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English Sentence Analyser

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     1. prep. Used to indicate location, inclusion, or position within spatial, temporal or other limits.
     2. prep.          Contained by.
                   The dog is in the kennel.
     3. prep.          Within.
     4. prep.          Surrounded by.
                   We are in the enemy camp.   Her plane is in the air.
     5. prep.          Part of; a member of.
                   One in a million.   She's in band and orchestra.
     6. prep.          Pertaining to; with regard to.
                   What grade did he get in English?
                   Military letters should be formal in tone, but not stilted.
     7. prep.          At the end of a period of time.
                   They said they would call us in a week.
     8. prep.          Within a certain elapsed time
                   Are you able to finish this in three hours?   The massacre resulted in over 1000 deaths in three hours.
     9. prep.          During (said of periods of time).
                   in the first week of December;  Easter falls in the fourth lunar month;   The country reached a high level of prosperity in his fi
     10. prep.          (grammar, phonetics, of sounds and letters) Coming at the end of a word.
                   English nouns in -ce form their plurals in -s.
     11. prep. Into.
           Less water gets in your boots this way.
     12. prep. Used to indicate limit, qualification, condition, or circumstance.
           In replacing the faucet washers, he felt he was making his contribution to the environment.
     13. prep.          Indicating an order or arrangement.
                   My fat rolls around in folds.
     14. prep.          Denoting a state of the subject.
                   He stalked away in anger.   John is in a coma.
     15. prep.          Indicates, connotatively, a place-like form of someone's (or something's) personality, as his, her or its psychic and physical characteristics.
                   You've got a friend in me.   He's met his match in her.
     16. prep.          Wearing (an item of clothing).
                    I glanced over at the pretty girl in the red dress.
     17. prep. Used to indicate means, medium, format, genre, or instrumentality.
     18. prep.          (of something offered or given in an exchange) In the form of, in the denomination of.
                   Please pay me in cash — preferably in tens and twenties.
                   The deposit can be in any legal tender, even in gold.
                    Her generosity was rewarded in the success of its recipients.
     19. prep.          Used to indicate a language, script, tone, etc. of a text, speech, etc.
                   Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5" in C minor is among his most popular.
                   His speech was in French, but was simultaneously translated into eight languages.
                   When you write in cursive, it's illegible.
     20. v. (obsolete, transitive) To enclose.
     21. v. (obsolete, transitive) To take in; to harvest.
     22. adv. (not comparable) Located indoors, especially at home or the office, or inside something.
           Is Mr. Smith in?
     23. adv. Moving to the interior of a defined space, such as a building or room.
           Suddenly a strange man walked in.
     24. adv. (sports) Still eligible to play, e.g. able to bat in cricket and baseball.
           He went for the wild toss but wasn't able to stay in.
     25. adv. (UK) Abbreviation of in aid of.
           What's that in?
     26. adv. After the beginning of something.
     27. n. A position of power or a way to get it.
           His parents got him an in with the company
     28. n. (sport) The state of a batter/batsman who is currently batting – see innings
     29. n. A re-entrant angle; a nook or corner.
     30. adj. In fashion; popular.
           Skirts are in this year.
     31. adj. Incoming.
           the in train
     32. adj. (nautical, of the sails of a vessel) Furled or stowed.
     33. adj. (legal) With privilege or possession; used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin.
           in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband
     34. adj. (cricket) Currently batting.
     35. n. Inch.
     1. num. (cardinal) The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.
           In some religions, there is only one god.
           In many cultures, a baby turns one year old a year after its birth.
           One person, one vote.
     2. num. (number theory) The first positive number in the set of natural numbers.
     3. num. (set theory) The cardinality of the smallest nonempty set.
     4. num. (mathematics) The ordinality of an element which has no predecessor, usually called first or number one.
     5. pron. (impersonal pronoun, indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.
           The big one looks good.  I want the green one.  A good driver is one who drives carefully.
     6. pron. (impersonal pronoun, sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.
           She offered him an apple and an orange; he took one and left the other.
     7. pron. (indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).
           One’s guilt may trouble one, but it is best not to let oneself be troubled by things which cannot be changed.  One shouldn’t be too quick to judge.
     8. pron. (pronoun) Any person, entity or thing.
           "driver", noun: one who drives.
     9. n. The digit or figure 1.
     10. n. (mathematics) The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring.
     11. n. (US) A one-dollar bill.
     12. n. (cricket) One run scored by hitting the ball and running between the wickets; a single.
     13. n. A joke or amusing anecdote.
     14. n. (colloquial) A particularly special or compatible person or thing.
     15. n. (Internet slang) Used instead of ! to amplify an exclamation, parodying unskilled typists who forget to press the shift key while typing exclamation points, thus typing "1".
           A: SUM1 Hl3p ME im alwyz L0ziN!!?!
             Someone help me; I'm always losing!
           B: y d0nt u just g0 away l0zer!!1!!one!!one!!eleven!!1!
             Why don't you just go away loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     16. adj. Of a period of time, being particular.
           One day the prince set forth to kill the dragon that had brought terror to his father’s kingdom for centuries.
     17. adj. Being a single, unspecified thing; a; any.
           My aunt used to say, "One day is just like the other.".
     18. adj. Sole, only.
           He is the one man who can help you.
     19. adj. Whole, entire.
           Body and soul are not separate; they are one.
     20. adj. In agreement.
           We are one on the importance of learning.
     21. adj. The same.
           The two types look very different, but are one species.
     22. adj. Being a preeminent example.
           He is one hell of a guy.
     23. adj. Being an unknown person with the specified name; see also "a certain".
           The town records from 1843 showed the overnight incarceration of one “A. Lincoln”.
     24. v. (obsolete, transitive) To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.
     1. v. To make something fall; especially to chop down a tree.
     2. v. To strike down, kill, destroy.
     3. v. (sewing) To stitch down a protruding flap of fabric, as a seam allowance, or pleat.
     4. n. A cutting-down of timber.
     5. n. The stitching down of a fold of cloth; specifically, the portion of a kilt, from the waist to the seat, where the pleats are stitched down.
     6. n. (textiles) The end of a web, formed by the last thread of the weft.
     7. n. An animal skin, hide, pelt.
     8. n. Human skin (now only as a metaphorical use of previous sense).
     9. n. (archaic outside UK) A rocky ridge or chain of mountains.
     10. n. (archaic outside UK) A wild field or upland moor.
     11. adj. Of a strong and cruel nature; eagre and unsparing; grim; fierce; ruthless; savage.
           one fell swoop
     12. adj. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Strong and fiery; biting; keen; sharp; pungent
     13. adj. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Very large; huge.
     14. adj. (obsolete) Eager; earnest; intent.
     15. adv. Sharply; fiercely.
     16. n. Gall; anger; melancholy.
     17. n. (mining) The finer portions of ore, which go through the meshes when the ore is sorted by sifting.
     18. v. simple past tense of fall
          1. n. The act of moving to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
          2. n. A reduction in quantity, pitch, etc.
          3. n. (chiefly North America, obsolete elsewhere) The time of the year when the leaves typically fall from the trees; autumn; the season of the year between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice.
          4. n. A loss of greatness or status.
                the fall of Rome
          5. n. That which falls or cascades.
          6. n. (sport) A crucial event or circumstance.
          7. n.          (cricket, of a wicket) The action of a batsman being out.
          8. n.          (curling) A defect in the ice which causes stones thrown into an area to drift in a given direction.
          9. n.          (wrestling) An instance of a wrestler being pinned to the mat.
          10. n. A hairpiece for women consisting of long strands of hair on a woven backing, intended primarily to cover hair loss.
          11. n. (informal, US) Blame or punishment for a failure or misdeed.
                He set up his rival to take the fall.
          12. n. The part of the rope of a tackle to which the power is applied in hoisting (usu. plural).
                Have the goodness to secure the falls of the mizzen halyards.
          13. n. See falls
          14. n. An old Scots unit of measure equal to six ells.
          15. n. A short, flexible piece of leather forming part of a bullwhip, placed between the thong and the cracker.
          16. v. (heading, intransitive) To move downwards.
          17. v.          To move to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
                        Thrown from a cliff, the stone fell 100 feet before hitting the ground.
          18. v.          To come down, to drop or descend.
                        The rain fell at dawn.
          19. v.          To come to the ground deliberately, to prostrate oneself.
                        He fell to the floor and begged for mercy.
          20. v.          To be brought to the ground.
          21. v. To be moved downwards.
          22. v.          (obsolete) To let fall; to drop.
          23. v.          (obsolete) To sink; to depress.
                        to fall the voice
          24. v.          (US) To fell; to cut down.
                        to fall a tree
          25. v. (intransitive) To happen, to change negatively.
          26. v.          (copulative) To become.
                        She has fallen ill.  The children fell asleep in the back of the car.  When did you first fall in love?
          27. v.          To occur (on a certain day of the week, date, or similar); said of an instance of a recurring event such as a holiday or date.
                        Thanksgiving always falls on a Thursday.  Last year, Commencement fell on June 3.
          28. v.          (intransitive) To collapse; to be overthrown or defeated.
                        Rome fell to the Goths in 410 AD.
          29. v.          (intransitive, formal, euphemistic) To die, especially in battle or by disease.
                        This is a monument to all those who fell in the First World War.
          30. v.          (intransitive) To become lower (in quantity, pitch, etc.).
                        The candidate's poll ratings fell abruptly after the banking scandal.
          31. v.          (followed by a determining word or phrase) To become; to be affected by or befallen with a calamity; to change into the state described by words follow
                        Our senator fell into disrepute because of the banking scandal.
          32. v. (intransitive) To be allotted to; to arrive through chance, fate, or inheritance.
                And so it falls to me to make this important decision.  The estate fell to his brother; the kingdom fell into the hands of his rivals.
          33. v. (transitive, obsolete) To diminish; to lessen or lower.
          34. v. (transitive, obsolete) To bring forth.
                to fall lambs
          35. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To issue forth into life; to be brought forth; said of the young of certain animals.
          36. v. (intransitive) To descend in character or reputation; to become degraded; to sink into vice, error, or sin.
          37. v. (intransitive) To become ensnared or entrapped; to be worse off than before.
                to fall into error;  to fall into difficulties
          38. v. (intransitive) To assume a look of shame or disappointment; to become or appear dejected; said of the face.
          39. v. (intransitive) To happen; to come to pass; to chance or light (upon).
          40. v. (intransitive) To begin with haste, ardour, or vehemence; to rush or hurry.
                After arguing, they fell to blows.
          41. v. (intransitive) To be dropped or uttered carelessly.
                An unguarded expression fell from his lips.
     1. v. (intransitive) To fly or glide downwards suddenly; to plunge (in the air) or nosedive.
           The lone eagle swooped down into the lake, snatching its prey, a small fish.
     2. v. (intransitive) To move swiftly, as if with a sweeping movement, especially to attack something.
           The dog had enthusiastically swooped down on the bone.
     3. v. To fall on at once and seize; to catch while on the wing.
           A hawk swoops a chicken.
     4. v. To seize; to catch up; to take with a sweep.
     5. v. To pass with pomp; to sweep.
     6. n. An instance, or the act of suddenly plunging downward.
           The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim. – Sun Tzu
     7. n. A sudden act of seizing.
     8. n. (music) A quick passage from one note to the next.
     1. pron. (personal) The speakers/writers, or the speaker/writer and at least one other person (not the person being addressed). (This is the exclusive we.)
     2. pron. (personal) The speaker(s)/writer(s) and the person(s) being addressed. (This is the inclusive we.)
     3. pron. (personal) The speaker/writer alone. (This use of we is the editorial we, used by writers and others, including royalty—the royal we—as a less personal substitute for I. The reflexive case of this sen
     4. pron. (personal) The plural form of you, including everyone being addressed.
           How are we all tonight?
     5. pron. (personal, generally considered patronising) A second- or third-person pronoun for a person in the speaker's care.
           How are we feeling this morning?
     6. det. The speakers/writers, or the speaker/writer and at least one other person.
           We Canadians like to think of ourselves as different.
     1. v. simple past tense of can
           Before I was blind, I could see very well.
     2. v. conditional of can
     3. v.          Used as a past subjunctive (contrary to fact).
                    I think he could do it if he really wanted to.
                    I wish I could fly!
     4. v.          Used to politely ask for permission to do something.
                   Could I borrow your coat?
     5. v.          Used to politely ask for someone else to do something.
                   Could you proofread this email?
     6. v.          Used to show the possibility that something might happen.
                   We could rearrange the time if you like.
     7. v.          Used to suggest something.
                   You could try adding more salt to the soup.
     8. n. Something that could happen, or could be the case, under different circumstances; a potentiality.
          1. v. (auxiliary verb, defective) To know how to; to be able to.
                She can speak English, French, and German.   I can play football.   Can you remember your fifth birthday?
          2. v. (modal auxiliary verb, defective, informal) May; to be permitted or enabled to.
                You can go outside and play when you're finished with your homework.   Can I use your pen?
          3. v. (modal auxiliary verb, defective) To have the potential to; be possible.
                Can it be Friday already?
                Teenagers can really try their parents' patience.
                Animals can experience emotions.
          4. v. (auxiliary verb, defective) Used with verbs of perception.
                Can you hear that?.
                I can feel the baby moving inside me.
          5. v. (obsolete, transitive) To know.
          6. n. A more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids, usually of steel or aluminium, but sometimes of plastic, and with a carrying handle over the top.
          7. n. A container used to carry and dispense water for plants (a watering can).
          8. n. A tin-plate canister, often cylindrical, for preserved foods such as fruit, meat, or fish.
          9. n. (archaic) A chamber pot, now (US, slang) a toilet or lavatory.
                Shit or get off the can.
                Bob's in the can. You can wait a few minutes or just leave it with me.
          10. n. (US, slang) Buttocks.
          11. n. (slang) Jail or prison.
                Bob's in the can. He won't be back for a few years.
          12. n. (slang) Headphones.
          13. n. (archaic) A drinking cup.
          14. n. (nautical) A cube-shaped buoy or marker used to denote a port-side lateral mark
          15. n. A chimney pot.
          16. v. To preserve, by heating and sealing in a can or jar.
                They spent August canning fruit and vegetables.
          17. v. to discard, scrap or terminate (an idea, project, etc.).
                He canned the whole project because he thought it would fail.
          18. v. To shut up.
                Can your gob.
          19. v. (US, euphemistic) To fire or dismiss an employee.
                The boss canned him for speaking out.
     1. v. To move:
     2. v.          (intransitive) To move through space (especially to or through a place). (May be used of tangible things like people or cars, or intangible things like
                   Why don’t you go with us?   This train goes through Cincinnati on its way to Chicago.   Chris, where are you going? &nbs
     3. v.          (intransitive) To move or travel through time (either literally—in a fictional or hypothetical situation in which time travel is possible—or in one's m
                    Yesterday was the second-wettest day on record; you have to go all the way back to 1896 to find a day when more rain fell.
                    Fans want to see the Twelfth Doctor go to the 51st century to visit River in the library.
     4. v.          (intransitive) To navigate (to a file or folder on a computer, a site on the internet, a memory, etc).
     5. v.          To move (a particular distance, or in a particular fashion).
                   We've only gone twenty miles today.   This car can go circles around that one.
     6. v.          (intransitive) To move or travel in order to do something, or to do something while moving.
                   We went swimming.   Let's go shopping.
     7. v.          (intransitive) To leave; to move away.
                   Please don't go!   I really must be going.   Workmen were coming and going at all hours of the night.
     8. v.          (obsolete, intransitive) To walk; to travel on one's feet.
     9. v. (intransitive, chiefly of a, machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).
           The engine just won't go anymore.
     10. v. (intransitive) To start; to begin (an action or process).
           Get ready, get set, go!   On your marks, get set, go!   On your marks, set, go!
           Here goes nothing.   Let's go and hunt.
     11. v. (intransitive) To take a turn, especially in a game.
           It’s your turn; go.
     12. v. (intransitive) To attend.
           I go to school at the schoolhouse.   She went to Yale.   They only go to church on Christmas.
     13. v. To proceed:
     14. v.         (intransitive) To proceed (often in a specified manner, indicating the perceived quality of an event or state).
                   That went well.   "How are things going?" "Not bad, thanks.".
     15. v.          (intransitive, colloquial, with another verb, sometimes linked by and) To proceed (especially to do something foolish).
                   Why'd you have to go and do that?
                   Why'd you have to go do that?
                   He just went and punched the guy.
     16. v. To follow or travel along (a path):
     17. v.          To follow or proceed according to (a course or path).
                   Let's go this way for a while.
                    She was going that way anyway, so she offered to show him where it was.
     18. v.          To travel or pass along.
     19. v. (intransitive) To extend (from one point in time or space to another).
           This property goes all the way to the state line.
     20. v. (intransitive) To lead (to a place); to give access to.
           Does this road go to Fort Smith?
     21. v. (copula) To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)
           You'll go blind.   I went crazy / went mad.   After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.
     22. v. To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.
     23. v. (intransitive) To continuously or habitually be in a state.
           I don't want my children to go hungry.   We went barefoot in the summer.
     24. v. To come to (a certain condition or state).
           they went into debt, she goes to sleep around 10 o'clock, the local shop wants to go digital, and eventually go global
     25. v. (intransitive) To change (from one value to another) in the meaning of wend.
              The traffic light went straight from green to red.
     26. v. To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).
           How did your meeting with Smith go?
     27. v. (intransitive) To tend (toward a result).
           Well, that goes to show you.   These experiences go to make us stronger.
     28. v. To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.
           qualities that go to make a lady / lip-reader / sharpshooter
     29. v. To pass, to be used up:
     30. v.          (intransitive, of time) To elapse, to pass; to slip away. (Compare go by.)
                   The time went slowly.
     31. v.          (intransitive) To end or disappear. (Compare go away.)
                   After three days, my headache finally went.
     32. v.          (intransitive) To be spent or used up.
                   His money went on drink.
     33. v. (intransitive) To die.
     34. v. (intransitive) To be discarded.
           This chair has got to go.
     35. v. (intransitive, cricket) To be lost or out:
     36. v.          (intransitive, cricket, of a wicket) To be lost.
     37. v.          (intransitive, cricket, of a batsman) To be out.
     38. v. To break down or apart:
     39. v.          (intransitive) To collapse or give way, to break apart.
     40. v.          (intransitive) To break down or decay.
                   This meat is starting to go off.   My mind is going.   She's 83; her eyesight is starting to go.
     41. v. (intransitive) To be sold.
           Everything must go.   The car went for five thousand dollars.
     42. v. (intransitive) To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.
           The property shall go to my wife.   The award went to Steven Spielberg.
     43. v. (transitive, intransitive) To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.
           How long can you go without water?   We've gone without your help for a while now.   I've gone ten days now without a cigarette.   Can you two go twenty minutes wi
     44. v. (transitive, sports) To have a certain record.
           They've gone one for three in this series.   The team is going five in a row.
     45. v. To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:
     46. v.          (intransitive) To have (final) authority; to be authoritative.
                   Whatever the boss says goes, do you understand?
     47. v.          (intransitive) To be accepted.
                   Anything goes around here.
     48. v.          (intransitive) To be valid.
     49. v. To say (something), to make a sound:
     50. v.          (transitive, slang) To say (something, aloud or to oneself). (Often used in present tense.)
                   I go, "As if!" And she was all like, "Whatever!".
                   As soon as I did it, I went "that was stupid.".
     51. v.          To make the (specified) sound.
                   Cats go "meow". Motorcycles go "vroom".
     52. v.          (intransitive) To sound; to make a noise.
                   I woke up just before the clock went.
     53. v. To be expressed or composed (a certain way).
           The tune goes like this.   As the story goes, he got the idea for the song while sitting in traffic.
     54. v. (intransitive) To resort (to).
           I'll go to court if I have to.
     55. v. To apply or subject oneself to:
     56. v.          To apply oneself; to undertake; to have as one's goal or intention. (Compare be going to.)
                    I'm going to join a sports team.   I wish you'd go and get a job.   He went to pick it up, but it rolled out of reach.
     1. prep. With the source or provenance of or at.
           This wine comes from France.
           I got a letter from my brother.
     2. prep. With the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at.
           He had books piled from floor to ceiling.
           He left yesterday from Chicago.
           Face away from the wall!
     3. prep. (mathematics, now uncommon) Denoting a subtraction operation.
           20 from 31 leaves 11.
     4. prep. With the separation, exclusion or differentiation of.
           An umbrella protects from the sun.
           He knows right from wrong.
     1. v. present participle of be
     2. n. A living creature.
     3. n. The state or fact of existence, consciousness, or life, or something in such a state.
     4. n. (philosophy) That which has actuality (materially or in concept).
     5. n. (philosophy) One's basic nature, or the qualities thereof; essence or personality.
     6. n. (obsolete) An abode; a cottage.
     7. conj. (obsolete) Given that; since.
          1. v. (intransitive, now literary) To exist; to have real existence.
          2. v. (with there, or dialectally it, as dummy subject) To exist.
                There is just one woman in town who can help us. (or, dialectally:) It is just one woman in town who can help us.
          3. v. (intransitive) To occupy a place.
                The cup is on the table.
          4. v. (intransitive) To occur, to take place.
                When will the meeting be?
          5. v. (intransitive, in perfect tenses, without predicate) Elliptical form of "be here", "go to and return from" or similar.
                The postman has been today, but my tickets have still not yet come.
                I have been to Spain many times.
                Moscow, huh? I've never been, but it sounds fascinating.
          6. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject and object are the same.
                Knowledge is bliss.
                Hi, I’m Jim.
          7. v. (transitive, copulative, mathematics) Used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same.
                3 times 5 is fifteen.
          8. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal.
                François Mitterrand was president of France from 1981 to 1995.
          9. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it.
                The sky is blue.
          10. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase.
                The sky is a deep blue today.
          11. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the passive voice.
                The dog was drowned by the boy.
          12. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the continuous forms of various tenses.
                The woman is walking.
                I shall be writing to you soon.
                We liked to chat while we were eating.
          13. v. (archaic, auxiliary) Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs, most of which indicate motion. Often still used for "to go".
          14. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form future tenses, especially the future periphrastic.
                I am to leave tomorrow.
                I would drive you, were I to obtain a car.
          15. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to link a subject to a measurement.
                This building is three hundred years old.
                I am 75 kilograms.
                He’s about 6 feet tall.
          16. v. (transitive, copulative, with a cardinal numeral) Used to state the age of a subject in years.
                I’m 20. (= I am 20 years old.)
          17. v. (with a dummy subject) it Used to indicate the time of day.
                It is almost eight. (= It is almost eight o’clock.)
                It’s 8:30 read eight-thirty in Tokyo.
                What time is it there? It’s night.
          18. v. (With since) Used to indicate passage of time since the occurrence of an event.
                It has been three years since my grandmother died. (similar to My grandmother died three years ago, but emphasizes the intervening period)
                It had been six days since his departure, when I received a letter from him.
          19. v. (often, impersonal, with it as a dummy subject) Used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like.
                It is hot in Arizona, but it is not usually humid.
                Why is it so dark in here?
          20. v. (dynamic/lexical "be", especially in progressive tenses, conjugated non-suppletively in the present tense, see usage notes) To exist or behave in a certain way.
                "What do we do?" "We be ourselves.".
                Why is he being nice to me?
     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. adj. Small in size.
           This is a little table.
     2. adj. Insignificant, trivial.
           It's of little importance.
     3. adj.          (offensive) (Used to belittle a person.)
                   Listen up, you little shit.
     4. adj. Very young.
           Did he tell you any embarrassing stories about when she was little?
           That's the biggest little boy I've ever seen.
     5. adj. (of a sibling) Younger.
           This is my little sister.
     6. adj. Used with the name of place, especially of a country, to denote a neighborhood whose residents or storekeepers are from that place.
     7. adj. Small in amount or number, having few members.
           little money;  little herd
     8. adj. Short in duration; brief.
           I feel better after my little sleep.
     9. adj. Small in extent of views or sympathies; narrow; shallow; contracted; mean; illiberal; ungenerous.
     10. adv. Not much.
           This is a little known fact.  She spoke little and listened less.
     11. adv. Not at all.
           I was speaking ill of Fred; little did I know that he was right behind me, listening in.
     12. det. Not much, only a little: only a small amount (of).
           There is little water left.
           We had very little to do.
     13. pron. Not much; not a large amount.
           Little is known about his early life.
     14. n. (BDSM, slang) The participant in ageplay who acts out the younger role.
     1. n. The act or process of dividing anything.
     2. n. Each of the separate parts of something resulting from division.
     3. n. (arithmetic) The process of dividing a number by another.
     4. n. (arithmetic) A calculation that involves this process.
           I've got ten divisions to do for my homework.
     5. n. (military) A formation, usually made up of two or three brigades.
     6. n. A section of a large company.
     7. n. (taxonomy) A rank below kingdom and above class, particularly used of plants or fungi, also (particularly of animals) called a phylum; a taxon at that rank.
           Magnolias belong to the division Magnoliophyta.
     8. n. A disagreement; a difference of viewpoint between two sides of an argument.
     9. n. (government) A method by which a legislature is separated into groups in order to take a better estimate of vote than a voice vote.
           The House of Commons has voted to approve the third reading of the bill without a division. The bill will now progress to the House of Lords.
     10. n. (music) A florid instrumental variation of a melody in the 17th and 18th centuries, originally conceived as the dividing of each of a succession of long notes into several short ones.
     11. n. (music) A set of pipes in a pipe organ which are independently controlled and supplied.
     12. n. (legal) A concept whereby a common group of debtors are only responsible for their proportionate sum of the total debt.
     13. n. (computing) Any of the four major parts of a COBOL program source code
     14. n. (Eton College) A lesson; a class.
     1. prep. Expressing distance or motion.
     2. prep.          (now obsolete, or dialectal) From (of distance, direction), "off".
     3. prep.          (obsolete except in phrases) Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
     4. prep.          From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
                    There are no shops within twenty miles of the cottage.
     5. prep.          (North America, Scotland, Ireland) Before (the hour); to.
                    What's the time? / Nearly a quarter of three.
     6. prep. Expressing separation.
     7. prep.          (Indicating removal, absence or separation, with the action indicated by a transitive verb and the quality or substance by a grammatical object.)
                    Finally she was relieved of the burden of caring for her sick husband.
     8. prep.          (Indicating removal, absence or separation, with resulting state indicated by an adjective.)
                    He seemed devoid of human feelings.
     9. prep.          (obsolete) (Indicating removal, absence or separation, construed with an intransitive verb.)
     10. prep. Expressing origin.
     11. prep.          (Indicating an ancestral source or origin of descent.)
                    The word is believed to be of Japanese origin.
     12. prep.          (Indicating a (non-physical) source of action or emotion; introducing a cause, instigation); from, out of, as an expression of.
                    The invention was born of necessity.
     13. prep.          (following an intransitive verb) (Indicates the source or cause of the verb.)
                    It is said that she died of a broken heart.
     14. prep.          (following an adjective) (Indicates the subject or cause of the adjective.)
                    I am tired of all this nonsense.
     15. prep. Expressing agency.
     16. prep.          (following a passive verb) (Indicates the agent (for most verbs, now usually expressed with by).)
                    I am not particularly enamoured of this idea.
     17. prep.          (Used to introduce the "subjective genitive"; following a noun to form the head of a postmodifying noun phrase) (see also 'Possession' senses below).
                    The contract can be terminated at any time with the agreement of both parties.
     18. prep.          (following an adjective) (Used to indicate the agent of something described by the adjective.)
                    It was very brave of you to speak out like that.
     19. prep. Expressing composition, substance.
     20. prep.          (after a verb expressing construction, making etc.) (Used to indicate the material or substance used.)
                    Many 'corks' are now actually made of plastic.
     21. prep.          (directly following a noun) (Used to indicate the material of the just-mentioned object.)
                    She wore a dress of silk.
     22. prep.          (Indicating the composition of a given collective or quantitative noun.)
                    What a lot of nonsense!
     23. prep.          (Used to link a given class of things with a specific example of that class.)
                   Welcome to the historic town of Harwich.
     24. prep.          (Links two nouns in near-apposition, with the first qualifying the second); "which is also".
                    I'm not driving this wreck of a car.
     25. prep. Introducing subject matter.
     26. prep.          (Links an intransitive verb, or a transitive verb and its subject (especially verbs to do with thinking, feeling, expressing etc.), with its subject-ma
                    I'm always thinking of you.
     27. prep.          (following a noun (now chiefly nouns of knowledge, communication etc.)) (Introduces its subject matter); about, concerning.
                    He told us the story of his journey to India.
     28. prep.          (following an adjective) (Introduces its subject matter.)
                    This behaviour is typical of teenagers.
     29. prep. Having partitive effect.
     30. prep.          (following a number or other quantitive word) (Introduces the whole for which is indicated only the specified part or segment); "from among".
                    Most of these apples are rotten.
     31. prep.          (following a noun) (Indicates a given part.)
     32. prep.          (now archaic, literary, with preceding partitive word assumed, or as a predicate after to be) Some, an amount of, one of.
                    On the whole, they seem to be of the decent sort.
     33. prep.          (Links to a genitive noun or possessive pronoun, with partitive effect (though now often merged with possessive senses, below).)
                    He is a friend of mine.
     34. prep. Expressing possession.
     35. prep.          Belonging to, existing in, or taking place in a given location, place or time. Compare "origin" senses, above.
                    He was perhaps the most famous scientist of the twentieth century.
     36. prep.          Belonging to (a place) through having title, ownership or control over it.
                    The owner of the nightclub was arrested.
     37. prep.          Belonging to (someone or something) as something they possess or have as a characteristic; (the "possessive genitive". (With abstract nouns, this inter
                    Keep the handle of the saucepan away from the flames.
     38. prep. Forming the "objective genitive".
     39. prep.          (Follows an agent noun, verbal noun or noun of action.)
                    She had a profound distrust of the police.
     40. prep. Expressing qualities or characteristics.
     41. prep.          (now archaic, or literary) (Links an adjective with a noun or noun phrase to form a quasi-adverbial qualifier); in respect to, as regards.
                    My companion seemed affable and easy of manner.
     42. prep.          (Indicates a quality or characteristic); "characterized by".
                    Pooh was said to be a bear of very little brain.
     43. prep.          (Indicates quantity, age, price, etc.)
                    We have been paying interest at a rate of 10%.
     44. prep.          (US, informal considered incorrect by some) (Used to link singular indefinite nouns (preceded by the indefinite article) and attributive adjectives mod
                    It's not that big of a deal.
     45. prep. Expressing a point in time.
     46. prep.          (chiefly regional) During the course of (a set period of time, day of the week etc.), now specifically with implied repetition or regularity.
                    Of an evening, we would often go for a stroll along the river.
     47. prep.          (UK dialectal, chiefly in negative constructions) For (a given length of time).
                    I've not tekken her out of a goodly long while.
     48. prep.          (after a noun) (Indicates duration of a state, activity etc.)
                    After a delay of three hours, the plane finally took off.
     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. adj. Not large or big; insignificant; few in number.
           A small serving of ice cream.
           A small group.
           He made us all feel small.
     2. adj. (figuratively) Young, as a child.
           Remember when the children were small?
     3. adj. (writing, incomparable) Minuscule or lowercase, referring to written letters.
     4. adj. Envincing little worth or ability; not large-minded; paltry; mean.
     5. adj. Not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short.
           a small space of time
     6. adj. topics, en, Size
     7. adv. In a small fashion.
     8. adv. In or into small pieces.
     9. adv. (obsolete) To a small extent.
     10. n. (rare) Any part of something that is smaller or slimmer than the rest, now usually with anatomical reference to the back.
     11. v. (obsolete, transitive) To make little or less.
     12. v. (intransitive) To become small; to dwindle.
     1. n. A team; a group of people who work together professionally.
     2. n.          A group of individuals who work together for a common purpose.
                   A company of actors.
     3. n.          (military) A unit of approximately sixty to one hundred and twenty soldiers, typically consisting of two or three platoons and forming part of a battal
                   the boys in Company C
     4. n.          A unit of firefighters and their equipment.
                   It took six companies to put out the fire.
     5. n.          (nautical) The entire crew of a ship.
     6. n.          (espionage, informal) An intelligence service.
                   As he had worked for the CIA for over 30 years, he would soon take retirement from the company.
     7. n. (legal) An entity having legal personality, and thus able to own property and to sue and be sued in its own name; a corporation.
     8. n. (business) Any business, whether incorporated or not, that manufactures or sells products (also known as goods), or provides services as a commercial venture.
     9. n. Social visitors or companions.
           Keep the house clean; I have company coming.
     10. n. Companionship.
           I treasure your company.
     11. v. (archaic, transitive) To accompany, keep company with.
     12. v. (archaic, intransitive) To associate.
     13. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To be a lively, cheerful companion.
     14. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To have sexual intercourse.
     1. part. A particle used for marking the following verb as an infinitive.
           I want to leave.
           He asked me what to do.
           I don’t know how to say it.
           I have places to go and people to see.
     2. part. As above, with the verb implied.
           "Did you visit the museum?" "I wanted to, but it was closed.".
           If he hasn't read it yet, he ought to.
     3. part. A particle used to create phrasal verbs.
           I have to do laundry today.
     4. prep. Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at.
           We are walking to the shop.
     5. prep. Used to indicate purpose.
           He devoted himself to education.
           They drank to his health.
     6. prep. Used to indicate result of action.
           His face was beaten to a pulp.
     7. prep. Used after an adjective to indicate its application.
           similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ..., I was nice to him, he was cruel to her, I am used to walking.
     8. prep. (obsolete,) As a.
           With God to friend (with God as a friend);   with The Devil to fiend (with the Devil as a foe);   lambs slaughtered to lake (lambs slaughtered as a sacrifice);   t
     9. prep. (arithmetic) Used to indicate a ratio or comparison.
           one to one = 1:1
           ten to one = 10:1.
           I have ten dollars to your four.
     10. prep. (arithmetic) Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation.
           Three squared or three to the second power is nine.
           Three to the power of two is nine.
           Three to the second is nine.
     11. prep. Used to indicate the indirect object.
           I gave the book to him.
     12. prep. (time) Preceding.
           ten to ten = 9:50; We're going to leave at ten to (the hour).
     13. prep. Used to describe what something consists of or contains.
           Anyone could do this job; there's nothing to it.
           There's a lot of sense to what he says.
     14. prep. (Canada, UK, Newfoundland, West Midlands) At.
           Stay where you're to and I'll come find you, b'y.
     15. adv. Toward a closed, touching or engaging position.
           Please push the door to.
     16. adv. (nautical) Into the wind.
     17. adv. misspelling of too
     1. v. present participle of be
     2. n. A living creature.
     3. n. The state or fact of existence, consciousness, or life, or something in such a state.
     4. n. (philosophy) That which has actuality (materially or in concept).
     5. n. (philosophy) One's basic nature, or the qualities thereof; essence or personality.
     6. n. (obsolete) An abode; a cottage.
     7. conj. (obsolete) Given that; since.
          1. v. (intransitive, now literary) To exist; to have real existence.
          2. v. (with there, or dialectally it, as dummy subject) To exist.
                There is just one woman in town who can help us. (or, dialectally:) It is just one woman in town who can help us.
          3. v. (intransitive) To occupy a place.
                The cup is on the table.
          4. v. (intransitive) To occur, to take place.
                When will the meeting be?
          5. v. (intransitive, in perfect tenses, without predicate) Elliptical form of "be here", "go to and return from" or similar.
                The postman has been today, but my tickets have still not yet come.
                I have been to Spain many times.
                Moscow, huh? I've never been, but it sounds fascinating.
          6. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject and object are the same.
                Knowledge is bliss.
                Hi, I’m Jim.
          7. v. (transitive, copulative, mathematics) Used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same.
                3 times 5 is fifteen.
          8. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal.
                François Mitterrand was president of France from 1981 to 1995.
          9. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it.
                The sky is blue.
          10. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase.
                The sky is a deep blue today.
          11. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the passive voice.
                The dog was drowned by the boy.
          12. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the continuous forms of various tenses.
                The woman is walking.
                I shall be writing to you soon.
                We liked to chat while we were eating.
          13. v. (archaic, auxiliary) Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs, most of which indicate motion. Often still used for "to go".
          14. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form future tenses, especially the future periphrastic.
                I am to leave tomorrow.
                I would drive you, were I to obtain a car.
          15. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to link a subject to a measurement.
                This building is three hundred years old.
                I am 75 kilograms.
                He’s about 6 feet tall.
          16. v. (transitive, copulative, with a cardinal numeral) Used to state the age of a subject in years.
                I’m 20. (= I am 20 years old.)
          17. v. (with a dummy subject) it Used to indicate the time of day.
                It is almost eight. (= It is almost eight o’clock.)
                It’s 8:30 read eight-thirty in Tokyo.
                What time is it there? It’s night.
          18. v. (With since) Used to indicate passage of time since the occurrence of an event.
                It has been three years since my grandmother died. (similar to My grandmother died three years ago, but emphasizes the intervening period)
                It had been six days since his departure, when I received a letter from him.
          19. v. (often, impersonal, with it as a dummy subject) Used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like.
                It is hot in Arizona, but it is not usually humid.
                Why is it so dark in here?
          20. v. (dynamic/lexical "be", especially in progressive tenses, conjugated non-suppletively in the present tense, see usage notes) To exist or behave in a certain way.
                "What do we do?" "We be ourselves.".
                Why is he being nice to me?
     1. art. Definite grammatical article that implies necessarily that an entity it articulates is presupposed; something already mentioned, or completely specified later in that same sentence, or assumed already
           I’m reading the book. (Compare I’m reading a book.)
           The street in front of your house. (Compare A street in Paris.)
           The men and women watched the man give the birdseed to the bird.
     2. art.          Used before a noun modified by a restrictive relative clause, indicating that the noun refers to a single referent defined by the relative clause.
                    The street that runs through my hometown.
     3. art. Used before an object considered to be unique, or of which there is only one at a time.
           No one knows how many galaxies there are in the universe.
           God save the Queen!
     4. art. Used before a superlative or an ordinal number modifying a noun, to indicate that the noun refers to a single item.
           That was the best apple pie ever.
     5. art.          Added to a superlative or an ordinal number to make it into a substantive.
                    That apple pie was the best.
     6. art. Introducing a singular term to be taken generically: preceding a name of something standing for a whole class.
     7. art. Used before an adjective, indicating all things (especially persons) described by that adjective.
           Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
     8. art. Used to indicate a certain example of (a noun) which is usually of most concern or most common or familiar.
           No one in the whole country had seen it before.
           I don't think I'll get to it until the morning.
     9. art. Used before a body part (especially of someone previously mentioned), as an alternative to a possessive pronoun.
           A stone hit him on the head. (= “A stone hit him on his head.”)
     10. art. When stressed, indicates that it describes an object which is considered to be best or exclusively worthy of attention.
           That is the hospital to go to for heart surgery.
     11. adv. 1=With a comparative ormore and a verb phrase, establishes a parallel with one or more other such comparatives.
           The hotter the better.
           The more I think about it, the weaker it looks.
           The more money donated, the more books purchased, and the more happy children.
           It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.
     12. adv. 1=With a comparative, and often withfor it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated withnone.
           It was a difficult time, but I’m the wiser for it.
           It was a difficult time, and I’m none the wiser for it.
           I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.
     1. n. (music) The fifth major tone of a musical scale (five major steps above the note in question); thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on.
     2. n. (music) The triad built on the dominant tone.
     3. n. (genetics) A gene that is dominant.
     4. n. A species or organism that is dominant.
     5. n. (BDSM) The dominating partner in sadomasochistic sexual activity.
     6. adj. Ruling; governing; prevailing
           The dominant party controlled the government.
     7. adj. Predominant, common, prevalent, of greatest importance.
           The dominant plants of the Carboniferous were lycopods and early conifers.
     8. adj. (medicine) Designating the follicle which will survive atresia and permit ovulation.
     1. n. One that plays
     2. n.          One who plays any game or sport.
     3. n.          (theater) An actor in a dramatic play.
     4. n.          (music) One who plays on a musical instrument.
     5. n.          (gaming, video games) A gamer; a gamester.
     6. n.          (gambling) A gambler.
     7. n.          (historical) A mechanism that actuates a player piano or other automatic musical instrument.
     8. n.          (electronics) An electronic device that plays audio and/or video media, such as CD player.
     9. n.          (computing) A software application that plays audio and/or video media, such as media player.
     10. n. One who is playful; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler.
     11. n. A significant participant.
           He thought he could become a player, at least at the state level.
     12. n. (informal) A person who plays the field rather than having a long-term sexual relationship.
     1. prep. Used to indicate location, inclusion, or position within spatial, temporal or other limits.
     2. prep.          Contained by.
                   The dog is in the kennel.
     3. prep.          Within.
     4. prep.          Surrounded by.
                   We are in the enemy camp.   Her plane is in the air.
     5. prep.          Part of; a member of.
                   One in a million.   She's in band and orchestra.
     6. prep.          Pertaining to; with regard to.
                   What grade did he get in English?
                   Military letters should be formal in tone, but not stilted.
     7. prep.          At the end of a period of time.
                   They said they would call us in a week.
     8. prep.          Within a certain elapsed time
                   Are you able to finish this in three hours?   The massacre resulted in over 1000 deaths in three hours.
     9. prep.          During (said of periods of time).
                   in the first week of December;  Easter falls in the fourth lunar month;   The country reached a high level of prosperity in his fi
     10. prep.          (grammar, phonetics, of sounds and letters) Coming at the end of a word.
                   English nouns in -ce form their plurals in -s.
     11. prep. Into.
           Less water gets in your boots this way.
     12. prep. Used to indicate limit, qualification, condition, or circumstance.
           In replacing the faucet washers, he felt he was making his contribution to the environment.
     13. prep.          Indicating an order or arrangement.
                   My fat rolls around in folds.
     14. prep.          Denoting a state of the subject.
                   He stalked away in anger.   John is in a coma.
     15. prep.          Indicates, connotatively, a place-like form of someone's (or something's) personality, as his, her or its psychic and physical characteristics.
                   You've got a friend in me.   He's met his match in her.
     16. prep.          Wearing (an item of clothing).
                    I glanced over at the pretty girl in the red dress.
     17. prep. Used to indicate means, medium, format, genre, or instrumentality.
     18. prep.          (of something offered or given in an exchange) In the form of, in the denomination of.
                   Please pay me in cash — preferably in tens and twenties.
                   The deposit can be in any legal tender, even in gold.
                    Her generosity was rewarded in the success of its recipients.
     19. prep.          Used to indicate a language, script, tone, etc. of a text, speech, etc.
                   Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5" in C minor is among his most popular.
                   His speech was in French, but was simultaneously translated into eight languages.
                   When you write in cursive, it's illegible.
     20. v. (obsolete, transitive) To enclose.
     21. v. (obsolete, transitive) To take in; to harvest.
     22. adv. (not comparable) Located indoors, especially at home or the office, or inside something.
           Is Mr. Smith in?
     23. adv. Moving to the interior of a defined space, such as a building or room.
           Suddenly a strange man walked in.
     24. adv. (sports) Still eligible to play, e.g. able to bat in cricket and baseball.
           He went for the wild toss but wasn't able to stay in.
     25. adv. (UK) Abbreviation of in aid of.
           What's that in?
     26. adv. After the beginning of something.
     27. n. A position of power or a way to get it.
           His parents got him an in with the company
     28. n. (sport) The state of a batter/batsman who is currently batting – see innings
     29. n. A re-entrant angle; a nook or corner.
     30. adj. In fashion; popular.
           Skirts are in this year.
     31. adj. Incoming.
           the in train
     32. adj. (nautical, of the sails of a vessel) Furled or stowed.
     33. adj. (legal) With privilege or possession; used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin.
           in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband
     34. adj. (cricket) Currently batting.
     35. n. Inch.
     1. art. Definite grammatical article that implies necessarily that an entity it articulates is presupposed; something already mentioned, or completely specified later in that same sentence, or assumed already
           I’m reading the book. (Compare I’m reading a book.)
           The street in front of your house. (Compare A street in Paris.)
           The men and women watched the man give the birdseed to the bird.
     2. art.          Used before a noun modified by a restrictive relative clause, indicating that the noun refers to a single referent defined by the relative clause.
                    The street that runs through my hometown.
     3. art. Used before an object considered to be unique, or of which there is only one at a time.
           No one knows how many galaxies there are in the universe.
           God save the Queen!
     4. art. Used before a superlative or an ordinal number modifying a noun, to indicate that the noun refers to a single item.
           That was the best apple pie ever.
     5. art.          Added to a superlative or an ordinal number to make it into a substantive.
                    That apple pie was the best.
     6. art. Introducing a singular term to be taken generically: preceding a name of something standing for a whole class.
     7. art. Used before an adjective, indicating all things (especially persons) described by that adjective.
           Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
     8. art. Used to indicate a certain example of (a noun) which is usually of most concern or most common or familiar.
           No one in the whole country had seen it before.
           I don't think I'll get to it until the morning.
     9. art. Used before a body part (especially of someone previously mentioned), as an alternative to a possessive pronoun.
           A stone hit him on the head. (= “A stone hit him on his head.”)
     10. art. When stressed, indicates that it describes an object which is considered to be best or exclusively worthy of attention.
           That is the hospital to go to for heart surgery.
     11. adv. 1=With a comparative ormore and a verb phrase, establishes a parallel with one or more other such comparatives.
           The hotter the better.
           The more I think about it, the weaker it looks.
           The more money donated, the more books purchased, and the more happy children.
           It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.
     12. adv. 1=With a comparative, and often withfor it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated withnone.
           It was a difficult time, but I’m the wiser for it.
           It was a difficult time, and I’m none the wiser for it.
           I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.
     1. n. A specific commercial enterprise or establishment.
           I was left my father's business.
     2. n. A person's occupation, work, or trade.
           He is in the motor and insurance businesses.
           I'm going to Las Vegas on business.
     3. n. Commercial, industrial, or professional activity.
           He's such a poor cook, I can't believe he's still in business!
           We do business all over the world.
     4. n. The volume or amount of commercial trade.
           Business has been slow lately.
           They did nearly a million dollars of business over the long weekend.
     5. n. One's dealings; patronage.
           I shall take my business elsewhere.
     6. n. Private commercial interests taken collectively.
           This proposal will satisfy both business and labor.
     7. n. The management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management.
           I studied business at Harvard.
     8. n. A particular situation or activity.
           This UFO stuff is a mighty strange business.
     9. n. An objective or a matter needing to be dealt with.
           Our principal business here is to get drunk.
           Let's get down to business.
     10. n. Something involving one personally.
           That's none of your business.
     11. n. (parliamentary procedure) Matters that come before a body for deliberation or action.
           If that concludes the announcements, we'll move on to new business.
     12. n. (travel) Business class, the class of seating provided by airlines between first class and coach.
     13. n. (acting) Action carried out with a prop or piece of clothing, usually away from the focus of the scene.
     14. n. (rare) The collective noun for a group of ferrets.
     15. n. (slang) Something very good; top quality. (possibly from "the bee's knees")
           These new phones are the business!
     16. n. (slang) Excrement, particularly that of a non-human animal.
           Your ferret left his business all over the floor.
           As the cart went by, its horse lifted its tail and did its business.
     17. adj. Of, to, pertaining to or utilized for purposes of conducting trade, commerce, governance, advocacy or other professional purposes.
           "Please do not use this phone for personal calls; it is a business phone.".
     18. adj. Professional, businesslike, having concern for good business practice.
     19. adj. Supporting business, conducive to the conduct of business.
Dictionary entries from Wiktionary