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English Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. The speaker or writer, referred to as the grammatical subject, of a sentence.
             (audio, Here I am, sir.ogg, Audio)
     2. pron. (nonstandard, hypercorrection) The speaker or writer, referred to as the grammatical object, of a sentence.
     3. n. (metaphysics) The ego.
     4. n. (US, roadway) Interstate.
     5. n. (grammar) (abbreviation of instrumental case)
     6. pron. nonstandard spelling of I
     1. v. first-person singular past of be.
     2. v. third-person singular past of be.
          1. v. (intransitive, now literary) To exist; to have real existence.
          2. v. (with there, or dialectally it, as dummy subject) To exist.
                There is just one woman in town who can help us. (or, dialectally:) It is just one woman in town who can help us.
          3. v. (intransitive) To occupy a place.
                The cup is on the table.
          4. v. (intransitive) To occur, to take place.
                When will the meeting be?
          5. v. (intransitive, in perfect tenses, without predicate) Elliptical form of "be here", "go to and return from" or similar.
                The postman has been today, but my tickets have still not yet come.
                I have been to Spain many times.
                Moscow, huh? I've never been, but it sounds fascinating.
          6. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject and object are the same.
                Knowledge is bliss.
                Hi, I’m Jim.
          7. v. (transitive, copulative, mathematics) Used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same.
                3 times 5 is fifteen.
          8. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal.
                François Mitterrand was president of France from 1981 to 1995.
          9. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it.
                The sky is blue.
          10. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase.
                The sky is a deep blue today.
          11. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the passive voice.
                The dog was drowned by the boy.
          12. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the continuous forms of various tenses.
                The woman is walking.
                I shall be writing to you soon.
                We liked to chat while we were eating.
          13. v. (archaic, auxiliary) Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs, most of which indicate motion. Often still used for "to go".
          14. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form future tenses, especially the future periphrastic.
                I am to leave tomorrow.
                I would drive you, were I to obtain a car.
          15. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to link a subject to a measurement.
                This building is three hundred years old.
                I am 75 kilograms.
                He’s about 6 feet tall.
          16. v. (transitive, copulative, with a cardinal numeral) Used to state the age of a subject in years.
                I’m 20. (= I am 20 years old.)
          17. v. (with a dummy subject) it Used to indicate the time of day.
                It is almost eight. (= It is almost eight o’clock.)
                It’s 8:30 read eight-thirty in Tokyo.
                What time is it there? It’s night.
          18. v. (With since) Used to indicate passage of time since the occurrence of an event.
                It has been three years since my grandmother died. (similar to My grandmother died three years ago, but emphasizes the intervening period)
                It had been six days since his departure, when I received a letter from him.
          19. v. (often, impersonal, with it as a dummy subject) Used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like.
                It is hot in Arizona, but it is not usually humid.
                Why is it so dark in here?
          20. v. (dynamic/lexical "be", especially in progressive tenses, conjugated non-suppletively in the present tense, see usage notes) To exist or behave in a certain way.
                "What do we do?" "We be ourselves.".
                Why is he being nice to me?
     1. n. A Mon-Khmer-speaking people of Laos and Thailand.
     2. conj. In order that.
           Eat your broccoli so you can have dessert.
     3. conj. With the result that; for that reason; therefore.
           I was hungry so I asked if there was any more food.
           He ate too much cake, so he fell ill.
           He wanted a book, so he went to the library.
           “I need to go to the bathroom.”―“So go!”
     4. conj. (archaic) Provided that; on condition that, as long as.
     5. adv. To the (explicitly stated) extent that.
           It was so hot outside that all the plants died.  He was so good, they hired him on the spot.
     6. adv. (informal) To the (implied) extent.
           I need a piece of cloth so long. = this long
     7. adv.          (informal) Very (positive clause).
                   He is so good!
     8. adv.          (informal) Very (negative clause).
                   It’s not so bad. i.e. it's acceptable
     9. adv.          (slang) Very much.
                   But I so want to see the Queen when she visits our town!  That is so not true!
     10. adv. In a particular manner.
           Place the napkin on the table just so. If that's what you mean, then say so; (or do so).
     11. adv. In the same manner or to the same extent as aforementioned; also.
           Just as you have the right to your free speech, so I have the right to mine.  Many people say she's the world's greatest athlete, but I don't think so.  "I can count backwards from on
     12. adv. (with as) To such an extent or degree; as.
           so far as;  so long as;  so much as
     13. adj. True, accurate.
           That is so.  You are responsible for this, is that not so?
     14. adj. In that state or manner; with that attribute. A proadjective that replaces the aforementioned adjective phrase.
     15. adj. (dated, UK, slang) Homosexual.
           Is he so?
     16. interj. Used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story.
           So, let's go home.
           So, what'll you have?
           So, there was this squirrel stuck in the chimney...
     17. interj. (Short for) so what.
           "You park your car in front of my house every morning." — "So?".
     18. interj. Used to connect previous conversation or events to the following question.
           So how does this story end?
           So, everyone wants to know - did you win the contest or not?
     19. interj. (archaic) Be as you are; stand still; (used especially to cows; also used by sailors.)
     20. pron. abbreviation of someone
     21. n. (music) A syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a major scale.
     22. n. (foods) A type of dairy product made in Japan between the seventh and 10th centuries.
     1. adj. Easily agitated or alarmed; edgy, on edge.
           Being in a crowd of strangers makes me nervous.
     2. adj. Apprehensive, anxious, hesitant, worried.
     3. adj. Relating to or affecting the nerves.
           the central nervous system
     4. adj. (archaic) Having nerves; nervose.
           a nervous leaf
     5. adj. (obsolete) Showing nervous strength; sinewy, vigorous.
     6. adj. (obsolete) Of a piece of writing: forceful, powerful.
     1. n. megayear
     2. pron. alternative case form of my often used when speaking as God or another important figure who is understood from context.
     3. det. First-person singular possessive determiner. See.
     4. det.          Belonging to me.
                    I can't find my book.
     5. det.          Associated with me.
                    My seat at the restaurant was uncomfortable.
                    Don't you know my name?
                    I recognised him because he had attended my school.
     6. det.          Related to me.
                    My parents won't let me go out tonight.
     7. det.          In the possession of me.
                    I have to take my books back to the library soon.
     8. interj. Used to express surprise, shock or amazement.
           My, what big teeth you have!
     1. n. An organ in animals that stores food in the process of digestion.
     2. n. (informal) The belly.
     3. n. (obsolete) Pride, haughtiness.
     4. n. (obsolete) Appetite.
           a good stomach for roast beef
     5. n. (figuratively) Desire, appetite (for something abstract).
           I have no stomach for a fight today.
     6. v. To tolerate (something), emotionally, physically, or mentally; to stand or handle something.
           I really can’t stomach jobs involving that much paperwork, but some people seem to tolerate them.
           I can't stomach her cooking.
     7. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To be angry.
     8. v. (obsolete, transitive) To resent; to remember with anger; to dislike.
     1. v. first-person singular past of be.
     2. v. third-person singular past of be.
          1. v. (intransitive, now literary) To exist; to have real existence.
          2. v. (with there, or dialectally it, as dummy subject) To exist.
                There is just one woman in town who can help us. (or, dialectally:) It is just one woman in town who can help us.
          3. v. (intransitive) To occupy a place.
                The cup is on the table.
          4. v. (intransitive) To occur, to take place.
                When will the meeting be?
          5. v. (intransitive, in perfect tenses, without predicate) Elliptical form of "be here", "go to and return from" or similar.
                The postman has been today, but my tickets have still not yet come.
                I have been to Spain many times.
                Moscow, huh? I've never been, but it sounds fascinating.
          6. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject and object are the same.
                Knowledge is bliss.
                Hi, I’m Jim.
          7. v. (transitive, copulative, mathematics) Used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same.
                3 times 5 is fifteen.
          8. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal.
                François Mitterrand was president of France from 1981 to 1995.
          9. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it.
                The sky is blue.
          10. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase.
                The sky is a deep blue today.
          11. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the passive voice.
                The dog was drowned by the boy.
          12. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form the continuous forms of various tenses.
                The woman is walking.
                I shall be writing to you soon.
                We liked to chat while we were eating.
          13. v. (archaic, auxiliary) Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs, most of which indicate motion. Often still used for "to go".
          14. v. (transitive, auxiliary) Used to form future tenses, especially the future periphrastic.
                I am to leave tomorrow.
                I would drive you, were I to obtain a car.
          15. v. (transitive, copulative) Used to link a subject to a measurement.
                This building is three hundred years old.
                I am 75 kilograms.
                He’s about 6 feet tall.
          16. v. (transitive, copulative, with a cardinal numeral) Used to state the age of a subject in years.
                I’m 20. (= I am 20 years old.)
          17. v. (with a dummy subject) it Used to indicate the time of day.
                It is almost eight. (= It is almost eight o’clock.)
                It’s 8:30 read eight-thirty in Tokyo.
                What time is it there? It’s night.
          18. v. (With since) Used to indicate passage of time since the occurrence of an event.
                It has been three years since my grandmother died. (similar to My grandmother died three years ago, but emphasizes the intervening period)
                It had been six days since his departure, when I received a letter from him.
          19. v. (often, impersonal, with it as a dummy subject) Used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like.
                It is hot in Arizona, but it is not usually humid.
                Why is it so dark in here?
          20. v. (dynamic/lexical "be", especially in progressive tenses, conjugated non-suppletively in the present tense, see usage notes) To exist or behave in a certain way.
                "What do we do?" "We be ourselves.".
                Why is he being nice to me?
     1. v. present participle of churn
     2. n. The act by which something is churned.
     3. n. The quantity of butter prepared (by churning) at one time.
          1. v. To agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion; generally applies to liquids, notably cream.
                Now the cream is churned to make butter.
                no-churn ice cream
          2. v. (transitive, figuratively) To produce excessive and sometimes undesirable or unproductive activity or motion.
          3. v. (intransitive) To move rapidly and repetitively with a rocking motion; to tumble, mix or shake.
                I was so nervous my stomach was churning.
          4. v. (informal, travel, aviation) To repeatedly cancel and rebook a reservation in order to refresh ticket time limits or other fare rule restrictions.
          5. n. A vessel used for churning, especially for producing butter.
                a butter churn
          6. n. (telecommunications) The time when a consumer switches his/her service provider.
          7. n. (telecommunications) The mass of people who are ready to switch carriers.
          8. n. Cyclic activity that achieves nothing.
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