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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. adv. once, one time (one and only one time)
           Ich werde das nur einmal sagen. - I'm only going to say it once.
     2. adv. once (formerly; during some period in the past)
           Es war einmal eine schöne Prinzessin. - There was once a beautiful princess.
     3. adv. sometime (at an indefinite but stated time in the past or future)
     4. adv. first of all, for starters, firstly (as an initial point; before any other considerations)
     1. v. first-person singular preterite of dürfen
     2. v. third-person singular preterite of dürfen
          1. v. (auxiliary) to be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may
                Darf ich gehen? - May I go?
                Ich habe gehen dürfen. - I was allowed to go.
          2. v. to be allowed or permitted to do something implied or previously stated; may
                Ja, du darfst. - Yes, you may.
                Ich habe es gedurft. - I was allowed to do it.
          3. v. (subjunctive ii, auxiliary) Expresses a prediction with mild doubt, that something is estimated or probable.
                Der Zug dürfte in ein paar Minuten ankommen. - The train should (will probably) be here in a few minutes.
          4. v. (colloquial) to must, to have to
                Und ich darf dann wieder hinter euch aufräumen. - And I can clean up after you once again then.
          5. v. (obsolete, transitive, with genitive) to need, to require
     1. n. (psychoanalysis) ego
     2. n. self, me, him, etc.
           das wahre Ich - the real me
     3. pron. I (first person singular nominative (subject) pronoun)
     1. prep. (with dative) in, inside, within, at (inside a building)
           Es ist in dem Haus. - It is in the house.
           Ich habe die Schlüssel im (in dem) Kühlschrank gefunden. - I found the keys in the refrigerator.
           Unsere Kinder sind in der Schule. - Our kids are at school.
           Er ist in einem Café. - He is at a coffee shop.
           Letzte Nacht waren sie im (in dem) Club. - They were at the club last night.
     2. prep. (with dative) in (pertaining to)
           in diesem Sinne - in this/that sense
     3. prep. (with dative) in, at, by (at the end of or during a period of time)
           Er schloss sein Studium im Alter von vierzehn. - He completed his studies at/by the age of fourteen.
           im Alter - in old age
           im Mittelalter - during the middle ages
           in den 1960er Jahren - in the 1960s
     4. prep. (with accusative) into, to (going inside (of))
           Er geht ins Haus. - He goes into the house.
           Wir gehen in die Schweiz. - We are going to Switzerland.
           Wir treten in ein neues Zeitalter ein. - We are coming into a new age.
     5. adj. in, popular (in fashion)
     1. n-f. music
           Was hörst du für Musik? - What kind of music do you listen to?
     2. n-f. music as a school subject, musical instruction
           Musik fällt morgen aus. - Music class is cancelled tomorrow.
     3. n-f. a musical piece
           Eine kleine Nachtmusik - Eine kleine Nachtmusik
     4. n-f. (informal) a band, mostly one performing at some event
           Die Musik ist noch beim Essen, aber gleich geht’s los. - The band are still eating, but they’ll start soon.
     1. pron. (interrogative) what
           Was machst du heute? - What are you doing today?
     2. pron. (relative) which ((referring to the entire preceding clause))
           Sie tanzte gut, was er bewunderte. - She was a good dancer, which he admired.
     3. pron. (relative) that, which ((referring to das, alles, etwas, nichts, and neuter substantival adjectives))
           Das ist alles, was ich weiß. - That's all that I know.
           Das ist das Beste, was mir passieren konnte. - That's the best that could have happened to me.
     4. pron. (relative, colloquial) that, which ((referring to neuter singular nouns, instead of standard das))
           Siehst du das weiße Haus, was renoviert wird? - Do you see that white house, which is being renovated?
     5. pron. (indefinite, colloquial) something, anything ((instead of standard etwas))
           Ich hab was gefunden. - I've found something.
     6. pron. (interrogative, dated) why (with emphasis, astonishment or disapproval)
           Was birgst du so bang dein Gesicht? - Why on earth are you hiding your face so fearfully?
     7. adv. (colloquial) a little, somewhat
           Ich komm was später. - I'll arrive a little later.
     8. adv. (interrogative, colloquial) why, what for
           Was bist du heute so stumm? - Why are you so silent today?
     1. prep. (with dative) on, upon (positioned at the top of)
           Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch. - The book is lying on the table.
     2. prep. (with accusative) on, onto, up (moving to the top of)
           Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch. - I’m putting the book on the table.
     3. prep. (with accusative) on (indicating responsibility)
           Das erste Getränk geht aufs Haus. - The first drink is on the house.
           Das fällt nicht auf dich zurück, sondern auf mich. Ich hab's vermasselt. - That's not on you but on me. I messed up.
     4. prep. (with dative) in, at; used with certain nouns instead of bei or in
           Niemand auf der Welt hätte das voraussehen können. - No one in the world could have predicted that.
           auf dem Stadtplatz - in the town square
           Das Schiff ist auf See - The ship is at sea.
           auf der Kirmes - at the fun fair
           auf der Post - at the post office (also: bei der Post)
     5. prep. (with accusative) to; used with certain nouns instead of zu or in
           auf die Kirmes - to the fun fair
           auf die Post - to the post office (also: zur Post)
     6. prep. (with a language name) in (see usage note below)
           Was heißt das auf Deutsch? - What’s this in German?
     7. prep. (linguistics) in (of a word: ending with some sound or syllable)
           Wörter auf -heit sind weiblich. - Words in -heit are feminine.
           Du kannst doch auf (’n) Sonntag nich’ den Rasen mähen! - You can’t mow the lawn on a Sunday!
     8. prep. (with accusative) for (during the continuation of)
           auf Jahre hinaus - for years to come
     9. prep. (with accusative) to, for (indicating purpose, goal or wish)
           Lasst uns auf deine Gesundheit drinken! - Let's drink to your health!
           Sie spielen auf Zeit. - They are playing for time.
     10. prep. (with accusative) by (used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something)
           X auf Y Meter groß
     11. adv. (somewhat, informal) open
           Die Tür ist auf. - The door is open.
     12. adv. (colloquial) finished; gone (food)
           Hast du deine Suppe auf? - Have you finished your soup?
           Die Milch is’ auf. - The milk is gone. (consumed)
     13. adv. (colloquial) up; awake; out of bed
           Ich war um sechs Uhr auf. - I was up at six o'clock.
     14. interj. carry on (continue or proceed as before)
     15. interj. have a go
     1. art. dative singular of der: the
     2. pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which
     1. n-m. wing (of a bird, airplane, etc.)
     2. n-m. wing (of a door, window, windmill, etc.)
     3. n-m. wing (lateral part, especially of a building)
     4. n-m. (musical instruments) grand piano
     5. n-m. (chiefly as Flügelchen) short for, Schwimmflügel, t=water wing, armband, swimmy
     1. n. dative plural of Vorspiel
     2. v. (ditransitive, music, acting) to perform something for; to play something for
     3. v. (music, acting) to audition
     4. v. (figurative) to fake something, to give a false impression in order to deceive
     1. art. the
     2. art. feminine singular of der
     3. art. genitive plural of der
     4. pron. who; that; which
           Ich kenne einen Mann, der das kann. - I know a man who can do that.
     5. pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that
     6. pron. (attributive, stressed) that
           Der Mann war es! - It was that man!
     7. pron. (indicative) him, he
           Der hat es getan! - It was him who did it!
     8. pron. (differential) the one, him
           Der mit dem Mantel - The one with the coat
     9. pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her
     1. adv. (local) there; here
           Wir fahren nach Hamburg. Meine Frau hat eine Freundin, die da wohnt. - We’re going to Hamburg. My wife has a friend who lives there.
           Die Gäste sind noch nicht da. - The guests aren’t here yet.
     2. adv. (temporal) then; so; at that moment
           Ich war gerade eingeschlafen, und da kam ein Anruf. - I had just fallen asleep, and that’s when someone called.
           Er hat immer weiter auf mich eingeschrien. Da bin ich einfach gegangen. - He just kept on shouting at me. So I just left.
     3. adv. (colloquial) (replaces any takes a reflexive pronoun adverb when the context is clear)
           Ich wollte eigentlich Linsensuppe machen, aber da (= dafür, dazu) hatte ich das Rezept nicht.
             I was actually going to make lentil soup, but I didn’t have the recipe for it.
           Wir haben jetzt ein Angebot gekriegt, aber da (= darüber) müssen wir noch diskutieren.
             We’ve now received an offer, but we’ll still need to have discussion about that.
     4. conj. since; as; because; given that
           Da die Stelle mit häufigen Auslandskontakten verbunden ist, sind gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse unerlässlich. - Since the position involves frequent international contacts, good foreign-language
     5. conj. (literary, dated) when
           Am Tag, da die Wahrheit offenbar wird, ist es zur Umkehr zu spät. - On the day when the Truth will become manifest, it will be too late for penitence.
     1. n. standing, state, status, position, situation
           Im Stande sein...zu - to be able to.
           jemandem in den Stand setzen,...zu - to enable someone to.
           Geld setzt einen in den Stand, alles zu kaufen - Money enables you to buy anything.
     2. n. estate
     3. n. booth, stand
     4. n. (Swiss) canton (state of Switzerland)
     5. v. first-person singular preterite of stehen
     6. v. third-person singular preterite of stehen
          1. v. to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
                Ich stehe an der Ecke. - I'm standing on the corner.
          2. v. to be, to appear, to stand (to be placed or located somewhere)
                Das steht nicht in dem Wörterbuch. - This does not appear in the dictionary.
          3. v. to stay; to be still
                Das Leben steht. - Life stands still.
          4. v. to stay, to stand, to be (in a certain state, position or circumstance)
                Das Haus steht leer. - The house stands empty.
                Das Team steht an der Spitze seiner Liga. - The team stands at the top of their league.
          5. v. to suit, to become (to look attractive on, of a garment, color etc.)
                Blau steht dir sehr gut! - Blue suits you very well!
                Der Tod steht ihr gut - Death Becomes Her (film title)
          6. v. (Swiss) to put, place
          7. v. (indtr, auf, .colloquial) to fancy
                Ich glaube sie steht nicht auf dich. - I don't think she fancies you.
     1. conj. (co-ordinating) and
           Kaffee und Kuchen - coffee and cake
           Ich kam, sah und siegte. - I came, saw, and conquered.
     2. conj. (colloquial) links two nouns, often a person and an activity, in rhetoric questions to express an opposition between them
           Er und Abwaschen? Vielleicht einmal im Jahr! - Him doing the dishes? Maybe once per year!
     3. interj. so?, now?, and?
           Und? Wie ist es gelaufen? - So? How did it go?
     1. art. the
     2. art. feminine singular of der
     3. art. genitive plural of der
     4. pron. who; that; which
           Ich kenne einen Mann, der das kann. - I know a man who can do that.
     5. pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that
     6. pron. (attributive, stressed) that
           Der Mann war es! - It was that man!
     7. pron. (indicative) him, he
           Der hat es getan! - It was him who did it!
     8. pron. (differential) the one, him
           Der mit dem Mantel - The one with the coat
     9. pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her
     1. Proper noun. Carl Bosch - German chemist
     2. Proper noun. Hieronymus Bosch - Dutch painter
     3. Proper noun. Robert Bosch GmbH - German company
     1. v. first-person singular preterite of geben
     2. v. third-person singular preterite of geben
          1. v. (ditransitive) to give (changing ownership)
                Meine Frau hat mir eine neue Uhr gegeben. - My wife gave me a new watch.
          2. v. (ditransitive) to hand, to pass, to put within reach
                Gib mir das! - Give me that!
                Gib mir deine Hand. - Give me your hand (to hold).
                Könnten Sie mir den Stift geben? - Could you hand me that pen?
          3. v. (impersonal, transitive) Used to indicate that something exists (often with a certain property and/or in a certain location). Usually translated as there be or there exist
                Gibt es gute Schulen in der Nähe? - Are there good schools in the neighborhood?
                Es gibt kein Wasser in dieser Wüste. - There is no water in this desert.
                Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
          4. v. (ditransitive, transitive) to communicate (helpful information such as a hint or advice), to signal (in a certain way such as a sign)
                Darf ich dir einen Rat geben? - May I give you some advice?
                Der Spieler gab ein Signal, dass er eingewechselt werden wollte. - The player gave a signal that he wanted to be substituted.
          5. v. to present; to put
          6. v. to result in
     1. pron. personal dative of ich: me, to me:
           Er gab es mir. - He gave it to me.
     2. pron. (dialectal, or colloquial) Alternative form of wir, t=we
     1. num. feminine singular of ein
     2. art. feminine singular of ein: a, an
     3. pron. feminine singular of einer
     4. pron. masculine nominative singular of einer
     5. pron. singular of einer
     1. n-f. one (digit or figure)
     2. num. (cardinal) one (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 1; first positive number in the set of natural numbers)
           die Nummer eins - the number one
           eins plus zwei - one plus two
           hundert und eins - one hundred and one
           Absatz eins - paragraph one
     3. num. (colloquial) one, one o'clock
           Es ist eins. - It's one o'clock.
           um eins - at one
           nach eins - after one
           kurz vor eins - shortly before one
           ab eins - from one o'clock
           bis eins - until one
           Es ist Punkt eins. - It's one o'clock sharp
           halb eins - half one
     4. pron. Alternative form of eines: singular of einer
           Meine Schwester hat ein Fahrrad und ich will auch eins. - My sister has a bike and I want one too.
     5. adv. (somewhat, informal) (only used in) sich eins sein (“to agree”) and eins werden (“to arrive at an agreement”)
           Wir sind über den Preis nicht eins geworden. - We couldn't agree on the price.
     1. adv. for that, for it
           Dafür brauchen wir gut ausgebildete Fachleute wie Sie. - For that we need well-trained specialists like you.
           Der Täter allein ist dafür verantwortlich. - The offender alone is responsible for his actions.
           Natürlich ist das jederzeit möglich, wenn wichtige Gründe dafür sprechen. - Of course it is possible to finish a week early, if you have important reasons.
           Ich werde mich dafür einsetzen, dass es nicht wieder vorkommt. - I will try to see to it that it does not happen again.
           dafür bezahlen. - to pay for it.
           dafür kämpfen. - to fight for it.
           dafür notwendig. - necessary for this.
           Auf diese Weise haben wir zumindest etwas dafür bekommen. - This way, we at least got something for it.
           dafür aussprechen. - to speak in favour of it.
           dafür stimmen. - to vote in favour of it.
           dafür entscheiden. - to decide on it.
           dafür ausgeben. - to spend on it.
     2. adv. instead, at least, as a compensation
           Wir mussten ganz hinten sitzen. Dafür waren die Karten billiger. - We had to sit at the very back. At least the tickets were cheaper.
           Ich gebe Ihnen dafür meine Stimme. - I'll give you my voice in exchange.
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