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English Sentence Analyser

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     1. prep. (obsolete, outside, Scotland) Outside of.
           Away but the hoose and tell me whae's there.
     2. prep. Apart from, except (for), excluding.
           Everyone but Father left early.
           I like everything but that.
           Nobody answered the door when I knocked, so I had no choice but to leave.
     3. adv. Merely, only, just.
     4. adv. (Australian, conjunctive) Though, however.
           I'll have to go home early but.
     5. adv. Used as an intensifier.
           Nobody, but nobody, crosses me and gets away with it.
     6. conj. (following a negative clause or sentence) On the contrary, but rather (introducing a word or clause that contrasts with or contradicts the preceding clause or sentence without the negation).
           I am not rich but (I am) poor;  not John but Peter went there.
     7. conj. However, although, nevertheless, on the other hand (implies that the following clause is contrary to prior belief or contrasts with or contradicts the preceding clause or sentence).
           She is very old but still attractive.
           You told me I could do that, but she said that I could not.
     8. conj. Except that (introducing a subordinate clause which qualifies a negative statement); also, with omission of the subject of the subordinate clause, acting as a negative relative, "except one that", "ex
           I cannot but feel offended.
     9. conj. (archaic) Without its also being the case that; unless that (introducing a necessary concomitant).
           It never rains but it pours.
     10. conj. (obsolete) Except with; unless with; without.
     11. conj. (obsolete) Only; solely; merely.
     12. conj. (obsolete) Until.
     13. n. An instance or example of using the word "but".
           It has to be done – no ifs or buts.
     14. n. (Scotland) The outer room of a small two-room cottage.
     15. n. A limit; a boundary.
     16. n. The end; especially the larger or thicker end, or the blunt, in distinction from the sharp, end; the butt.
     17. v. (archaic) Use the word "but".
           But me no buts.
     1. pron. honoraltcaps, he
           I love the Lord for He is Great and Holy.
     2. pron. (personal) A male person or animal already known or implied.
     3. pron. (personal, sometimes proscribed, see usage notes) A person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant.
           The rulebook clearly states that "if any student is caught cheating, he will be expelled", and you were caught cheating, were you not, Anna?
     4. pron. (personal) An animal whose gender is unknown.
     5. n. The game of tag, or it, in which the player attempting to catch the others is called "he".
     6. n. (informal) A male.
           Alex totally is a he.
     7. n. The name of the fifth letter of many Semitic alphabets (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic and others).
     1. v. As a past-tense form of will.:
     2. v.          (obsolete) Wished, desired (something).
     3. v.          (archaic) Wanted to ( + bare infinitive).
     4. v.          Used to; was or were habitually accustomed to ( + bare infinitive); indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly.
     5. v.          Used with bare infinitive to form the "anterior future", indicating a futurity relative to a past time.
     6. v.          (archaic) Used with ellipsis of the infinitive verb, or postponement to a relative clause, in various senses.
     7. v.          Was determined to; loosely, could naturally have been expected to (given the tendencies of someone's character etc.).
     8. v. As a modal verb, the subjunctive of will.:
     9. v.          Used to give a conditional or potential "softening" to the present; might, might wish.
     10. v.          Used as the auxiliary of the simple conditional modality (with a bare infinitive); indicating an action or state that is conditional on another.
     11. v.          (chiefly archaic) Might wish ( + verb in past subjunctive); often used in the first person (with or without that) in the sense of "if only".
     12. v.          Used to impart a sense of hesitancy or uncertainty to the present; might be inclined to. Now sometimes colloquially with ironic effect.
     13. v.          Used interrogatively to express a polite request; are (you) willing to …?
                   Would you pass the salt, please?
     14. v.          (chiefly archaic, transitive, or control verb) Might desire; wish (something).
     15. n. Something that would happen, or would be the case, under different circumstances; a potentiality.
          1. v. (rare, transitive) To wish, desire (something).
                Do what you will.
          2. v. (rare, intransitive) To wish or desire (that something happen); to intend (that).
          3. v. (auxiliary) To habitually do (a given action).
          4. v. (auxiliary) To choose to (do something), used to express intention but without any temporal connotations (+ bare infinitive).
          5. v. (auxiliary) Used to express the future tense, sometimes with some implication of volition when used in the first person. Compare shall.
          6. v. (auxiliary) To be able to, to have the capacity to.
                Unfortunately, only one of these gloves will actually fit over my hand.
          7. n. One's independent faculty of choice; the ability to be able to exercise one's choice or intention.
                Of course, man's will is often regulated by his reason.
          8. n. One's intention or decision; someone's orders or commands.
                Eventually I submitted to my parents' will.
          9. n. The act of choosing to do something; a person’s conscious intent or volition.
                Most creatures have a will to live.
          10. n. (law) A formal declaration of one's intent concerning the disposal of one's property and holdings after death; the legal document stating such wishes.
          11. n. (archaic) That which is desired; one's wish.
          12. n. (archaic) Desire, longing. (Now generally merged with later senses.)
                He felt a great will to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
          13. v. (archaic) To wish, desire.
          14. v. (transitive, intransitive) To instruct (that something be done) in one's will.
          15. v. To try to make (something) happen by using one's will (intention).
                All the fans were willing their team to win the game.
          16. v. To bequeath (something) to someone in one's will (legal document).
                He willed his stamp collection to the local museum.
     1. v. (transitive, obsolete, except in Scots) To use; enjoy; have the full employment of.
     2. v. (transitive, obsolete) To earn; deserve.
     3. v. To bear; endure; support; put up with; tolerate (usually used in the negative, with an abstract noun as object).
           I will not brook any disobedience.   I will brook no refusal.   I will brook no impertinence.
     4. n. A body of running water smaller than a river; a small stream.
     5. n. (Sussex, Kent) A water meadow.
     6. n. (Sussex, Kent, in the plural) Low, marshy ground.
     1. adv. (archaic) Alternative form of No.
     2. n. Alternative form of No.
     3. n. Alternative form of Noh: a form of classical Japanese drama.
     4. det. Not any.
           no one
           There is no water left.
           No hot dogs were sold yesterday.
           No customer personal data will be retained unless it is rendered anonymous.
           There was no score at the end of the first period. (The score was 0-0.)
     5. det. Hardly any.
           We'll be finished in no time at all.
     6. det. Not any possibility or allowance of (doing something).
           No smoking
           There's no stopping her once she gets going.
     7. det. Not (a); not properly, not really; not fully.
           My mother's no fool.
           Working nine to five every day is no life.
     8. adv. (now only used with comparatives, except in Scotland) Not, not at all.
           It is a different kind of torture, but no less gruesome.
           I just want to find out whether she's coming or no.
     9. part. Used to show disagreement or negation.
           No, you are mistaken.
           No, you may not watch television now.
     10. part. Used to show agreement with a negative question.
           "Don’t you like milk?" "No" (i.e., "No, I don’t like milk.")
     11. part. (colloquial) As if to say, "No, don’t doubt this!", or to deny an imagined contradictory statement, used to show intense agreement
           No, totally.
           No, yeah, that's exactly right.
           "Wow!" "Yeah, no, it was really awful!".
           No, yeah
     12. n. A negating expression; an answer that shows disagreement or disapproval.
     13. n. A vote not in favor, or opposing a proposition.
           The workers voted on whether to strike, and there were thirty "yeses" and one "no".
     14. adv. (archaic) Alternative form of No.
     15. n. Alternative form of No.
     1. n. The action of opposing or of being in conflict.
     2. n. An opposite or contrasting position.
     3. n. (astronomy) The apparent relative position of two celestial bodies when one is at an angle of 180 degrees from the other as seen from the Earth.
     4. n. (politics) A political party or movement opposed to the party or government in power.
     5. n. (legal) In United States intellectual property law, a proceeding in which an interested party seeks to prevent the registration of a trademark or patent.
     6. n. (chess) A position in which the player on the move must yield with his king allowing his opponent to advance with his own king.
     7. n. (logic) The difference of quantity or quality between two propositions having the same subject and predicate.
     1. adv. (temporal location) At that time.
           He was happy then.
     2. adv. (temporal location) Soon afterward.
           He fixed it, then left.
           Turn left, then right, then right again, then keep going until you reach the service station.
     3. adv. (sequence) Next in order; in addition.
           There are three green ones, then a blue one.
     4. adv. (conjunctive) In that case.
           If it’s locked, then we’ll need the key.
           Is it 12 o'clock already? Then it's time for me to leave.
           You don't like potatoes? What do you want me to cook, then?
     5. adv. (sequence) At the same time; on the other hand.
           That’s a nice shirt, but then, so is the other one.
     6. adv. (dialect) Used to contradict an assertion.
     7. adj. Being so at that time.
     8. n. That time
           It will be finished before then.
     1. n. plural of A
           She went from getting Cs and Ds to earning straight As.
     2. adv. To such an extent or degree.
           You’re not as tall as I am.
           It's not as well made, but it's twice as expensive.
     3. adv. In the manner or role specified.
           The kidnappers released him as agreed.
           The parties were seen as agreeing on a range of issues.
           He was never seen as the boss, but rather as a friend.
     4. adv. (dated) For example (compare such as).
     5. conj. In the same way that; according to what.
           Do as I say!
           I'm under a lot of pressure, as you know.
           As you wish, my lord!
     6. conj. At the same instant that; when.
           As I came in, she flew.
     7. conj. At the same time that; while.
           He sleeps as the rain falls.
     8. conj. Varying through time in the same proportion that.
           As my fear grew, so did my legs become heavy.
     9. conj. Being that, considering that, because, since.
           As it’s too late, I quit.
     10. conj. Introducing a basis of comparison, after as, so, or a comparison of equality.
           She's twice as strong as I was two years ago.
           It's not so complicated as I expected.
     11. conj. (dated) Introducing a comparison with a hypothetical state (+ subjunctive); ‘as though’, ‘as if’.
     12. conj. Introducing a comparison with a hypothetical state with the verb elided; as if, as though.
     13. conj. (now England, US, regional) Functioning as a relative conjunction; that.
     14. conj. Expressing concession; though.
     15. conj. (obsolete, rare) Than.
     16. prep. Introducing a basis of comparison, with an object in the objective case.
           You are not as tall as me.
           They're big as houses.
     17. prep. In the role of.
           What is your opinion as a parent?
     18. n. (unit of weight) A libra.
     19. n. Any of several coins of Rome, coined in bronze or later copper; or the equivalent value.
     20. n. plural of a
     1. adj. Present; current.
     2. adj. (archaic, legal) At the time the will is written. Used in order to prevent any inheritance from being transferred to a person of a future marriage. Does not indicate the existence of a previous marria
           Now wife.
     3. adj. (informal) Fashionable; popular; up to date; current.
           I think this band's sound is very now.
     4. adv. At the present time.
           Now I am six.
     5. adv. (sentence) Used to introduce a point, a remonstration or a rebuke.
           Now, we all want what is best for our children.   Now, stop that Jimmy!
     6. adv. Differently from the immediate past; differently from a more remote past or a possible future; differently from all other times.
           Now I am ready.   We all now want the latest toys for our children.   We all want what is now best for our children.
     7. adv. Differently from the situation before a stated event or change of circumstance.
           Now all the children have grown up and left, the house is very quiet.   Now that my sister has gotten rid of their cat, we can go to her house this coming Thanksgiving.
     8. adv. At the time reached within a narration.
           Now, he remembered why he had come.   He now asked her whether she had made pudding.   The pudding was now ready to be served.
     9. adv. In the context of urgency.
           Now listen, we must do something about this.
     10. adv. (obsolete) As 'but now': Very recently; not long ago; up to the present.
     11. conj. Since, because, in light of the fact; often with that.
           We can play football now that the rain has stopped.
           Now that you mention it, I am kind of hungry.
           Now that we're all here, let's start the meeting. = Let's start the meeting now that everyone's here.
     12. interj. Indicates a signal to begin.
           Now! Fire all we've got while the enemy is in reach!
     13. n. The present time.
           Now is the right time.
           There is no better time than now.
     14. n.          (often, with "the") The state of not paying attention to the future or the past.
                    She is living in the now.
     15. n.          (chiefly in phenomenology) A particular instant in time, as perceived at that instant.
     16. v. misspelling of know
           I don't now. (intended: I don't know.)
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