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English Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. (medicine) A procedure involving major incisions to remove, repair, or replace a part of a body.
           Many times surgery is necessary to prevent cancer from spreading.
     2. n. (medicine) The medical specialty related to the performance of surgical procedures.
     3. n. A room or department where surgery is performed.
     4. n. (British) A doctor's office.
           I dropped in on the surgery as I was passing to show the doctor my hemorrhoids.
     5. n. (British) Any arrangement where people arrive and wait for an interview with certain people, particularly a politician. cf. clinic.
           Our MP will be holding a surgery in the village hall on Tuesday.
     6. n. (finance, bankruptcy, slang) A pre-packaged bankruptcy or "quick bankruptcy".
     7. n. (topology) The production of a manifold by removing parts of one manifold and replacing them with corresponding parts of others.
     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. adj. Having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable.
     2. adj. (mathematics) Of geometrical figures including triangles, squares, ellipses, arcs and more complex figures, having the same shape but possibly different size, rotational orientation, and position; in
     3. n. That which is similar to, or resembles, something else, as in quality, form, etc.
     4. n. (homeopathy) A material that produces an effect that resembles the symptoms of a particular disease.
     1. v. simple past tense and past participle of loop
     2. adj. having loops
     3. adj. formed into a loop
     4. adj. (of part of a fingerprint) whorled
     5. adj. (slang) drunk
          1. n. A length of thread, line or rope that is doubled over to make an opening.
          2. n. The opening so formed.
          3. n. A shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself.
                Arches, loops, and whorls are patterns found in fingerprints.
          4. n. A ring road or beltway.
          5. n. An endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition.
          6. n. A complete circuit for an electric current.
          7. n. (programming) A programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied.
          8. n. (graph theory) An edge that begins and ends on the same vertex.
          9. n. (topology) A path that starts and ends at the same point.
          10. n. (transportation) A bus or rail route, walking route, etc. that starts and ends at the same point.
          11. n. (algebra) A quasigroup with an identity element.
          12. n. A loop-shaped intrauterine device.
          13. n. An aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft flies a circular path in a vertical plane.
          14. n. A small, narrow opening; a loophole.
          15. n. alternative form of loupes (mass of iron).
          16. n. (biochemistry) A flexible region in a protein's secondary structure.
          17. v. To form something into a loop.
          18. v. To fasten or encircle something with a loop.
          19. v. To fly an aircraft in a loop.
          20. v. To move something in a loop.
          21. v. To join electrical components to complete a circuit.
          22. v. To duplicate the route of a pipeline.
          23. v. To create an error in a computer program so that it runs in an endless loop and the computer freezes up.
          24. v. (intransitive) To form a loop.
          25. v. (intransitive) To move in a loop.
                The program loops until the user presses a key.
     1. n. A device used to produce music.
           The violinist was a master of her instrument.
     2. n. A means or agency for achieving an effect.
     3. n. A measuring or displaying device.
           The instrument detected an increase in radioactivity.
     4. n. A tool, implement used for manipulation or measurement.
           The dentist set down his tray of instruments.
           The scientist recorded the temperature with a thermometer but wished he had a more accurate instrument.
     5. n. (legal) A legal document, such as a contract, deed, trust, mortgage, power, indenture, or will.
           A bond indenture is the instrument that gives a bond its value.
           Negotiable instruments are the foundation of the debt markets.
     6. n. (figuratively) A person used as a mere tool for achieving a goal.
     7. v. To apply measuring devices.
     8. v. To devise, conceive, cook up, plan.
     9. v. To perform upon an instrument; to prepare for an instrument.
           a sonata instrumented for orchestra
     1. adv. at some time in the past
     2. adv. previously; once
     1. v. simple past tense and past participle of use
           You used me!
     2. v. (intransitive, as an auxiliary verb, now only in past tense) to perform habitually; to be accustomed to doing something
           He used to live here, but moved away last year.
     3. adj. That is or has or have been used.
           The ground was littered with used syringes left behind by drug abusers.
     4. adj. That has or have previously been owned by someone else.
           He bought a used car.
     5. adj. Familiar through use; usual; accustomed.
           I got used to this weather.
          1. n. The act of using.
                the use of torture has been condemned by the United Nations;  there is no use for your invention
          2. n. (followed by "of") Usefulness, benefit.
                What's the use of a law that nobody follows?
          3. n. A function; a purpose for which something may be employed.
                This tool has many uses.
          4. n. Occasion or need to employ; necessity.
                I have no further use for these textbooks.
          5. n. (obsolete, rare) Interest for lent money; premium paid for the use of something; usury.
          6. n. (archaic) Continued or repeated practice; usage; habit.
          7. n. (obsolete) Common occurrence; ordinary experience.
          8. n. (religion) The special form of ritual adopted for use in any diocese.
                the Sarum, or Canterbury, use; the Hereford use; the York use; the Roman use; etc.
          9. n. (forging) A slab of iron welded to the side of a forging, such as a shaft, near the end, and afterward drawn down, by hammering, so as to lengthen the forging.
          10. v. To utilize or employ.
          11. v.          To employ; to apply; to utilize.
                        Use this knife to slice the bread.
                        We can use this mathematical formula to solve the problem.
          12. v.          (transitive, often with up) To expend; to consume by employing.
                        I used the money they allotted me.
                        We should use up most of the fuel.
                        She used all the time allotted to complete the test.
          13. v.          To exploit.
                        You never cared about me; you just used me!
          14. v.          To consume (alcohol, drugs, etc), especially regularly.
                         He uses cocaine. I have never used drugs.
          15. v.          (intransitive) To consume a previously specified substance, especially a drug to which one is addicted.
                        Richard began experimenting with cocaine last year; now he uses almost every day.
          16. v.          (transitive, with auxiliary "could") To benefit from; to be able to employ or stand.
                        I could use a drink. My car could use a new coat of paint.
          17. v. To accustom; to habituate. (Now common only in participial form. Note: This usage uses the nounal pronunciation of the word rather than the typically verbal one.)
                soldiers who are used to hardships and danger (still common)
                to use the soldiers to hardships and danger (now rare)
          18. v.          (reflexive, obsolete, with "to") To become accustomed, to accustom oneself.
          19. v. (intransitive, now rare, literary) To habitually do; to be wont to do.
          20. v. (intransitive, now rare, literary) To habitually employ; to be wont to employ.
          21. v. (intransitive, past tense with infinitive) To habitually do. See used to.
                I used to get things done.
          22. v. (dated) To behave toward; to act with regard to; to treat.
                to use an animal cruelly
          23. v. (reflexive, obsolete) To behave, act, comport oneself.
     1. part. A particle used for marking the following verb as an infinitive.
           I want to leave.
           He asked me what to do.
           I don’t know how to say it.
           I have places to go and people to see.
     2. part. As above, with the verb implied.
           "Did you visit the museum?" "I wanted to, but it was closed.".
           If he hasn't read it yet, he ought to.
     3. part. A particle used to create phrasal verbs.
           I have to do laundry today.
     4. prep. Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at.
           We are walking to the shop.
     5. prep. Used to indicate purpose.
           He devoted himself to education.
           They drank to his health.
     6. prep. Used to indicate result of action.
           His face was beaten to a pulp.
     7. prep. Used after an adjective to indicate its application.
           similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ..., I was nice to him, he was cruel to her, I am used to walking.
     8. prep. (obsolete,) As a.
           With God to friend (with God as a friend);   with The Devil to fiend (with the Devil as a foe);   lambs slaughtered to lake (lambs slaughtered as a sacrifice);   t
     9. prep. (arithmetic) Used to indicate a ratio or comparison.
           one to one = 1:1
           ten to one = 10:1.
           I have ten dollars to your four.
     10. prep. (arithmetic) Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation.
           Three squared or three to the second power is nine.
           Three to the power of two is nine.
           Three to the second is nine.
     11. prep. Used to indicate the indirect object.
           I gave the book to him.
     12. prep. (time) Preceding.
           ten to ten = 9:50; We're going to leave at ten to (the hour).
     13. prep. Used to describe what something consists of or contains.
           Anyone could do this job; there's nothing to it.
           There's a lot of sense to what he says.
     14. prep. (Canada, UK, Newfoundland, West Midlands) At.
           Stay where you're to and I'll come find you, b'y.
     15. adv. Toward a closed, touching or engaging position.
           Please push the door to.
     16. adv. (nautical) Into the wind.
     17. adv. misspelling of too
     1. v. To move something from one place to another, especially to take away.
           He removed the marbles from the bag.
     2. v.          (obsolete, formal) To replace a dish within a course.
     3. v. To murder.
     4. v. (cricket, transitive) To dismiss a batsman.
     5. v. To discard, set aside, especially something abstract (a thought, feeling, etc.).
     6. v. (intransitive, now rare) To depart, leave.
     7. v. (intransitive) To change one's residence; to move.
     8. v. To dismiss or discharge from office.
           The President removed many postmasters.
     9. n. The act of removing something.
     10. n. (archaic) Removing a dish at a meal in order to replace it with the next course, a dish thus replaced, or the replacement.
     11. n. (British) (at some public schools) A division of the school, especially the form prior to last
     12. n. A step or gradation (as in the phrase "at one remove")
     13. n. Distance in time or space; interval.
     14. n. (dated) The transfer of one's home or business to another place; a move.
     15. n. The act of resetting a horse's shoe.
     1. n. plural of tumour
          1. n. (oncology, pathology) An abnormal growth; differential diagnosis includes abscess, metaplasia, and neoplasia.
     1. adv. alternative form of etc.
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