!
                Es regnet. - It’s raining.
                Es ist sicher, dass morgen die Sonne scheinen wird. - It's certain that the sun will shine tomorrow.
                Wie geht es dir? - How are you doing?
                Ich bin es, Michael. - It's me, Michael.
                Es spielt das Fernsehorchester. - The television orchestra is playing.
                Sie wird es noch weit bringen. - She is going to go far.
          3. art. (regional, colloquial) alt form-lite, das
                Soll ich es Fenster zumachen? - Should I close the window?
     1. v. first-person singular preterite of ziehen
     2. v. third-person singular preterite of ziehen
     1. art. masculine accusative singular of der
     2. art. dative plural of der
     3. pron. that; whom; masculine accusative singular of der
     1. n. (anatomy) an arm
     2. n. (figurative) anything that resembles an arm
     3. n.          (textiles, technical use, or informal) a sleeve
                   mit langem Arm - long-sleeved (technical)
                   sich die Arme hochkrempeln - to roll up one's sleeves (informal)
     4. n.          a long protusion on a device or machine, e.g. a lever
     5. n.          a branch, a section of a structure
     6. n.          (geography) an arm of a creek or a river
     7. n.          influence, might
     8. adj. poor (having little money)
     9. adj. poor (to be pitied)
           arm dran sein - to have bad luck
           lieber arm dran als Arm ab - better to have bad luck than to lose an arm (the play on words is lost in translation)
     10. adj. low (having a small amount)
     1. adv. not, non- (negates the meaning of a verb, adjective, or adverb)
           Bitte nicht stören! - Please do not disturb!
           Das ist nicht wahr. - That is not true.
     2. interj. (tag question, dated, or formal) right?; is it?; is it not?
           Du bist sicher die Claudia, nicht? - You must be Claudia, aren't you?
     1. n. going back (in existential clauses, negated)
           Jetzt gab es kein Zurück mehr. - Now there was no going back any more.
     2. adv. back, backward, backwards, to the rear.
     3. interj. stand back!
     4. interj. get back!
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