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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. adj. Rugueux.
     2. adj. Irrégulier.
     3. adj. Sévère.
     4. adj. Turbulent, tempétueux.
     5. adj. Hargneux.
     6. adj. Rude, violent.
     7. adj. Robuste, solide.
     8. adj. Accidenté.
           Rugged landscape
     9. adj. Couvert de moquette.
     10. v. Prétérit de rug.
     11. v. Participe passé de rug.
     1. n. Moquette.
     2. n. (Argot) Perruque, postiche, moumoute.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Broken into sharp or irregular points; uneven; not smooth; rough.
     2. adj. Not neat or regular; irregular, uneven.
     3. adj. Rough with bristles or hair; shaggy.
     4. adj. (of a person) Strong, sturdy, well-built.
     5. adj. (of land) Rocky and bare of plantlife.
     6. adj. (of temper, character, or people) Harsh; austere; hard; crabbed
     7. adj. Stormy; turbulent; tempestuous; rude.
     8. adj. (of sound, style etc.) Harsh; grating; rough to the ear
     9. adj. (of looks, appearance etc.) Sour; surly; frowning; wrinkled
     10. adj. (of behaviour) Violent; rude; boisterous
     11. adj. (of health, physique etc.) Vigorous; robust; hardy
     12. adj. (computing, of a computer) Designed to reliably operate in harsh usage environments and conditions.
     13. adj. Having a rug or rugs.
     14. adj. Covered with a rug.

Exemples de phrases

This is damned rugged country, people. 
I know, congratulations, you can buy your own books, you're an American, rugged individualist, rose from the working class, never had to depend on anyone. 

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